Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Oct 4, 2012 at 1:18 AM Post #11,057 of 24,686
Room in Rome - 2/10
Basically a lesbian porno flick. No plot until halfway through the movie, dialog is poorly written, and the rest is sex scenes. 
The entire film is one set and the 2 women pretty much walk around it naked 95% of the time. Really, really stupid. 
My 'tries way too hard to make you aware she's a lesbian' room mate put it on when she begged my girlfriend and I to spend some time with her. Awkward.
Oct 4, 2012 at 1:31 AM Post #11,059 of 24,686
Why only a 6?

I'm biased towards films that plays with time travel and killings/assassinations.   I've never given anything over that score with that theme combination, mainly because it's too predictable.  I found it mildly entertaining.
I would give it a 5, but Bruce Willis comes on true form when he gets the guns in his hands and goes down blazing.  Also, my previous posts of other films depicting murders of children will always loose a point or two on my scale.  I don't care how desensitize society gets on the subject, it's not necessary in any story.  Some may understand where I'm coming from based on common ground; others, maybe later in his/her life.
Oct 4, 2012 at 2:04 AM Post #11,060 of 24,686
My 'tries way too hard to make you aware she's a lesbian' room mate put it on when she begged my girlfriend and I to spend some time with her. Awkward.

Sounds rough

Oct 4, 2012 at 3:47 AM Post #11,061 of 24,686
Just finished up this one....it's predictable for the most part, but I liked the cast so I gave it a shot. Not a great film by any means, but due to the short running time I'd say I enjoyed it. Id give it about a 6.8/10

Oct 4, 2012 at 11:27 AM Post #11,063 of 24,686
^  Yeesh.  
Warhorse, this movie's turning out to be difficult to watch.  I've watched it in 3 parts so far, and I'm only up to the middle.  It's filled with unrealistic, angsty, delicate male characters with an attraction to ponies.
4/10 so far.
Oct 4, 2012 at 4:46 PM Post #11,066 of 24,686
I'm biased towards films that plays with time travel and killings/assassinations.   I've never given anything over that score with that theme combination, mainly because it's too predictable.  I found it mildly entertaining.
I would give it a 5, but Bruce Willis comes on true form when he gets the guns in his hands and goes down blazing.  Also, my previous posts of other films depicting murders of children will always loose a point or two on my scale.  I don't care how desensitize society gets on the subject, it's not necessary in any story.  Some may understand where I'm coming from based on common ground; others, maybe later in his/her life.

Have you seen Battle Royale or The Untold Story? To me those pushed my limits of what's acceptable. The Untold Story made me hate the director and everyone involved with it. It's unwatchable garbage.
The thing about Looper is that it makes you think about such things and if it's right or wrong.
For example, if you could go back in time and kill Hitler when he was a kid and save 6,000,000 jews, would you? I guess if he was an adult it would somehow be more acceptable. I'm not going to answer that, but I bet some people might.
Who knows also how bad "The Rainmaker" really was. In the local news on a TV it appears that he had destroyed entire city blocks. Possibly killing hundreds or thousands.

I know this doesn't make it right and I'm not saying it is. I do understand one of the kids was totally innocent. It kind of bothered me more on the 2nd viewing.
BTW I saw Looper a 2nd time today. There's a few things I didn't notice the first time around. Pretty big things that most people might overlook. Somehow I missed the TV news report in the background about the Rainmaker and one part involving a watch. There's a guy from The Office in the movie and I still can't find him!!
Oh yeah..what bothers me more than anything in the Looper are the movies involving demon possessed kids or child vampires. What the heck...then they market them towards actual children!
Oct 5, 2012 at 2:08 AM Post #11,067 of 24,686
I don't know if my posts are disappearing or what, but anyway....I mentioned a couple days ago that I was watching this Indy film:

It has a very interesting premise where the main character writes suicide notes for clients to help them have something to leave behind that isn't so "I can't take it anymore!!!!", but more of an artistic expression. The cast is very interesting, with Winona Ryder and Ray Romano in supporting roles. I just finished it tonight and I have to say even though it was somewhat slow during the first half, the 2nd half was quite good. Overall I'd say it's about a 7.3/10. Not a great film, but if you like movies that are "different" and non-formulaic, then it might be worth a look. 
Oct 9, 2012 at 4:34 AM Post #11,069 of 24,686

Escape From New York meets The Rock in outer space. Snake Pliskin goes to an Arkham Asylum that happens to be in shallow orbit, where all the prisoners are in The Matrix and Guy Pierce's snappy one-liners rule the eschatological reality. It wasn't that deep but it was a highly enjoyable popcorn flick, 7.5/10
Oct 9, 2012 at 4:37 AM Post #11,070 of 24,686
Focker said:

Dark Shadows = 7.0/10

HA...............Just saw it. 7 out of 10 too. Looks slick though! Seeing Alice Cooper sing was such a blast!

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