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Jun 1, 2012 at 12:36 PM Post #10,261 of 24,686
Safe 2012 10/10

Jun 1, 2012 at 1:29 PM Post #10,262 of 24,686
Jun 1, 2012 at 1:42 PM Post #10,263 of 24,686
Drive - 8/10
Soundtrack was amazing. Will be picking it up soon. Love Kavinsky. Loved the whole 80s vibe in the film. Some great action scenes. Little more brutal than I expected it to be. Ended a little abruptly. Good watch.
Next up: Red State
Jun 1, 2012 at 1:59 PM Post #10,264 of 24,686
Forks over Knives - 9.25/10
I love a good documentary on the food industry. Some favorites are "King Corn" and "The Truth About Farmer John".
I actually skipped this one because I felt it would try too hard to preach to me about how meat is murder and animal products are the devil. It does not.
Serious carnivores might  just pass off this stuff as non-sense, but a diet as suggested in this movie might be worth considering for some.
All of it makes perfect sense for me.
I've been a vegetarian for about 4-5 years now and find it stupid easy. However I still eat eggs (very rarely), cheese and milk. I think my problem is that I often get into a bad habit of eating too much highly processed foods.
When I get into my weight lifting routine, this seems to be the case much less. For that I generally eat as simply as possible.
Basically this movie promotes a plant based whole food diet that's free of oil, animal protein, milk, cheese and highly processed food items such as white flour/bread, pasta.
I was pretty impressed with this movie and it seems to back a lot of what's said in the movie with actual research (even more so in the book).
Thinking of going without bread and dairy just makes me sad. Bread would be so hard to give up.
My suggestion is to just watch this movie and then do your own research.
NOTE: This is free on Amazon instant video with Amazon Prime!!
Jun 1, 2012 at 3:22 PM Post #10,265 of 24,686
4+/5. Was afraid of this movie being a prequel to alien (yes it´s) but when I left I felt it was money well spent.
Not sure how well it will stand for those not familiar with the franchise though.
Jun 1, 2012 at 3:29 PM Post #10,266 of 24,686
Drive - 8/10

Soundtrack was amazing. Will be picking it up soon. Love Kavinsky. Loved the whole 80s vibe in the film. Some great action scenes. Little more brutal than I expected it to be. Ended a little abruptly. Good watch.

Next up: Red State

If you enjoyed drive you should check out Bronson. Same music/cinematic vibe since its the same director and I think overall better than drive. Tom hardy is amazing in it. I highly recommend it.
Jun 1, 2012 at 9:41 PM Post #10,268 of 24,686
Forks over Knives - 9.25/10
I love a good documentary on the food industry. Some favorites are "King Corn" and "The Truth About Farmer John".
I actually skipped this one because I felt it would try too hard to preach to me about how meat is murder and animal products are the devil. It does not.
Serious carnivores might  just pass off this stuff as non-sense, but a diet as suggested in this movie might be worth considering for some.
All of it makes perfect sense for me.
I've been a vegetarian for about 4-5 years now and find it stupid easy. However I still eat eggs (very rarely), cheese and milk. I think my problem is that I often get into a bad habit of eating too much highly processed foods.
When I get into my weight lifting routine, this seems to be the case much less. For that I generally eat as simply as possible.
Basically this movie promotes a plant based whole food diet that's free of oil, animal protein, milk, cheese and highly processed food items such as white flour/bread, pasta.
I was pretty impressed with this movie and it seems to back a lot of what's said in the movie with actual research (even more so in the book).
Thinking of going without bread and dairy just makes me sad. Bread would be so hard to give up.
My suggestion is to just watch this movie and then do your own research.
NOTE: This is free on Amazon instant video with Amazon Prime!!

Totally agree on this one (can't recall what I rated it many months ago, but I'd also recommend it).  I've been vegetarian, in the past, for years at time, but am not at present.  The content of this film is definitely worthy of consideration though I don't think it's necessarily for everyone to be so extreme.  I do personally know two people in their 60's who've had heart attacks and subsequently saved their lives with the very diet this film is promoting.  I have no doubt of this.  One of them is one of my oldest friends and he ate poorly most of his life and smoked a pack a day for probably half his life.  He was overweight and out of shape when he had his heart attack, as he had been for decades before.  His story is truly amazing, but I'll keep it brief: two stents put in with the option of either two more or bypass surgery in two months time.  Two months later he'd dropped 40 lbs and somehow the two blocked arteries had cleared. The doctors were astounded.  It was entirely the diet and exercise (very moderate) that he'd begun shortly after his heart attack.  Definitely worth some very serious consideration if you or someone you know are facing that kind of situation, or there is a history of heart problems in your family. The movie, by the way, was not out at that time my friend had his heart attack.  He did frantic research into cardiologists that were getting results and the one he followed the advice of is featured as a formative researcher for the approach this film suggests.  I believe he is in the film as well.  My friend has maintained the diet and his amazing health, has been taken off of blood thinners, and is down to a weight of his youth some 60 lbs less than when he had his heart attack.  He feels great and has had no recurring symptoms in over four years.  My other friend found the same answers entirely independently of knowing the other, and has enjoyed much the same health and success in treating his heart issues with diet.  He's also lost a significant amount of weight and feels great.  
Another documentary you might enjoy, in the same "extreme" food group, as it were: Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.  Again, an extreme, not for everyone, but a good film and the content is worth consideration.  Both films are food for thought (pardon the pun).
Jun 2, 2012 at 12:47 PM Post #10,269 of 24,686
Men in Black 3 - 9/10
Best movie of the series as long as you've seen the others. Everyone did a great job. Comedy is there but it also gets a bit serious in some parts. Overall just a really fun movie.
Jun 2, 2012 at 2:06 PM Post #10,270 of 24,686
Hard to not do better then Michael Bay. I may see it I enjoyed the first one a lot :)
Jun 3, 2012 at 4:09 PM Post #10,272 of 24,686
i had a terrible weekend for movies, i went and saw Snow White and the Huntsmen. and while it was a solid idea, the execution was complete garbage.
and i also rented The Woman in Black, which was also not good at all...
shoulda just seen the Avengers again...at least i watched Inception too to wash the taste of those terrible movies out of my eyes
Jun 3, 2012 at 4:18 PM Post #10,273 of 24,686
Really unfortunate Snow White was bad. I wanted to see it but saw MIB 3 instead. Guess that was the right choice. Totally want to see The Avengers again though. Watched Captain America, Thor and Iron Man 2 again in the last 3 days.
Oh, by the way.
Captain America - 8/10
Thor - 7/10
IM 2 - 9/10
i had a terrible weekend for movies, i went and saw Snow White and the Huntsmen. and while it was a solid idea, the execution was complete garbage.
and i also rented The Woman in Black, which was also not good at all...
shoulda just seen the Avengers again...at least i watched Inception too to wash the taste of those terrible movies out of my eyes

Jun 3, 2012 at 8:30 PM Post #10,275 of 24,686
Snow White and the Huntsman - 7/10.  The whole 7 on the scale is carried by the beautiful Charlize Theron.  As usual, her performance is mesmerizing.  I had flashbacks of her in "Monster" with her performance.  I thought it had a great story line and the key points of the fairy tale is executed, but on a more mature level. 
However, it's Snow White's performance that lacked.  I think Kristen Stewart was just OK as her acting skills obviously hasn't matured.  A different cast may have risen the score to a 8.  She's pretty in a girl next door way, but not very fairest to top or equal Charlize.

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