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Dec 5, 2011 at 9:02 PM Post #9,227 of 24,686
I really got into The Fountain upon first viewing, It's one of my favorite movies. I have seen it a couple of more times since and still enjoy it. Need to give it another viewing soon.
Dec 5, 2011 at 9:29 PM Post #9,228 of 24,686

Mother - 8/10
Enjoyed it.

Now you just need to watch "Poetry", which I found even better and similar.
It's best if you don't watch it's trailer first.

Dec 5, 2011 at 11:06 PM Post #9,230 of 24,686
Our Idiot Brother - 5/10
Feels like some soap opera written by a hippie tree-hugger. Seems like the most pointless movie in the world and nearly caused me physical pain. Too bad it wasn't that funny. I laughed at one scene. It was the scene directly after a "threesome". Guy felt all bad about "something" he did (or didn't do). Don't ask me why this was funny. Too many borrowed ideas from other movies. Paul Rudd really needs to get better at acting. None of the acting was really that good in this movie. Kind of felt like a chore getting through this one. I think it's safe to say that only 25% of the scenes in this movie were any good.
I suggest watching "Greenburg" or "The Kids are Allright" instead.
Transformers 3 - ??/10
I got about 1 hour into this and couldn't take this stupidity any more. I hope they fire Michael Bay and replace him with Neill Blomkamp or something. Of course they'll never fire Bay since he makes the studios big bucks.
Dec 5, 2011 at 11:50 PM Post #9,231 of 24,686
Transformers 3 - ??/10
I got about 1 hour into this and couldn't take this stupidity any more. I hope they fire Michael Bay and replace him with Neill Blomkamp or something. Of course they'll never fire Bay since he makes the studios big bucks.

I gave it a generous 2/4 Netflix stars, but it was utterly forgettable and annoying; I looked it up in Wikipedia because I couldn't even remember watching it and found some interesting tidbits, including the fact that it made well over a BILLION dollar$:
"Roger Ebert gave the film one out of four stars, calling it "a visually ugly film with an incoherent plot, wooden characters and inane dialog. It provided me with one of the more unpleasant experiences I've had at the movies." Richard Roeper likewise panned the film, giving it a D and saying that "rarely has a movie had less of a soul and less interesting characters."
Transformers: Dark of the Moon grossed $352,390,543 in North America, and $770,805,646 in other territories, for a worldwide total of $1,123,196,189. It is the highest-grossing film of the franchise. It is also the second highest-grossing film of 2011 worldwide...
...some elements of the film were deliberate self-references to Michael Bay's own sense of under-appreciation after the backlash to the second film: "After a few hours of seeing Shia get dissed, overlooked and mistreated, the message becomes clear: Shia, as always, is a stand-in for Michael Bay. And Bay is showing us just what it felt like to deal with the ocean of Haterade—the snarking, the Razzie Award, the mean reviews..."

Dec 6, 2011 at 3:00 AM Post #9,232 of 24,686
My first viewing of The Fountain left a pretty ambivalent attitude probably due to information overload. It wasn't till the second that the structure of the story started to unfold more clearly. I already sent the disc back, but can't wait to get it again in a month or so.
Dec 6, 2011 at 5:40 PM Post #9,237 of 24,686
Source code is at least a 6/10 considering all the times you get to watch Jake Gyllenhaal die over and over again!
Dec 7, 2011 at 8:27 AM Post #9,239 of 24,686
rise of the planet of the apes  :  6.5/10
nice movie,they could not do much better because the previous version,but with what they could work with,they have done a nice story,a little sad story about our species,especially of how we suppose we should thing about other species of our planet.
super 8 :  8.5/10
i think spielberg got it this time!!!
waiting to see the full version (very hard to find atm) of the human centipede 2 sequence,iv downloaded the semi-cutted version but didt saw because some weird,blooding,psycho scene were already cutted ,waiting the real one ,even i should wait a whole year.

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