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Jan 27, 2024 at 11:22 AM Post #24,558 of 24,686
Dave Disney + 2020

ok what could be right about a 20 something semi neurotic white Jewish guy breaking into the hip hop rap business. Well frigging everything. Break out the stash for a ride dancing the boundaries of cultural appropriation, parody, and legit (?) music stylings from tic tok sensation, somebody suck me! 4 puffs for constant laughs if not semi shock that yes, even a milking board is funny as crap.
Jan 27, 2024 at 12:55 PM Post #24,560 of 24,686
PS Anyone remember Palm Pilots? I believe those came out around the same time as the Blackberry devices, but not sure.

I didn't have a Palm Pilot but my first smartphone was the Palm Treo! People used to ask me "why do you need a phone that can do so many things?", and look where we are now.

Anyway, regarding movies, I saw "Brazil" finally! 9/10

I absolutely loved the attention to detail and creativity oozing through every moment of this movie. Gonna have to see it again.
Jan 31, 2024 at 12:20 AM Post #24,563 of 24,686
Didn't know Mann attempted at making Heat earlier in his career. 'Heat' is such a a brilliantly made film. The shots are just amazing. Just amazing action sequences, especially at the end with the shootouts. The way it's shot is just amazing.

I see why the cinematography seemed so similar.

After being all hyped on Mann, I made the mistake of seeing -

The Last of the Mohicans - 6/10

I'm not sure how I sat through this movie the entire time. Some 90's movies do not age well, and this is one of them. Too cliche for my liking. I like the music, but overyplayed way too much. Same melody comes up all the time. Didn't care for the romance.

I think though, movies about American Indians in action is an under tapped area. Would luv to see moves of Indians in action. I think some cool stuff can come off it.

Just goes to show, not all Mann's movies are a work of art. lol

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Feb 4, 2024 at 12:45 AM Post #24,564 of 24,686
The Postman - 1997.

I rate it 5 stars out of five. Story, soundtrack, characters, sci fi concept, unforgettable pure evil (but also pure human) villain, there's a hefty handful of things to enjoy about this movie, and it's so difficult for me to understand why some folks don't.

It's about 3 hours long, and I've watched it 3 times in the last two weeks, and enjoyed it about 3 times more than every modern sci fi movie I've seen. The Postman is deeper, darker, brighter, realer, rawer, and pretty much every other adjective I want from a post apocalyptic sci film than anything else you could watch. It's aged like a tube amp, which is to say that many of us will like it more than any of the giant-budget sci fi films coming out these days.

There is sex, drugs, and violence here, yet never once is any of it gratuitous, or superfluous to the core story and concept of the film. This movie goes HARD: an N-Bomb will be dropped one time, which we all know is far more intense than 5 wimpy little F-Bombs in a row. The Postman's incredible villain, Will Patton's racially motivated neo-fascist "General Bethlehem" scares us because we see parts of him in ourselves, because we imagine that his cold philosophy of absolute authority could actually indeed take hold and thrive in a world where law and order have been dissappeared as a result of war, famine and plague.

As audiophiles, we want certain key things fron an old movie: the dialogue has to never sound distorted and irritating, there's gotta be an epic orchestral score with good soundstaging in its recording, and then we also want some other types of music too for variety, like rock for example, especially if unique versions of the songs were created for the movie. The Postman has all that, and it's as awesome as you would hope.

Visually speaking, you can tell this is a Mid budget film as opposed to a big fat blockbuster, as it does have impressive moments, but ain't no Mad Max Fury Road. What's important is that this movie utilized its medium sized budget in an efficient, judicious manner, so that no particular setting or scene looks cheaper or less convincing than the rest of the film.

But what ultimately makes a post apocalyptic movie convincing or not is not the level of the production values, but the writing, the concept, the world building. The highest praise I can heap on The Postman is simply to say that I BELIEVED this 1997 movie in 2024, despite the fact it takes place in 2013. It's miles and miles away from "over the top." It's every bit as epic as Lord of the Rings, and not even 1/10th as depressing and nihilistic as Game of Thrones.

The Postman is mostly... people riding horses shooting... regular guns at each other. It is perhaps a weird Western more so than a typical sci fi movie. It's also way too long by normal movie standards (which I don't care about at all personally). To me the unusual length makes it feel more epic. You won't find a sci fi film more epic than The Postman, nor one as down to earth, nor one as uplifting, believable or heroic. This is a 5/5. This is pure, unadulterated 90s greatness. If you've never basked in the glory of top tier 90s cinema before, you'll be blown away I guarantee. They don't make em like this anymore, and you're gonna feel it in every frame.
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Feb 7, 2024 at 1:32 PM Post #24,565 of 24,686
Getting It Back: The Story of Cymande (Documentary) Release date: 16 February 2024 (UK)

They are the unsung heroes of hip hop, disco and a host of other genres, whose message of peace, love and funk sailed beyond Britain's shores and helped shape music for five decades. Long after they stopped playing, the music played on, so they returned to play some more.In the racially turbulent UK of the early 70s, a group of black musicians came together in South London with a common love of rhythms and a message of peace. Cymande – with the dove as their symbol – combined jazz, funk, soul and Caribbean grooves to form a unique sound. Despite success in the USA they faced indifference in their native Britain, becoming disillusioned and disbanding. But the music lived on, as new generations of artists imbibed and reworked their pioneering sounds in fresh ways. From Soul II Soul to De La Soul, MC Solaar to The Fugees, the Dove had spread Cymande's message far and wide, prompting their return after forty years. This is their story.

I've never heard of them (or can't remember). It should be interesting.
Feb 7, 2024 at 1:43 PM Post #24,566 of 24,686

Just saw this for the second time. And it was better than the first time I watched it, which is saying a lot because I loved it immediately. I love everything about this movie. 10/10

This is in "instant classic" territory for me, and I already consider it one of my favorite movies of all-time.
Feb 9, 2024 at 10:28 PM Post #24,567 of 24,686
The Tourist (Season 1) - 10/10
(Currently new on Netflix, previously on HBO)

Haven't seen a TV series this good in quite a long time. It's near perfect except for parts of one episode (one where a character accidentally consumes LSD).
It's a Suspense/Thriller, but also has a few funny parts, but not too many. There's a few great lines of dialogue where I couldn't stop laughing for nearly a minute.

Imagine a weird mix of Breakdown, Blood Simple and parts of the Fargo TV series.

What makes this show even better is it's characters. My favorite was by far that of Helen Chambers (played by Danielle MacDonald).
Then there is possibly one of the most evil bad guys i've seen on screen in awhile. The character of Billy Nixon.
He was the big guy with the cowboy hat and a shotgun. Sort of reminded me of the one from "No Country For Old Men".
Maybe some similarities to characters in Breakdown.

Then you've got the amazing scenery/cinematography. Reminds me of the films of nuri bilge ceylan where some shots look like one of the most amazing photographs you've ever seen.

Out of all it's characters, there is only person whose acting could have been slightly better. This is nit-picking though.
Nearly all of the acting is above average. Even all the smaller roles.
IMO Danielle's acting was the best and was like Oscar worthy. I need to watch her other TV shows.

PS the show overall is pretty graphic, but not excessively gory. One murder (in self defense) was so graphic it made me feel pins and needles all over my body lol. Some of the deaths are pretty shocking and come out of nowhere. Haven't seen that since "A Simple Plan". The bad guys are very evil and they don't glorify violence like in some American shows.

Feb 11, 2024 at 1:48 AM Post #24,568 of 24,686
Rael: The Alien Prophet - 7/10

It's good enough to watch all episodes, but I ended up being a bit disappointed.
This one is about a man who had seen a UFO and ended up forming his own religious movement.
It grew so much that they wanted to build their own compound to eventually invite the Aliens in.
Most of this was to be funded by his followers. Some of them gave 10% of their earnings, but I don't think it was required.
In their communes they had to get naked and hang around and do weird stuff to "free" themselves (I guess).
One of them was to stare at their own butts with a mirror. Don't ask me why.
Nowhere in the documentary is there any real substance as to things like their religious beliefs.
They were big on human cloning and started a project to make it happen. No spoilers here.
They received a massive ton of publicity when they were trying.

The most annoying thing here is that there is a lot of accusations from some former members.
Were they true? Did they investigate any of them? Is any of it true? I have no idea.

The prophet was like a sex addict though and had like 7 girlfriends who he supposedly slept with.
They would even perform all these weird silent rituals before him like he was some God.

I don't know what crimes he was guilty of, if any. He always fled and was never held accountable for any of them if it's true (AFAIK).

There is one thing I do believe though. If you came out and started your own new religious movement and had thousands of followers, you'd probably be labeled a cult.
Was this one? I think so. It's really amazing how thousands of people really believed he was a like a messiah. They could manipulate and brainwash them all so easily!

Some organized religious groups not labeled cults have done far far worse things and have been guilty of it.
All of them took millions of dollars from their followers and also pay no taxes.
Some of them even actively hid crimes from getting out into the media.

One documentary i'd suggest instead is "Wild Wild Country".
The leaders of that group were most definitely criminals I think.
I mean that's if you believe what the government has accused them of.
Most likely most the it's followers had no idea how bad the people were.

PS "Waco" is an awesome TV series too. It sort of portrays them all as victims though. In a way they were. So many people should not have died.
If you watch documentaries there is proof that members inside set the fires with gasoline.
I'm convinced though that the ones that stayed there until death would have never come out.

"The Jones Town" cult is the worst i've heard of. Apparently some of those people were forced to kill themselves and had no choice.
Feb 13, 2024 at 2:47 AM Post #24,569 of 24,686
Lover Stalker Killer -10/10

OMG. Hardly seems possible. This is the latest documentary from Netflix.
Woman stalks a guy after their first date and never lets up, but it gets worse and worse. Something out of a movie.
Makes this guy's life a complete nightmare and he eventually has to go to the police for help.
It sort of reminds me of that old TV show called "Cold Case Files".

Nature Boy - 7/10
Picked this at random since it was a new release. It's an ESPN documentary about a Pro Wrestler named Ric Flair.
I haven't watched Pro Wrestling since I was a kid and used to love it...somehow.
Back then we didn't know it was basically choreographed with the results predetermined.
It was also a lot less violent back then and any blood was incredibly rare. I don't think I could watch it these days.
Anyway, this one gave me some nostalgia. At 9 or 10 I used to wake up every Saturday morning to watch WCW.
My brother and I would always rent VHS tapes of Wrestlemania. To watch those live you'd have to rent a pay per view BOX.
We all thought the Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior championship was so suspenseful and so real. We were so fooled.
Feb 15, 2024 at 12:15 PM Post #24,570 of 24,686
The marvels Disney + 2023

yes it sucked. No ribbed tank nor cgi can save you from thinking, the toots didn’t help much. 2.75 out of 5.

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