Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Mar 24, 2017 at 7:47 AM Post #20,386 of 24,683
PS unrelated note, but I really miss watching "The Walking Dead". I boycotted the series (after season 7 episode 1), but am tempted to start watching every episode again for the 4th time!
There is just so much very memorable stuff in the entire series. My favorite characters were Dale, Glenn and Hershel. I've never liked any movie as much as I've liked that series.
I also hate horror movies too...strange. Best thing about it though is that it's like one huge 1000 hour movie.

You should give the comics a shot. It took me awhile to get into the format, because the only comic books I've read before were Donald Ducks, but once it clicked I found it to be much better than the tv show. The characters and the stuff that happens are also slightly different, so it remains fresh in that sense also.
Mar 24, 2017 at 11:57 AM Post #20,387 of 24,683
Going to watch life today. It´s an alien clone. Shameless clone the director himself says so. I am just curious if that can work out.
Mar 24, 2017 at 2:34 PM Post #20,388 of 24,683

The Werewolf - 6/10
Dime a dozen B movie from the mid 50s about a man injected with some kind of serum by unscrupulous scientists who turns into a wolf-man and goes on the rampage in a small town in North America. It reminded me a lot of The Vampire in that it combines the horror genre with nuclear sci-fi - radiation, mutation etc. - finding a fresh spin on the werewolf origin mythos. The Vampire probably wasn't a straight up rip off though; more likely just very typical of the era. The Werewolf is actually a slightly better film, with a stronger plot and characters, and charmingly naive transformation effects done through dissolves. It won't pull up any trees, but if you have a soft spot for these kind of films, it's worth a watch.
Mar 24, 2017 at 3:44 PM Post #20,389 of 24,683
Life! As expected pretty much seen it already. But dialogue is good, acting great but the suspense is gone because we know what will come next. Good ending though and worth a watch but don´t expect anything new.
7/10. The new alien remind me of my cat. She attacks me at every turn though thankfully holding back :wink:
Mar 24, 2017 at 5:10 PM Post #20,391 of 24,683
The Werewolf - 6/10
Dime a dozen B movie from the mid 50s about a man injected with some kind of serum by unscrupulous scientists who turns into a wolf-man and goes on the rampage in a small town in North America. It reminded me a lot of The Vampire in that it combines the horror genre with nuclear sci-fi - radiation, mutation etc. - finding a fresh spin on the werewolf origin mythos. The Vampire probably wasn't a straight up rip off though; more likely just very typical of the era. The Werewolf is actually a slightly better film, with a stronger plot and characters, and charmingly naive transformation effects done through dissolves. It won't pull up any trees, but if you have a soft spot for these kind of films, it's worth a watch.

Mentioned this before ( Ithink) but the absolute best take on WW Scifi is A Bertram Chandlers Frontier of the Dark. You owe it to yourself to give that a read. Personally I really think they should option it as the fourth in the Ginger Snaps franchise and make Ginger Snaps Forward out of it. If I ever run into Villeneuve in a pub again I'm gonna pitch that:)
Mar 25, 2017 at 10:36 PM Post #20,392 of 24,683
La La Land and Moonlight  3/10? somewhere around there anyways..
Don't understand the hype around either of these movies.  Both were boring, slow, not very creative, meh acting. 
Moonlight especially was just slow and boring.  They clearly put all their effort into checking every possible box - black cast, crackhead prostitute mother, bad neighborhood, gay, bullied, shy, prison, drug dealer... they forgot to actually make a good movie with any actual substance, and counted on no one having the guts to say it wasn't any good for fear of being called a racist, bigot, homophobe, etc... 
Mar 25, 2017 at 11:13 PM Post #20,393 of 24,683
The Jason Bourne movie. 6/10

Done to death. None of the sequels could come close to the original.

Where Matt Damon was brilliant acting as someone who knows nothing, a certain innocence in the character... But is actually a lethal weapon.

A love story where she must fall in love with him... She had no choice, because he was perfect.

The original was such a brilliant movie, I only saw it six months ago.
Mar 25, 2017 at 11:56 PM Post #20,394 of 24,683
The Jason Bourne movie. 6/10

Done to death. None of the sequels could come close to the original.

Where Matt Damon was brilliant acting as someone who knows nothing, a certain innocence in the character... But is actually a lethal weapon.

A love story where she must fall in love with him... She had no choice, because he was perfect.

The original was such a brilliant movie, I only saw it six months ago.

The original holds up so well, too...I get into it every time I come across it. Fantastic film. 
Mar 26, 2017 at 3:45 AM Post #20,395 of 24,683
I also have a thing for the first Bourne. same with The long kiss goodnight. it had that fresh innocent feel to it.
but then again I love actors transforming within the movie. not necessarily The Fly kind of transformation ^_^, but I always enjoy people à la Walter White, or movie tricks requiring some fun acting like in Face/Off. change is good, change is fun.
Mar 26, 2017 at 6:49 AM Post #20,396 of 24,683
  I also have a thing for the first Bourne. same with The long kiss goodnight. it had that fresh innocent feel to it.
but then again I love actors transforming within the movie. not necessarily The Fly kind of transformation ^_^, but I always enjoy people à la Walter White, or movie tricks requiring some fun acting like in Face/Off. change is good, change is fun.

Name-checked some of my favourite films in that paragraph.
 I too love a movie where the main characters undergo some kind of transformation over the course of the film - admittedly, being a horror fan, that usually involves a slow descent into insanity or abomination a la The Fly (one of my personal faves). Lots of great films out there that fit the character transformation bill, but one that sprung instantly to mind is Requiem For a Dream: a fantastic feelgood movie for the whole family!
Mar 26, 2017 at 9:26 AM Post #20,397 of 24,683
The Fly and Requiem for a dream is awesome feel good movies yes :)
Mar 26, 2017 at 3:18 PM Post #20,398 of 24,683
Blood of Dracula's Castle 1969

Another specific product made to fill the drive-in order. This low budget cash cow found itself making drive-in couples sit closer together.

A simple plot about a family of Vampires and the unfortunate few who gain contact with them. Filmed in color with the normal Al Adamson night-blue-filter "night-effect", we are lovingly gifted with multiple repeating stock edits, 1/2 second off delayed sound effects, and either simple or no film effects. How charming? Another example of great pacing and script. This is one of those films that feels classic upon first viewing, though I would guess most of the 1969 viewers had their eyes closed.

For all it has it all simply works (even today) with John Carradine adding much of the mood, maybe just by the tone of his voice.


So let's make a list here?

1. Rats
2. Spiders
3. Bongos ( yes.......Bongos!)
4. Bull Whips
5. A Hunchback
6. Vampires

As you can see the film has it all. 9-10
Mar 26, 2017 at 5:03 PM Post #20,399 of 24,683
"I Give it a Year" - had a few laughs, but otherwise just kind of stupid...Im only mentioning it because if you get the opportunity to see it just for the Stephen Merchant scenes, it's worth it. The guy is hilarious over about 5-10min of total screen time. 
Mar 26, 2017 at 8:24 PM Post #20,400 of 24,683
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII) [7.8/10]
Just kind of the same ol' in a new wrapper. The movie was definitely enjoyable, and probably funnier than it should have been, but in the end, it was a lot of face palms, "Oh come on!"'s and just flat out predictable, especially where they just couldn't help themselves rehashing the story for a new generation. Especially was when I went ""you will undo these restraints." in my most terrible english accent 5 seconds before it actually happened in the movie. I was kidding, the movie wasn't. Maybe the gravity of the original trilogy is just too much to overcome, or they felt they owed the fans something after the prequels. In the end, it ended up being just a decently fun movie floating in a pool of nostalgia. I'd say the biggest surprise of the movie was Mark Hamill getting second billing, only to be outdone by seeing "Stand-in for Mr. Hamill" later in the credits.
The movie just didn't have that same feeling that the original trilogy had. Something about it was off. Not bad, just not the same. They tried to do more of everything and ended up a parody of itself.
Other than that, the music was back to basics for John Williams, there was a terrible shortage of wipe transitions, and some of the 3D just felt out of place and almost cheap. 
I felt particular standouts were the supporting cast, especially Lupita Nyong'o as Maz and Oscar Isaac as Poe, which helped infuse the movie with the original feeling of warmth and camaraderie that was mostly missing throughout and otherwise seemed a bit forced through probably less than stellar dialogue.
In light of my getting caught up with the series and being able to re-assess the Episodes (mostly) outside of the reality distortion field, my revised ratings are as follows:
Episode I:      6.5/10 (Yea yea, i know =P)
Episode II:     2/10
Episode III:    6.8/10
Episode IV:    8.5/10
Episode V:     8.8/10
Episode VI:    8.3/10
Episode VII:   7.8/10
The Hateful Eight [7/10]
This was like watching actors try to act like they were in a cartoon, which mainly comes off this way due to injecting Tarantino dialogue into the setting. I almost just hit stop when I saw “The eighth film by Quentin Tarantino.” to be honest.
Really, there’s nothing new here and nothing that should have taken almost 3 hours. Pretty much the plot of an episode of Gunsmoke with Tarantino dialogue, *provocative* checklist and not-so-requisite gore. It was just drawn out for the sake of because I am, i suspect. At least the pacing was consistent which made it go by quicker than its runtime would suggest.
Kurt Russell and Jennifer Jason Leigh were fun to watch. Everyone else was doing their thing just fine. Walton Goggins was a clown, but it worked. The movie was well done and the score worked very well.
If you take away the setting, it’s pretty much just another one that becomes a parody of its history. A middle of the road good film, but nothing to write home about… nor really write on about.

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