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Dec 18, 2016 at 3:37 AM Post #19,996 of 24,690
  Easily the most watchable Star Wars effort since 1977

Still can't get past the fact you prefer A New Hope to Empire 

Dec 18, 2016 at 3:52 AM Post #19,997 of 24,690
Still can't get past the fact you prefer A New Hope to Empire 

Star Wars (New Hope is offensive to the film title, it belittles by dilution) broke new ground. Empire did not, but it did introduce the Treefrog Jedi master thus beginning the downward spiral of obnoxious puppet characters. Not to mention one of the worst directors ever to sit on a set. The only reason to watch Empire is to turn it off after 15 minutes.
Dec 18, 2016 at 3:59 AM Post #19,998 of 24,690
Star Wars (New Hope is offensive to the film title, it belittles by dilution) broke new ground. Empire did not, but it did introduce the Treefrog Jedi master thus beginning the downward spiral of obnoxious puppet characters. Not to mention one of the worst directors ever to sit on a set. The only reason to watch Empire is to turn it off after 15 minutes.

It might not have broken new ground, but it was a darker film with better plotting and pacing IMO. I don't think animatronic Yoda was a high point, granted, but most of the rest of the film I prefer. I guess this is one where we'll have to agree to differ.
Dec 18, 2016 at 4:09 AM Post #19,999 of 24,690
  Rogue One  (2016)    7.5/10
  Easily the most watchable Star Wars effort since 1977 and a welcome change (sort of) from the last 4 visual scrapfests.  Tropes galore here from the original and some homage that really works well in the vehicle. This one works by using not so well known talent in lead roles which allows the similar latitudes that gave the original it's legs. The martial arts angle I could do without but better that than mystic green treefrogs spouting Force teachings by speaking backwards or Rasta Aliens saving the day. No cute fuzzies here, you get a reprogrammed Imperial Droid instead which actually works well . He counters a lot of the previous messes and is no 3P0 by any means.
 I have to think that any of the series sequels or prequels are going to suffer from very similar plotlines. The formula is set long ago and how far can you really stray from it and have a working SW film? No one has explored that option and this film could have gone further down that road. As it is, it is significantly darker than most in plot if not execution. It ties up well with the original and the makeup on Leia and Tarkin should really get academy awards. I sincerely jumped, wondering how on earth they managed to resurrect Peter Cushing, it is eerie. Leia the same without the creepy bit, actually better than the original:) The only real gripe I have with the cast is Whittaker reprising his role from Battlefield Earth here, puzzling.
 The film to me, really appears as if the franchise holders were reluctant to give it the go ahead and starved it out in some budget areas. It just gives off the vibe of "we were going to go here with this scene but..." in a few instances. That could well just be editing errors and that would be consistent with some of the films jumpiness. More here than is needed to really get the exposition across.

I have to say, your posts - here and in F1 thread are always entertaining, mate 
Good to hear this though, to be honest I had lost interest in Disney's Star Wars mainly due to the plot of The Force Awakens. But seems like people are raving about Rogue One and claims it is more comparable to the original trilogy than the Sequels / TFA. Gonna see it tomorrow, hope I won't be disappointed..
Dec 18, 2016 at 7:18 AM Post #20,000 of 24,690
I saw Rogue One yesterday and have to agree that it is the best Star Wars since the originals. I liked Episode VII too, even though the plot was an obvious rehash.

On a different note, I bought the blu-ray collection of Episodes I-VI, and they have edited the original movies. They have added some weird stuff in them and in general they just seem off. My memories of the original trilogy are violated.
Dec 18, 2016 at 8:12 AM Post #20,001 of 24,690

I saw Rogue One yesterday and have to agree that it is the best Star Wars since the originals. I liked Episode VII too, even though the plot was an obvious rehash.

On a different note, I bought the blu-ray collection of Episodes I-VI, and they have edited the original movies. They have added some weird stuff in them and in general they just seem off. My memories of the original trilogy are violated.

It's worth tracking down the 'despecialized' editions of the original trilogy - also remastered, and in HD. They are a real labour of love. Lucas never stopped tinkering, adding stupid CG inserts all over the place, but it's unlikely we'll ever see the original theatrical releases on blu ray, despite fans clamouring for it.
I'm with you on Ep 7. Blatant fan service and rehashed plot, but I still got a buzz every time an old favourite appeared. IMO it was a transitional film, drawing a line under the travesty of eps 1-3 and laying the foundation for what's to come. That said, if we get more of the same from Ep. 8, it would be disappointing - it has to take some risks and push the Star Wars universe into new territory.
Dec 18, 2016 at 10:30 AM Post #20,002 of 24,690
It's worth tracking down the 'despecialized' editions of the original trilogy - also remastered, and in HD. They are a real labour of love. Lucas never stopped tinkering, adding stupid CG inserts all over the place, but it's unlikely we'll ever see the original theatrical releases on blu ray, despite fans clamouring for it.
I'm with you on Ep 7. Blatant fan service and rehashed plot, but I still got a buzz every time an old favourite appeared. IMO it was a transitional film, drawing a line under the travesty of eps 1-3 and laying the foundation for what's to come. That said, if we get more of the same from Ep. 8, it would be disappointing - it has to take some risks and push the Star Wars universe into new territory.

I have to say, your posts - here and in F1 thread are always entertaining, mate 
Good to hear this though, to be honest I had lost interest in Disney's Star Wars mainly due to the plot of The Force Awakens. But seems like people are raving about Rogue One and claims it is more comparable to the original trilogy than the Sequels / TFA. Gonna see it tomorrow, hope I won't be disappointed..

Ha. Thanks. I don't think it will be a disappointment and I am eager to read more reviews here.
It's worth tracking down the 'despecialized' editions of the original trilogy - also remastered, and in HD. They are a real labour of love. Lucas never stopped tinkering, adding stupid CG inserts all over the place, but it's unlikely we'll ever see the original theatrical releases on blu ray, despite fans clamouring for it.
I'm with you on Ep 7. Blatant fan service and rehashed plot, but I still got a buzz every time an old favourite appeared. IMO it was a transitional film, drawing a line under the travesty of eps 1-3 and laying the foundation for what's to come. That said, if we get more of the same from Ep. 8, it would be disappointing - it has to take some risks and push the Star Wars universe into new territory.

I was actually just thinking about where to get a clean original copy of Star Wars as I poured my coffee before reading this thread. :)
 I think the risk taking is going to be slow and painful in coming. Rogue One as I alluded seemed to really want to go there but got stopped short by the franchise masters. I wonder what the contract with Lucas stipulates with regard to script approvals. I cannot see him just selling off his babies and leaving them in unknown hands.
 The end run here is that I think it would be massively difficult for anyone to do a Star Trek type reboot and depart from the formula.
 Still the recasting of Tarkin and Leia was made so easy to swallow that possibilities may well be open for a little exploration.
Dec 18, 2016 at 10:43 AM Post #20,003 of 24,690
I was actually just thinking about where to get a clean original copy of Star Wars as I poured my coffee before reading this thread. :)

For reference: Harmy's Despecialized Edition. Not difficult to track down and it's the only place you're ever likely to see Star Wars in HD without Lucas's tampering hand in evidence. IIRC the original theatrical releases were released once on DVD, but last time I checked those box sets were going for a bomb on fleabay and they weren't remastered either.
Dec 18, 2016 at 11:26 AM Post #20,004 of 24,690
For reference: Harmy's Despecialized Edition. Not difficult to track down and it's the only place you're ever likely to see Star Wars in HD without Lucas's tampering hand in evidence. IIRC the original theatrical releases were released once on DVD, but last time I checked those box sets were going for a bomb on fleabay and they weren't remastered either.

I will have to hunt that down. Beats grabbing an old VHS and doing a transfer.
Dec 18, 2016 at 1:47 PM Post #20,005 of 24,690
At one time they did have the original trilogy with two DVDs per box: one with the remastered version and the original theatrical version. I have all three, and it's funny watching the remastered with all the crap Lucas put in compared to the streamlined efficacy of the original.
Dec 18, 2016 at 4:46 PM Post #20,006 of 24,690
My biggest beef (and I'm sure everyone else's) about Ep.7 is just how, in the name of Rey's and Finn's virginity can these two sods who don't even know anything about the force, defeat a well-trained Vader-wannabe who has been using force since I assume well before he knows how to cause himself to have pleasure?
I just hope I won't see anything like this in Rogue 1 tonight. Felicity Jones seem to look lovely as always, so there's that 

Dec 18, 2016 at 4:54 PM Post #20,007 of 24,690
  My biggest beef (and I'm sure everyone else's) about Ep.7 is just how, in the name of Rey's and Finn's virginity can these two sods who don't even know anything about the force, defeat a well-trained Vader-wannabe who has been using force since I assume well before he knows how to cause himself to have pleasure?

Isn't the idea that the force is stronger with Rey than anyone else before or since, which is supposed to make up for her lack of training? At least that's how I saw it. i.e. others need to train to reach the level she's at innately. I can't find any excuse for Finn.
Dec 18, 2016 at 5:31 PM Post #20,008 of 24,690
  My biggest beef (and I'm sure everyone else's) about Ep.7 is just how, in the name of Rey's and Finn's virginity can these two sods who don't even know anything about the force, defeat a well-trained Vader-wannabe who has been using force since I assume well before he knows how to cause himself to have pleasure?
I just hope I won't see anything like this in Rogue 1 tonight. Felicity Jones seem to look lovely as always, so there's that 

She certainly does:)
 The take on The Force in this one is a little different.
Dec 18, 2016 at 5:43 PM Post #20,009 of 24,690
Isn't the idea that the force is stronger with Rey than anyone else before or since, which is supposed to make up for her lack of training? At least that's how I saw it. i.e. others need to train to reach the level she's at innately. I can't find any excuse for Finn.

Yes, Star Wars without a Messiah just wouldn't be Star Wars.
Dec 18, 2016 at 5:47 PM Post #20,010 of 24,690

Christmas Evil - 4/10
Yuletide fun for all the family. Highly rated by John Waters apparently, but frankly I struggle to understand why. It's very tame for a slasher, with the ratio of Christmas to Evil being about 10:1. The premise is that Harry Stadling, a toy shop worker who was scarred for life by discovering as a kid, in the most traumatic of circumstances, that old St Nic wasn't real, snaps and goes on a Christmas Eve killing spree. The trouble is, it's not so much a spree as two scenes and it takes most of the movie to get there - dwelling far too long on Harry's strange obsession with all things festive. The effects are laughably fake-looking, even accounting for budgetary constraints, and the lighting is poor, giving the whole film a sort of muddy veil. One memorable scene is the santa identity parade, but it wouldn't surprise me if that had been lifted from an earlier film. There are a few laughs and it's about the only time of year I'd want to be watching something like this but as Christmas movies go, give me Gremlins or Die Hard any day!

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