Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Feb 21, 2015 at 5:24 PM Post #16,816 of 24,687
  The Admiral: Roaring Currents.
Really enjoyed this one.  A must see for military history buffs.
FWIW I almost always prefer to watch movies with headphones... KSC75 were my cans of choice for this one.

South Korean film right? If you can, try to watch the Japanese film about Isoroku Yamamoto. It's also called "The Admiral".
A really underrated movie but unfortunately is a bit hard to find. It got a release in the UK but not the USA (so far).
It's actually pretty historically accurate and makes a good movie to watch along with "Tora, Tora, Tora". It's not an action film though and the pearl harbor attack only lasts a few seconds in the movie.
The mission behind shooting down Yamamoto's plane is pretty interesting. He took a big risk in landing to visit troops on the ground.
Apparently he was against going to war with the USA and wanted to avoid it.

Feb 21, 2015 at 5:46 PM Post #16,817 of 24,687
South Korean film right? If you can, try to watch the Japanese film about Isoroku Yamamoto. It's also called "The Admiral".
A really underrated movie but unfortunately is a bit hard to find. It got a release in the UK but not the USA (so far).
It's actually pretty historically accurate and makes a good movie to watch along with "Tora, Tora, Tora". It's not an action film though and the pearl harbor attack only lasts a few seconds in the movie.
The mission behind shooting down Yamamoto's plane is pretty interesting. He took a big risk in landing to visit troops on the ground.
Apparently he was against going to war with the USA and wanted to avoid it.

Indeed he was. The Japanese military tried to assassinate him before he was brought back to plan the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Feb 21, 2015 at 8:51 PM Post #16,818 of 24,687
Movie spree! Foot of snow outside so, bed day!

Life Aquatic was excellent. Bill Murray is the man! I haven't watched it in ten years. Total pleasure.

Fantastic Mr. Fox was quite entertaining. Pretty clever. Funny.

Moonrise Kingdom was alright. I laughed so hard when the kid got zapped and just blew the black dust off his glasses.

Finished Hundred Foot Journey also. Too typical for me. Like, anyone could have wrote that.

Interstellar again. Liked it both times I've seen it. 5th dimension yo!

And after all that, I just had to come back to Budapest Hotel. This movie is absolutely amazing.
Feb 21, 2015 at 10:55 PM Post #16,819 of 24,687
Dumb and Dumber To - 3/10?
I kept going back and forth if I should rent this or not. It's not on Redbox yet and you have to pay those greedy studios $5 just to rent it. It's like robbery.
I kept thinking that it looked like the first one so how bad could it possibly be. I told myself I had a hard day and needed to laugh. Felt like I need to watch a comedy. Don't do this!
Well, it's possibly the most unfunny movie i've seen in my life. I think I laughed a few times here and there but that's it. I tried to enjoy myself but it's impossible
The comedy is like meant for a 12 year old or something. Except for the "diamond" scene which wasn't even remotely funny.
I actually don't mind dumb comedy. When I was a kid I must have watched the original about a hundred times. I could even remember all the lines.
I don't like it as much now but I still like it a lot and still find it funny.
This sequel is just a mess. About 75% of the way through I just laid down and tried to close my eyes and fall asleep. Not much luck there.
Was two seconds away from renting "The Judge" instead. Wish I did!
Someone needs to offer a service with fair digital rental prices. $5 is just ridiculous. Maybe you're all rich and $5 is nothing. I miss the days of 99 cent rentals for old movies and $4 for a new release.
Wish physical video rental stores could make a comeback, but probably impossible. They still have some in small towns. One near a college campus here that's 3 stories and has a tanning salon and cafe inside.
Born on the Fourth of July - 9/10
Really liked this one, but it sure was sad what Ron had to go through after the war. Too much to think about it. I imagine some people in certain political parties would hate this movie. I could care less if a movie doesn't share my views on things like war etc. It reminded me a little of my grandfather who was a WWII vet at Anzio and lost both legs after his truck went over a mine. He had to stay at the VA hospital twice in his life. Luckily his experience there was much better than in this movie. I really miss him and regret not being very close to him really. I'm sure he would have had some interesting stories to tell. I was never interested in WWII or war in general until I was at least 21.
Oliver Stone films are a bit hard to WANT to watch. They generally tend to be excessively melodramatic and his movies are not even remotely subtle in any way. I couldn't stand "Heaven and Earth" because of that. His movies about the presidents are much different though. Some of the stuff in this one is just way overdone. Reminded me a little of the movies by director David O. Russell where everyone is constantly over-acting and yelling at each other. Too much going on all at once usually gets on my nerves. Some of Ron Howard's movie like "Beautiful Mind" are just almost meant to be like oscar bait. He manages to be good at making movies that nearly always do well at the box office. This movie is sort of like that too, but doesn't mean it's bad.
This one also reminds me a lot of Forest Gump. Did you know that "Forest Gump" was written in 1986? This movie was released in 1989. It's book in 1976. Remember how some studios have a blueprint at what ideas are going to make a movie a winner?
My one complaint is that the early scenes in this movie were ultra cheesy. So many different early America cliches like baseball games, parades, etc. Stuff i've seen in a million movies. The scene with the crowd cheering as the son hit a home run (in slow mo) had me laughing. Oh and of course you have that nice "inspirational" or the stand up and cheer movie soundtrack blaring.
BTW a bit off-topic, but I heard the book sequel to "Forest Gump" is actually pretty good!
Apparently he gets a job in a strip club. I'm sure the studios will leave that out of the movie...
IMO Tom Cruise deserved an oscar for his role in this movie. He did get a nomination. Surprised at seeing such a dramatic change in his character from the start to the end. More so than even in "Rain Man". Well, he's one of my favorite actors, but not the BEST. He never deserved all the negative publicity. The media and people in general can be stupid. Yes and I know he said a few dumb things. I would have jumped on Oprah's couch too

Feb 21, 2015 at 11:28 PM Post #16,820 of 24,687
Feb 22, 2015 at 5:53 AM Post #16,822 of 24,687
Today at Oscars in the category "Foreign films" anti-Polish Ida will compete with anti-Russian Leviathan. Butthurt created by Leviathan in Russia was million times more intense hence for that reason and not only for that ( I wasn't impressed by Ida at all) I wish Leviathan wins.
Another Oscar nominee Wild Tales ( Argentina, 2014) is cool as a black comedy.
 This Argentinian anthology film is the most outrageous and wicked black comedy to come out in years, as well as a throughly entertaining two hours of cinema. The six stories contained within (all dealing with the concept of revenge) are all great in their individual ways, and systematically ordered in a way that makes the film feel fluid. Often brutal and monstrous, but never mean-spirited or overdone, and energetic in the most invigorating way, Wild Tales is the type of pulp-fiction that Hollywood just doesn't have the balls to put out anymore


Feb 23, 2015 at 1:56 PM Post #16,826 of 24,687
McFarland USA 7.5/10 an enjoyable an inspirational Disney movie. Kevin Costner does a decent job in this movie as McFarland High School cross country coach. No ground breaking stuff done here in this movie as this formula has been done many times before.
Feb 24, 2015 at 12:31 AM Post #16,827 of 24,687
Took the plunge.
Jupiter  Ascending 3/10.  Should have listened to the critics on this one. Incoherent, derivative mess of a film. You will easily recognize design and scene thefts from much better films of the genre. A hard watch that will have you screaming "just get on with it already" or alternatively falling asleep in your seat. Get a copy of SciFi channels production of Dune for a much better experience .
Feb 24, 2015 at 11:00 PM Post #16,828 of 24,687
Mr. Turner (2014): 9/10
The best British biopic of last year (far outclassing both Imitation Game and The Theory of Everything), and almost completely looked over at the Oscars. Damn you, Academy.
Feb 24, 2015 at 11:46 PM Post #16,829 of 24,687
  Mr. Turner (2014): 9/10
The best British biopic of last year (far outclassing both Imitation Game and The Theory of Everything), and almost completely looked over at the Oscars. Damn you, Academy.

The results speak for themselves. The Academy has gone deaf dumb and blind. Or failing that, America just cannot make a decent film anymore.

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