Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Dec 22, 2013 at 10:26 PM Post #14,581 of 24,687
  American Hustle - 4/10
Sorry, I know this one got a lot of good reviews but I hated every rotten minute of this. From start to finish. Why didn't I leave? Well, I had time off work to relax and it cost me $9.
Basically I hated all the characters and all it's terrible dialogue. It felt like watching a boring talk show where people yaked my ears off for 3 hours about nonsense I don't care about.
I basically sat there with my brain off and a blank expression on my face the entire time. It's like nothing registered for me and none of it was funny/entertaining/amusing. This rarely happens..
Felt like that one guy on the roller coaster with the caption of "I had fun once..I hated it".

Right, but how did you reaallly feel about it?

Dec 23, 2013 at 12:15 AM Post #14,582 of 24,687
  American Hustle - 4/10
Sorry, I know this one got a lot of good reviews but I hated every rotten minute of this. From start to finish. Why didn't I leave? Well, I had time off work to relax and it cost me $9.
Basically I hated all the characters and all it's terrible dialogue. It felt like watching a boring talk show where people yaked my ears off for 3 hours about nonsense I don't care about.
I basically sat there with my brain off and a blank expression on my face the entire time. It's like nothing registered for me and none of it was funny/entertaining/amusing. This rarely happens..
Felt like that one guy on the roller coaster with the caption of "I had fun once..I hated it".

I haven't seen it yet, but I can relate to what you're saying. There have been times when it seemed like everyone loved some film except for me. Last time I can remember that happening was with Hunger Games. 
Dec 23, 2013 at 8:39 AM Post #14,584 of 24,687

I haven't seen American Hustle yet but does anyone else feel like they should have just saved some money and gotten John Turturo to play John Turturo instead of Bradley Cooper?
Dec 23, 2013 at 8:48 AM Post #14,585 of 24,687
  American Hustle - 4/10
Sorry, I know this one got a lot of good reviews but I hated every rotten minute of this. From start to finish. Why didn't I leave? Well, I had time off work to relax and it cost me $9.
Basically I hated all the characters and all it's terrible dialogue. It felt like watching a boring talk show where people yaked my ears off for 3 hours about nonsense I don't care about.
I basically sat there with my brain off and a blank expression on my face the entire time. It's like nothing registered for me and none of it was funny/entertaining/amusing. This rarely happens..
Felt like that one guy on the roller coaster with the caption of "I had fun once..I hated it".

That's interesting because Morgenstern liked it and I was kind of looking forward to seeing it.  Just got done with "Silver Lining Playbook", which was not exactly my cup of tea, but engaging nonetheless.  Merry Christmas!  

Dec 23, 2013 at 10:30 AM Post #14,586 of 24,687

  American Hustle - 4/10
I hated every rotten minute of this. From start to finish. 

  American Hustle (2013): 10/10
 An instant classic, and one of the best times I've had in a theatre all year. 

You both are wrong though. 

The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Either way, I'll be seeing this when I can watch it for free. After Catching Fire I've had enough of the Hunger Games chick for a while.
Dec 23, 2013 at 12:16 PM Post #14,587 of 24,687
The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Either way, I'll be seeing this when I can watch it for free. After Catching Fire I've had enough of the Hunger Games chick for a while.

She was actually the second most interesting character in the movie. Right after the "boss" character that got beat up.
In this one she was one of the rare few who didn't act as if they were acting. One of more believable characters.
Something weird going on with the acting and it's almost like too showy and they're trying too hard to act well. It reminds me of how some of the acting is in the older B&W movies.
Mostly just excessive (unnecessary) dialogue and over-acting. A lot of the scenes felt like pointless filler-material.
There is one scene that has such excessive overacting that you can almost laugh at it. That happened a lot in "Silver Linings Playbook" too.
If you want subtle acting, this isn't the movie for you...
BTW I can watch a movie just for the acting and this SHOULD have been what I would like, but it wasn't. Very strange.
Dec 23, 2013 at 4:08 PM Post #14,588 of 24,687
Escape plan 7/10 and not just due to nostalgia I do believe :)
Dec 23, 2013 at 4:13 PM Post #14,589 of 24,687
With regards to American Hustle: yeah, each character was a caricature, and each actor did as much scenery-chewing and over-acting as they could. It worked for me, because the whole thing (the music, the costumes, the plot) was so ridiculous and over the top in the first place that I think it would have been weirder if the actors had been more subdued or naturalistic. Let it also be known that I'm also a big fan of 'unnecessary' dialogue. I love the flavor that it can add to a film, and I'm all for detours if they're accompanied by verbal exchanges worth sinking my teeth into. In fact, I think that's a fair way to describe American Hustle--it's very chewy.
Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto (1954): 7/10
How do you feel about watching a berserk Toshiro Mifune beat up on guys with a wooden sword for 3/4ths of a movie? In glorious, seriously vibrant, beautiful technicolor? Seem like a good thing to you? Yeah, seems like a good thing to me too. 
Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple (1955): 7/10
Less beautiful than the first film (until the final fight sequence, which is worth the wait and then some), but also more fulfilling. More romance (the GF was reduced to a squeeing girlie on several occasions), more action, more Mifune doing what Mifune does best. It's too bad about all the soundstage filming that litters this movie though--the first film had considerably more natural outdoor shots, many of which were truly lovely, and to which the set filming and painted backdrops that dominate here just cannot compare. Regardless, looking forward to the third and final part! (It's probably been 15 or more years since the last time I saw these, and my memory is foggy as to how it all wraps up. Seriously enjoying revisiting them, though.)
Dec 23, 2013 at 6:03 PM Post #14,590 of 24,687
12 Years a Slave 7/10
At the beginning I was struggling to get involved into this film because I was anticipating that I was going to be taught a didactic lesson about atrocities of slavery and in a straightforward manner. Well, it turned out to be the case. It was very predictable and I knew beforehand what would happen to a main hero. Despite all of this I came out with a mildly positive attitude toward the film. 
The film reminded me Elem Klimov's Come and see in it's exclusive focus on cruelty and crimes against humanity at the expense of artistic part. The Soviet movie is even more atrocious.  
Dec 24, 2013 at 2:47 AM Post #14,591 of 24,687
Riddick 2 Rule Of The Dark.   9/10
Dec 24, 2013 at 2:11 PM Post #14,592 of 24,687
  12 Years a Slave 7/10
At the beginning I was struggling to get involved into this film because I was anticipating that I was going to be taught a didactic lesson about atrocities of slavery and in a straightforward manner. Well, it turned out to be the case. It was very predictable and I knew beforehand what would happen to a main hero. Despite all of this I came out with a mildly positive attitude toward the film. 
The film reminded me Elem Klimov's Come and see in it's exclusive focus on cruelty and crimes against humanity at the expense of artistic part. The Soviet movie is even more atrocious.  

I felt that this one was possibly one of the best movies there is about slavery ever made. Felt very realistic and didn't try and tone down much to make it easier to watch.
Can't believe it took this long for the man's story to be made into a movie.
If this one got a 7, i'd hate to see what other movies about slavery would get
So far I've only seen a few and many of them are somewhat sugar-coated.
I actually had a tougher time sitting through 12 Years compared to "Come and See".
IMO the best thing about 12 years is the acting, especially from the smaller roles.
Have you ever seen "The Reader"? Now that's one that kept me up all night. I wanted to delete that movie from my brain forever. Never had a movie make me think that much before..
One of the movies with themes you rarely see in movies..
Dec 24, 2013 at 7:27 PM Post #14,593 of 24,687
I felt that this one was possibly one of the best movies there is about slavery ever made. Felt very realistic and didn't try and tone down much to make it easier to watch.
Can't believe it took this long for the man's story to be made into a movie.

If this one got a 7, i'd hate to see what other movies about slavery would get :D So far I've only seen a few and many of them are somewhat sugar-coated.

I actually had a tougher time sitting through 12 Years compared to "Come and See".

IMO the best thing about 12 years is the acting, especially from the smaller roles.

Have you ever seen "The Reader"? Now that's one that kept me up all night. I wanted to delete that movie from my brain forever. Never had a movie make me think that much before..
One of the movies with themes you rarely see in movies..

While I'm happy that issues like apartheid and slavery are getting films, I'm also sad about the dearth of positive futuristic films. Yes, there have been some good sci-fi, but we've been fascinated with dystopian futures. It needs to change.
Dec 24, 2013 at 8:03 PM Post #14,594 of 24,687
While I'm happy that issues like apartheid and slavery are getting films, I'm also sad about the dearth of positive futuristic films. Yes, there have been some good sci-fi, but we've been fascinated with dystopian futures. It needs to change.

I'd love for them to take some good space opera's and convert them to film frnachises. I know that a lot will inevitably be lost in the retelling, but something like Asimov's Foundation, Kevin J anderson's Saga Of Seven Suns(actually, this might be better as a Game of thrwwnz style show given it's length), Peter.F Hamilton's Mindstar Rising series(I feel his Commonwealth and Night's Dawn Series both ended poorly while the Void Saga was a big mess). Maybe a single novel adaptation of something like Alistair Reynolds Pushing ice. There's so much good sci-fi out there, but all people seem to want to make is dystopian or "thought provoking" arthouse films. 
Dec 24, 2013 at 8:17 PM Post #14,595 of 24,687
Home Alone - 9/10
Oh yeah, classic Christmas movie...slapstick scenes still hold up after all these years, too.


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