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Nov 8, 2013 at 12:35 PM Post #14,326 of 24,770
I agree.  I get a little irked every time Hollywood remakes movies from other countries.  There's got to be more domestic, original talent around.  Sadly most of them never make it to the big screen or played at selected and smaller theaters.  Myself likes a fine balance between entertainment with quality script writing, directing, and acting.  It seems most things recently is all about the former and  Stan Lee is laughing his rich @$$ all the way to the bank and rightfully so.
BTW - I'm seeing that new Thor movie tomorrow with the wife.
Nov 8, 2013 at 12:59 PM Post #14,327 of 24,770
  I think American movies are starting to feel too cookie cutter for me lately...seeing what other countries have to offer has been truly refreshing. 

American movies are better in big scale genres ( sci-fi, action) which require massive investment. Other countries need state financial support to produce expensive films. For example practically all big budget films in Russia are funded by government and most of them are unprofitable.
Nov 8, 2013 at 1:03 PM Post #14,328 of 24,770
BTW - I'm seeing that new Thor movie tomorrow with the wife.

I'm going to see it Sunday morning in 3D. Theater features.....

Nov 8, 2013 at 3:49 PM Post #14,329 of 24,770
  I agree.  I get a little irked every time Hollywood remakes movies from other countries.  There's got to be more domestic, original talent around.  Sadly most of them never make it to the big screen or played at selected and smaller theaters.  Myself likes a fine balance between entertainment with quality script writing, directing, and acting.  It seems most things recently is all about the former and  Stan Lee is laughing his rich @$$ all the way to the bank and rightfully so.
BTW - I'm seeing that new Thor movie tomorrow with the wife.

Hollywood remakes popular well functional movies because it´s easy money that is the reason I imagine more than that the average US citizen can´t deal with subtitles?
India do the same in Bollywood but in reverse.
The absolute horrible practise of dubbing movies that is practised in some european countries is absolutely insane. Talk about destroying a movie.
Nov 8, 2013 at 4:28 PM Post #14,330 of 24,770
The absolute horrible practise of dubbing movies that is practised in some european countries is absolutely insane. Talk about destroying a movie.

Amen! I have a little litmus test that I like to do with my friends, and especially when I start dating someone new. I ask them to get a copy of Life is Beautiful and then take a two-question test when it's over. The catch is that they have to watch it alone with no distractions, and they HAVE to get the subtitled version....not the dubbed one. People who watch the dubbed version of this film literally strip Benigni of a large portion of his performance. 
Nov 8, 2013 at 5:16 PM Post #14,331 of 24,770
Hollywood remakes popular well functional movies because it´s easy money that is the reason I imagine more than that the average US citizen can´t deal with subtitles?
India do the same in Bollywood but in reverse.
The absolute horrible practise of dubbing movies that is practised in some european countries is absolutely insane. Talk about destroying a movie.

In India they show Hollywood movies in English without subtitles in movie theaters. I don't know probably they dub them on TV?
Here in post-soviet territory all foreign movies are dubbed into Russian. All rude swearing like the 4-letter word are interpreted with the help of euphemisms. Instead of ****! they interpret Damn! - something like this. They even managed to dub musical Chicago: they not only dubbed conversation but singing also.
Nov 8, 2013 at 6:05 PM Post #14,334 of 24,770
Eh, yeah.

Wow, very interesting. I've always been fascinated with that part of the world, especially once the cold war ended and you guys went through so much transition. 
Nov 8, 2013 at 11:19 PM Post #14,335 of 24,770
12 Years a Slave - 10/10

My vote is for Chiwetel Ejiofor to get an Oscar for best acting, even over Tom Hanks (for Captain Phillips). I could write a 10 page essay on the movie but I will avoid mentioning much about it. It's hard to resist.
If you see it try to avoid reading reviews first.
Nov 9, 2013 at 12:34 AM Post #14,336 of 24,770
Just started watching Homeland. Season 3 is still on the go, so I can't give a comment on its ratings just yet, but I can on the previous couple seasons...

Season 1 - 7/10
Season 2 - 8.5/10
It's not bad by all means, in fact I might as well say it's a good series. But frankly I think rottentomatoes overrated it by giving the 1st season 100% and 2nd season 97%.
Nov 9, 2013 at 4:32 AM Post #14,338 of 24,770
In India they show Hollywood movies in English without subtitles in movie theaters. I don't know probably they dub them on TV?

I was thinking more the india version of Rambo for example. It´s quite a bit more entertaining then the last Rambo :)
Nov 9, 2013 at 6:33 AM Post #14,340 of 24,770

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