Q701 impressions thread
Aug 25, 2012 at 7:38 PM Post #1,636 of 9,603
Not everyone has your taste. I have owned plenty of headphones, and I could never fully enjoy the more reference type of sound. I listen to music for enjoyment.
Reference sound is good and all, but its overrated. I don't care for trying to impress anyone else by saying I want music the way it was recorded. I want music the way *I* enjoy it.

Agree 100%, not everyone has the same taste. That's why they make different flavors of ice cream. You're quite free to get your enjoyment out of 'colored' equipment. I for one don't want to add any 'color' to a Norah Jones....don't feel the need to....but I have no problem with anyone wearing colored glasses to an art museum either. Different strokes...   Not sure why you'd think that people want to 'impress' others by listening to music the way it was recorded.  Do you like to impress others by listening to music 'the way you enjoy it'?  I like to listen to music the way 'I' enjoy it too.
Aug 25, 2012 at 7:46 PM Post #1,637 of 9,603
Have you tried the ODAC with the Q701 and a really transparent/revealing amp? Without hearing it for yourself, your comments don't really help anyone. If you mainly use only the HD-598, that's probably why you think this. Not trying to be a jerk.
The HD-598 makes nearly everything sound great. Bad recordings included. OK, not ALL of them, but it's quite forgiving (less so than the HD-650). It makes everything sound smoother than it really is. That's one reason I love it. The Q701 + ODAC would be nicer if you had a dark and warm amp to go with it. The Q701 without the ODAC doesn't need it.
Have you heard the DT-880? That also will really show you how bad so many recordings are. No ODAC and fancy pants amp required. An HD-598 on the other hand will make almost everything sound good.
100% NOT the headphones fault. Definitely the recording. You can hear it in a similar way on another headphone that's very revealing. My HD-580 will show me the song is bad, but it only sounds better on my ears due to having way less treble and more mid-bass. I don't find the HD-580 all that revealing. Somewhat, but not overkill. Good recordings on the Q701 are perfect. Well made albums with lots of treble are no problem with my ears at all ever on the Q701.
FYI i've never ever heard a setup this revealing. I mean, my stuff is considered budget gear too mostly. The Q701 is slightly warm by itself, so I don't even want to imagine the DT-880 would sound like with the ODAC. Probably would give me nightmares. I remember it having very cold/thin mids. Like more so than on any other headphone.
BTW I just switched from my Q701 to DJ100. Songs still sound bad, but it's definitely MUCH warmer (probably more than even the recording is). It seems that on very warm headphones, the flaws don't seem to stick out as much. I guess that's a plus for me! Not that the DJ100 is very warm. A little less than the HD-580.
I do like the ODAC a LOT. Sounds amazing with the HD-580 and my other headphones, but not so much with the Q701. Maybe if my amp was warmer/darker. I think it just comes down to preference.

I've auditioned many headphones, including the DT880 and Q701. They both shared similar problems: hot treble. The Q701 felt less balanced in that regard because it had less bass to cover up the treble. "100% not the headphones' fault" ? How in the world did you reach that conclusion? Perhaps you should stop implying I'm some sort of HD598 fanboy and take a look at the numerous Q701 fanboys here, some of whom actually claim the Q701 is a perfect headphone. Want me to provide quotes with that too? :) I hope not because I actually don't have those pasted on to my documents, and I could spend my time elsewhere. Having gone to many live performances myself, let me tell you the Q701 is anything but true to the source or the intention of the artist when you listen to any live recordings. 
"Without hearing it for yourself, your comments don't really help anyone. If you mainly use only the HD-598, that's probably why you think this. Not trying to be a jerk." 
Look before we start another argument, I'll say it again: you seriously underestimate expectation bias. Any buffoon can post honest impressions of what they're hearing. But the impressions aren't exactly useful or trustworthy without some sort of objective reference. Anyone who has done on research on the ODAC knows it's designed to sound "transparent". What if people didn't know anything about the ODAC's background? They could easily perceive the ODAC as "warm", "treble hot", "obscure", etc. A variety of useless comments actually. Instead, it's ridiculous to say anything but "revealing", "transparent", "no coloration whatsoever", etc. Which probably is true btw o.O My point is the brain creates perceptions that's not actually there. Direct comparisons indeed help narrow the gap between bias and truth, but only to a small degree.
And I think people in general still do not fully understand that their opinion doesn't exactly apply the same way to others. Someone could say a tube amp, with their warmth, will cover up the Q701's weakness (one of many). But it's ridiculous to think of it as some kind of mathematical equation, 2+2 = 4. On the other hand, someone could easily hear a tube amp paired up with the Q701 - like myself - and notice the pros and cons of such a sound. Not saying there IS a definite pros/ cons based off of my perception. I laugh at people talking about synergy, as if some amps "prefer" one headphone to another like it has some kind of personality. HAHA 
Aug 25, 2012 at 7:49 PM Post #1,638 of 9,603
Not everyone has your taste. I have owned plenty of headphones, and I could never fully enjoy the more reference type of sound. I listen to music for enjoyment.
Reference sound is good and all, but its overrated. I don't care for trying to impress anyone else by saying I want music the way it was recorded. I want music the way *I* enjoy it.

Another thing though i've found is that in general, most amps and DACs aren't severely colored.
When an amp/dac is slightly warm, I've never found it butchers any well recorded albums. A headphone does that much better! The warmer sound of a DAC is almost sometimes so minor it's not even worth mentioning.
I didn't actually consider my Clip+ very, very slightly warm until I heard the ODAC

Luckily i've not found an amp (itself) so severely colored that it ruins any music. I do believe in bad synergy though somewhat. Usually it's a combination of the dac, amp and headphone together that does it.
The problem I have right now is that it seems like too much of my music sounds awful (can even do a/b comparisons with other headphones) due to poor recordings and not bit-rate. Any sort of coloration or slight warmth is probably something i'd prefer.
Maybe i'll end up preferring the E17 to the O2. Who knows.. I really can't afford to try out a ton of DACs right now though. I've got the E10 on loan, so maybe that will be good enough. It hates my DJ100/HD-598 though.
This ODAC has been the most frustrating experience ever. I guess since I learned a few things, it's not so bad. I think I'm no longer really trust worthy of measurements when it comes to how a DAC sounds. Too many amps/dacs measure the same and couldn't sound any more different. If it's described as "analytical" i'll probably cross that off my list. With an amp I guess I don't mind.
Aug 25, 2012 at 7:54 PM Post #1,639 of 9,603
Oh no. I just get the feeling that some people buy the best gear out mostly to show off, instead of actual enjoyment. I certainly could end my journey with mid range cans and equipment.

Wasn't aimed at anyone.

In fact, I think that if I had heard the 990/32 before the HE-400, I'd stop there and get a closed compliment.

I say that, but I'm I'm never satisfied for too long, lol.
Aug 25, 2012 at 8:27 PM Post #1,640 of 9,603
Oh no. I just get the feeling that some people buy the best gear out mostly to show off, instead of actual enjoyment. I certainly could end my journey with mid range cans and equipment.
Wasn't aimed at anyone.
In fact, I think that if I had heard the 990/32 before the HE-400, I'd stop there and get a closed compliment.
I say that, but I'm I'm never satisfied for too long, lol.

Haha....then that's not me then, for certain. I only buy the best gear I can afford, and it's not going to impress a single soul here, lol. The O2 cost me around $150 and my second hand dt48 cost $130.  But to me they could almost be said to be worth their weight in gold, since I'm not going to spend a small fortune on something that will give very minor improvement according to the law of diminishing returns that seems to apply here. Would I love the hd800?  Sure, but I can experience audio nirvana with what I've got already.
Aug 25, 2012 at 8:39 PM Post #1,641 of 9,603
Perhaps you should stop implying I'm some sort of HD598 fanboy and take a look at the numerous Q701 fanboys here, some of whom actually claim the Q701 is a perfect headphone. Want me to provide quotes with that too? :) I hope not because I actually don't have those pasted on to my documents, and I could spend my time elsewhere. Having gone to many live performances myself, let me tell you the Q701 is anything but true to the source or the intention of the artist when you listen to any live recordings. 

What are all these Q701 fanboys doing in the Q701 Appreciation Thread!  Get out of here Q701 fanboys!!   LOL
Your experience going to many live performances has been duly noted.  We are all impressed.
I doubt anyone claimed Q701 is a "perfect headphone", except for maybe Quincy Jones (and he got a check for it).  If there was such a thing as a perfect headphone for $250, I think all of our wallets would be a lot fatter.  They all have there pros and cons.  I somehow get the impression you think the Q701 has a lot of cons with few pros.  Obviously some peeps in this thread feel differently. 
Which headphones do you recommend in this price range instead?
Aug 25, 2012 at 8:41 PM Post #1,642 of 9,603
tdockweiler: "The problem I have right now is that it seems like too much of my music sounds awful (can even do a/b comparisons with other headphones) due to poor recordings and not bit-rate. Any sort of coloration or slight warmth is probably something i'd prefer."
Is that due to the ODAC? And even with the HD580?  If so, then the obvious solution is to just send the ODAC back. If most of your music sounds good with the 580, then just sell the Q701. It sounds like you were a lot happier before you got the ODAC though. I think I'm going to the ODAC myself though, since I like to hear good vocalists with the most transparent gear I can afford.. 
Aug 25, 2012 at 8:43 PM Post #1,643 of 9,603
I've auditioned many headphones, including the DT880 and Q701. They both shared similar problems: hot treble. The Q701 felt less balanced in that regard because it had less bass to cover up the treble. "100% not the headphones' fault" ? How in the world did you reach that conclusion? Perhaps you should stop implying I'm some sort of HD598 fanboy and take a look at the numerous Q701 fanboys here, some of whom actually claim the Q701 is a perfect headphone. Want me to provide quotes with that too? :) I hope not because I actually don't have those pasted on to my documents, and I could spend my time elsewhere. Having gone to many live performances myself, let me tell you the Q701 is anything but true to the source or the intention of the artist when you listen to any live recordings. 
"Without hearing it for yourself, your comments don't really help anyone. If you mainly use only the HD-598, that's probably why you think this. Not trying to be a jerk." 
Look before we start another argument, I'll say it again: you seriously underestimate expectation bias. Any buffoon can post honest impressions of what they're hearing. But the impressions aren't exactly useful or trustworthy without some sort of objective reference. Anyone who has done on research on the ODAC knows it's designed to sound "transparent". What if people didn't know anything about the ODAC's background? They could easily perceive the ODAC as "warm", "treble hot", "obscure", etc. A variety of useless comments actually. Instead, it's ridiculous to say anything but "revealing", "transparent", "no coloration whatsoever", etc. Which probably is true btw o.O My point is the brain creates perceptions that's not actually there. Direct comparisons indeed help narrow the gap between bias and truth, but only to a small degree.
And I think people in general still do not fully understand that their opinion doesn't exactly apply the same way to others. Someone could say a tube amp, with their warmth, will cover up the Q701's weakness (one of many). But it's ridiculous to think of it as some kind of mathematical equation, 2+2 = 4. On the other hand, someone could easily hear a tube amp paired up with the Q701 - like myself - and notice the pros and cons of such a sound. Not saying there IS a definite pros/ cons based off of my perception. I laugh at people talking about synergy, as if some amps "prefer" one headphone to another like it has some kind of personality. HAHA 

Wow, can't even talk to you can I? I'm not going to get into it with you again. You take all my comments the wrong way anyway. Every time I hear something with my own ears, you have to claim i'm wrong or give me this stupid rant about expectation bias and this other nonsense. I mean who does this? Maybe next you can give me another one on how it's not nonsense. Many decent headphone will sound different on different setups. The reason you think the Q701's treble is hot is because you're probably too used to the HD-598. There could be a dozen reasons why it sounded this way. Then the idea that people hear differently. I've mentioned this more than once. If you think the Q701s treble is hot, that's OK. It only is an issue for me with bad recordings. That alone is proof enough it's not the headphone or ODAC. The same bad songs are harsh and fatiguing even on the HD-580. It gets really old arguing about how a headphone is supposed to sound.
I don't know why you took my comments as me flaming you. I mentioned the HD-598 is quite forgiving. Do you not agree with this? I don't really know why this came to an issue about fanboys. I'll just ignore that rant or was it trolling?
Oh god..someone else telling me the Q701 is not accurate to live recordings and claims his preferred headphone is or he knows what is and isn't accurate. Maybe next we can argue about if the HD-600 or K702 is more accurate. For all we know, you could have been listening to an unamped Q701. I asked about what it was connected to when you auditioned it, but you ignored that. I was only curious. Your impressions of the Q701 are different than the usual consensus. If that's how you heard it, then OK. I couldn't care less. If you only demoed the Q701 for a few minutes, you shouldn't even be posting impressions.
BTW if you're a fanboy of the 598, what's wrong with that? I'm only a fanboy of one headphone and it's not the Q701. No headphone is perfect. I won't argue with you about the Q701 since we're obviously not hearing it in the same way, so it's a waste of time.
You remind me of the guy who felt I should have done a blind A/B test of the Q701 before I left impressions. Are people on here that crazy? There's also people here who give me a cable lecture when I tell people I prefer the HD-580 with an aftermarket cable. That's ok with me.
Sorry, I kind of skipped over most of your last part because I don't really care.
If you don't believe in amp/dac synergy you've never had the misfortune of having very colored gear or enough of it. Try using the HD-650 on a very warm amp and dac and see what that sounds like. I learned my lesson when I bought an Asgard for the HD-600 and tried using it with the K702. Even the E9 sounded better with the K702. When I heard the K702 on the E9 I was kind of shocked at how much better it sounded compared to the Asgard. The K601 and ATH-AD2000 were also awful on the Asgard.
The DJ100/HD-598 is also quite bad with the E10. I think it's due to the rolled off treble of the E10 and it's forward mids. I just can't even listen to the 598 on the E10. The mids are just too fatiguing..yeah fatiguing mids on the 598!
Aug 25, 2012 at 8:58 PM Post #1,644 of 9,603
Oh no. I just get the feeling that some people buy the best gear out mostly to show off, instead of actual enjoyment. I certainly could end my journey with mid range cans and equipment.
Wasn't aimed at anyone.
In fact, I think that if I had heard the 990/32 before the HE-400, I'd stop there and get a closed compliment.
I say that, but I'm I'm never satisfied for too long, lol.

Then this idea that the bigger the amp, the better
Ok, I know that is generally true. You should have seen my impression of the Micro Amp when I opened it. It was like.."how the heck could this tiny thing be enough to drive a Q701?!".
I mean it's half the height of the E9!! I still love the old comments from one guy who claimed I've really never heard a headphone because my amp had op-amps in it! 600 ohm headphone? Tubes required!
I've finally been completely satisfied with my headphone collection. In a month i'll have owned the Q701 for an entire year. I think i've went a whole 6 months without any new expensive headphones.
My amp has been here for a long time with no interest in anything else. At one point I was really critical of it and realized I was describing my DAC
The science guys can figure that one out, but I know why.
I only got the ODAC because my HRT MSII hates the HD-580, 598 and DJ100. That thing is nice for the K601 and Q701 though.
I think for open headphones I need two pairs. For me the 580 and Q701 is a perfect pair. For closed it's the DJ100. Hopefully I can go another year without any new headphones.
Aug 25, 2012 at 9:25 PM Post #1,645 of 9,603
tdockweiler: "The problem I have right now is that it seems like too much of my music sounds awful (can even do a/b comparisons with other headphones) due to poor recordings and not bit-rate. Any sort of coloration or slight warmth is probably something i'd prefer."
Is that due to the ODAC? And even with the HD580?  If so, then the obvious solution is to just send the ODAC back. If most of your music sounds good with the 580, then just sell the Q701. It sounds like you were a lot happier before you got the ODAC though. I think I'm going to the ODAC myself though, since I like to hear good vocalists with the most transparent gear I can afford.. 

Yeah, I never had this problem with the HRT MSII ever.
Deep down I keep thinking the ODAC really has slightly edgy treble, which makes bad material (with the treble cranked up) sound even worse than it really is. But then this voice inside my head says "no, no, you're stupid. It's perfectly transparent and perfectly flat. It's all your imagination".
I can say that I can connect the Q701 to a dozen amps and dacs and it never sounds this way. It's just hard for me to believe the ODAC is THIS revealing that this is why it sounds that way. The treble in GOOD recordings is perfect and never at all bothers me.
I would say that harsh and fatiguing music (only on bad tracks) is half the problem. The other "bad" songs just sound terrible and it varies. They sound nearly as bad on the HD-580 and DJ100. Some tracks are just so thin and lifeless. If I listen to the Buena Vista Social Club it feels like i'm listening to it on an HD-600 or something!
On my HRT MSII the only time my ears are fatigued with bad/harsh recordings is when the mids seem to be cranked up at the studio. Not usually due to the treble.
There's a singer from Japan named Hitomi. Her music drives me insane on the HRT MSII with the Q701. Mostly just the mids. On the ODAC this same music doesn't bother me when it comes to the mids, but it's with the treble.
These recordings are just excessively bright and fatiguing. So much so on any headphone that they're nearly unlistenable.
For example, there is this abomination:

That's not music. That's just painfully fatiguing and harsh noise. I can immediately switch to the HD-580 and it's just as bad with the ODAC. Even on my DJ100. Both take the edge off very, very slightly.
I have that song in FLAC (don't ask me why) and it sounds just as unlistenable.
Aug 25, 2012 at 9:31 PM Post #1,646 of 9,603
Hi all
I know this is the Q701 appreciation thread - but hope I can join in.  I've been following the conversation for quite a while now - and really enjoying it.  For the record, I own the K701 instead of the Q701 - but I've seen a lot of comparisons to DT880s and HD580/600 (which I also own).
I have a feeling our tastes are somewhat similar - although I really like the HD600, and have no issue with the K701 freq response at all.  I really like a detailed can - but with a touch of warmth and a slightly forward mid-range.  I sometimes find the HD600 needs a little more sparkle, and the DT880 sometimes feels just a little dry and distant.  I love my dac/amp set-up at the moment - Audio-gd NFB-12 into an LD MKIV.  Combination has just the right amount of warmth to these ears to make the K701 exquisite and the DT880 very enjoyable.  The NFB-12 also has a lot more body than my old E9 ever had (which in comparison when I had it - almost appeared a little thin and lifeless).  Would be interested to hear your thoughts if you ever get a chance to try one.  BTW - thanks of impressions regarding the ODAC.  I know a lot of 'purists' will suggest transparent amps and coloured cans.  Personally I couldn't really give a toss - if it conveys the music the way I personally like it - I'm completely happy :)  Interesting regarding your comments with the 598.  Admittedly I only heard them for a short time - but I personally found they had a touch of grain at times (that was though an E7 - and that's probably the cause I guess).  I'd love to hear them again - but this time with my NFB-12/LD combo.  Would just about guarantee I'd realy enjoy it.
I noticed your Norah comments.  I'm a big fan - currently have 5 of her albums.  The one thing I've noticed with a lot of her recordings is that they are warmish in their own right - whereas some artists recordings can be downright bright and harsh with the wrong cans.  I personally love Norah with both the DT880 and K701 - probably more so than the HD600s now.  Whereas a very bright recoding like Beth Hart's "Live at Paradiso" is almost unpleasant with the K701 - and much better with the HD600.  Food for thought anyway.
Aug 25, 2012 at 9:42 PM Post #1,647 of 9,603
What are all these Q701 fanboys doing in the Q701 Appreciation Thread!  Get out of here Q701 fanboys!!   LOL
Your experience going to many live performances has been duly noted.  We are all impressed.
I doubt anyone claimed Q701 is a "perfect headphone", except for maybe Quincy Jones (and he got a check for it).  If there was such a thing as a perfect headphone for $250, I think all of our wallets would be a lot fatter.  They all have there pros and cons.  I somehow get the impression you think the Q701 has a lot of cons with few pros.  Obviously some peeps in this thread feel differently. 
Which headphones do you recommend in this price range instead?

Q701 is perfect! I said it! I wouldn't change a thing myself. Ok, not perfect but pretty close to me. I do think that with the wrong gear it can be not so musical. Oh..I heard like maybe with the ODAC. Not sure where I heard that...
Maybe the guy I sold the HRT too will hate it and demand a refund and I can get it back.
Oh and this whole "musical" non-sense with the ODAC varies between songs. I want my entire collection sounding amazingly musical dang it!
Maybe I should retire with an O2 and HD-650 and have everything sound OK.
I imagine some guy at Sennheiser had a brilliant idea one day and said "50% of music these days is harsh and fatiguing, poorly recorded crap. Let's make something that sounds pretty good with everything!" Of course just my luck the ODAC turns the HD-650 into an analytical detail monster. It definitely wasn't when I heard it.
If the HD-650 sounds "easy on the ears" with that awful video I posted above, i'm getting one immediately! That song is in my DO NOT PLAY EVER folder. Strangely her "Thermo Plastic" cd is good.
Aug 25, 2012 at 11:02 PM Post #1,648 of 9,603
I really liked the Q701 - but had to return them because 1) was in poor condition when I got them  and the other 2) which I purchased new had intermittent distortion. For movies, we resorted to Denon D2000, but I'm having lots of problems getting it to sound as good as the other headphones in terms of mids. I really like the D2000 but I might have to reacquire the Q701 :)... Now IF they came out with a revision that boosts the low end a bit, that would be awesome. Believe it or not, the Senn PX200ii is capable of beautifully textured/airy lows.. and I'm not even a basshead. I would consider the HD650/600 as alternatives, but they are pricey!!  Q701 are priced very well. Anyone should give these a serious look.  As you can probably tell, I'm not that picky, but there are certain things I like and try not to make too much compromises. Don't know if I'd ever be 100% satisfied.
Well, not to change the subject, but I could use a good joke to lighten up my spirit. Anyone heard any one ones lately?
Aug 25, 2012 at 11:10 PM Post #1,649 of 9,603
While I do agree the burn-in affects the sound somewhat, the 701 series do have very unnatural peaks in the treble region. There is no doubt this is bad for your ears, and it's the primary reason why these cans seem detailed, when in actuality, they're revealing things that should have been more obscure to the listener. Burn-in probably won't be a huge factor in how fatiguing the cans are, although your brain will most likely adapt easily to the trebles. These cans are great for classical/ jazz/ acoustics/ ambient music but if I were listening to say, an organ trio sonata from Bach, their treble becomes overly prominent. 
I'm curious what your impressions of the Q701 and K701 are. 

I have never found the 701 series to have an unnatural treble.  They are certainly not as laid back as some cans or speakers.  Though I have also been a fan of B&Ws 800 series speakers for years, which people have also said can be bright with the wrong equipment.  That said, I have never listened to the 701s on a pure solid state setup either.  My original setup used a musical fidelity X-Dac V8 with a tube buffer into a meier solid state amp.  After that I used the Peachtree Decco for years which is a hybrid setup, and now I am using the Bifrost -> Lyr setup.  Perhaps the tubes have taken some of the edge off of the treble all of these years?  I will say I listen to a very wide range of music, from classical to punk, with a lot of electronic and industrial thrown in, but I have always benchmarked my audio equipment by female vocals (Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance in particular).  The Qs out of the box were very harsh, particularly with female vocals.  After break in, they were no longer.  My ears didn't change, the Qs changed to become almost indistinguishable from my Ks with thousands of hours on them.  There are differences between the K and Q.  They could be due to age, they could be due to manufacturing differences, or they could be the same variation you might find from one pair of K to another.  The differences are very subtle.
Again, it could very well be that I have always had tubes in my setup, or gotten lucky with the ways I have chosen to power these, but I have never heard them as harsh after break in.  I do know that listening to my B&W speakers for a period powered by a krell amp seemed to take them from incredible to a bit harsh and fatiguing, so I know amp choice can make a difference.
Aug 25, 2012 at 11:38 PM Post #1,650 of 9,603
I really liked the Q701 - but had to return them because 1) was in poor condition when I got them  and the other 2) which I purchased new had intermittent distortion. For movies, we resorted to Denon D2000, but I'm having lots of problems getting it to sound as good as the other headphones in terms of mids. I really like the D2000 but I might have to reacquire the Q701 :)... Now IF they came out with a revision that boosts the low end a bit, that would be awesome. Believe it or not, the Senn PX200ii is capable of beautifully textured/airy lows.. and I'm not even a basshead. I would consider the HD650/600 as alternatives, but they are pricey!!  Q701 are priced very well. Anyone should give these a serious look.  As you can probably tell, I'm not that picky, but there are certain things I like and try not to make too much compromises. Don't know if I'd ever be 100% satisfied.
Well, not to change the subject, but I could use a good joke to lighten up my spirit. Anyone heard any one ones lately?

IMO if the Q701 had any more bass it'd be an HD-580. I definitely don't want that. Not that I don't like the HD-580, I love it. I actually think the bass of the Q701 is more accurate to the source than the 580 possibly. The difference isn't huge. I still find the HD-600 to have a fairly large amount of mid-bass, but not like the HD-650. The 580 has better bass to me than the HD-600.
I tried the PX100-II the other day and was surprised that tiny thing even benefits quite a lot from an amp. Weird. Sounds pretty impressive with the Airhead (and possibly E5) but didn't like it much without an amp. It seems almost every headphone i've tried benefits from an amp.
I had a D2000 long ago (twice). I loved it at first, but then it started to bore me to death. I need slightly more forward mids and less bass. The best i've heard the D2000 was with the Asgard. The Asgard seems made for the HD-600 and D2000!
Unrelated note..you know what's scary? When I connect my ODAC to my Micro Amp the volume on high gain needs to only be at 10%(!!). Medium Gain seems to sound worse. If I cranked the amp to 100% my ears would explode.

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