Q701 impressions thread
Mar 28, 2012 at 11:40 AM Post #886 of 9,603

Did some comparison listening between my Q701 and my SRH440. I can definitively hear the superiority of the Q701 in sound stage, presentation, details... But so far, the Shure are still fuller sounding. On Metal and Rock, the 440's have a very balanced presentation. They have the bang for the drum, the boom of the bass, the presence for the vocal. Everything on the recording is there, they are very engaging. With the Q701 though, I feel like all I listen to is guitar and cymbals. Sometimes I can notice the smaller drums and piano notes. It's like there's a high-pass filter on the drivers. Weird.
I really don't understand how Headroom did their FR measurements. Looking at the graphs of the two headphones and comparing them, a question mark lights up in my head. 
 By those graphs, the Q701 should have fuller mids and lows. But it's the other way around.
Maybe I should just leave my Q701 playing some Dubstep all day until the drivers slackens up.

You can burn them in for the rest of your life and I doubt that they're going to have more 'weight' and body to their sound signature. I think the other open AKG's are on the 'light and airy' side as well.... maybe the 601 is a little fuller sounding.  Try the Senn 6XX series for more weight to the mids and bass....maybe the open Beyers too....haven't heard those, so maybe someone else can comment on the 880 mids and bass. 
Mar 28, 2012 at 3:27 PM Post #887 of 9,603

You can burn them in for the rest of your life and I doubt that they're going to have more 'weight' and body to their sound signature. I think the other open AKG's are on the 'light and airy' side as well.... maybe the 601 is a little fuller sounding.  Try the Senn 6XX series for more weight to the mids and bass....maybe the open Beyers too....haven't heard those, so maybe someone else can comment on the 880 mids and bass. 

I've found the DT-880 much more cold and analytical than the K702. Much thinner mids. It was like putting all my music under a microscope and one of the first headphones that made me go through my entire collection and weed out all my garbage tracks. Not even the K702 made me do that. Obviously not just the low bit-rate stuff.
It's the first headphone where if it bored me, it was because of the recording or song. Some songs were very engaging and fun, but then other very poor recordings put me to sleep. On some headphones like the HD-600 or HD-598, it will make all my music sound OK. I loved the DT-880, but it's too much of a detail monster to me. I've found the K702 to be a tiny bit warmer and a little more musical. A little more forgiving, but not that much.
For those that find the K702 or Q701 not warm enough, I'd suggest the K601. It's much warmer than the Q701, but not the HD-600. Much fuller sounding mids, but doesn't have the detail and sound clarity of the Q701. It's treble is a bit easier on the ears for some too, but I have no issues with the treble on the Q701. Just on bad tracks. K601 might have more forward lower treble though.
K601 is very under-appreciated, but it is slightly harder to drive than the Q701. I prefer it to the K702, but not the Q701 (version I have).
Mar 29, 2012 at 1:37 AM Post #889 of 9,603
The bass eventually came out in these after some burn-in, but ultimately I'm returning them because they give me some really bad listener's fatigue and they make my ears hurt a bit. I have had Sennheisers in the past and I liked that laid back presentation and the treble roll off is easier on my ears so I ordered a pair of HD 650s. But I wish I could have kept these for certain genres, and games and films especially. The soundstage was fantastic for those, I really felt like I was in a video game with these on, they had incredible detail and great 3d imaging. But I am not rich enough and I need one headphone that does everything well. Great headphones though, just not "the one" for me. I definitely will pick up a pair in the future if I get the chance though, they seem like a good companion headphone to the HD 650.
Apr 3, 2012 at 12:15 AM Post #892 of 9,603
Wait you're using just the E10 with the Q701? If so, that's the problem. The E10 is not enough 'amp' for the Q701.
Apr 3, 2012 at 2:37 PM Post #893 of 9,603

Wait you're using just the E10 with the Q701? If so, that's the problem. The E10 is not enough 'amp' for the Q701.

If the E10 isn't enough, what amp that can fully drive the Q701 at lowest possible price? Please recommend me an amp. Sorry but I couldn't resist to ask because I myself have been powering up my Q701 with a E10 only.
Apr 3, 2012 at 3:14 PM Post #894 of 9,603

If the E10 isn't enough, what amp that can fully drive the Q701 at lowest possible price? Please recommend me an amp. Sorry but I couldn't resist to ask because I myself have been powering up my Q701 with a E10 only.

Matrix M-stage - its 268 dollars right now, and its the best amp for Q701's that you can get, for the money.  Plenty of power, and warm sounding.
Apr 3, 2012 at 5:21 PM Post #895 of 9,603
Well, I used the JDSLabs Pre-assembled O2 and it worked great, the O2 is a very transparent colorless amp, and seems to work well with any headphone I throw at it, so if you want just the headphone (and perhaps the DACs) coloration, the O2 would be good to look into. If you want to color the sound a certain way, the M-Stage is probably a good pick if it warms up the sound signature a bit like the post above says. I don't have any experience with that amp, personally.
If the E10 isn't enough, what amp that can fully drive the Q701 at lowest possible price? Please recommend me an amp. Sorry but I couldn't resist to ask because I myself have been powering up my Q701 with a E10 only.

Apr 3, 2012 at 5:37 PM Post #896 of 9,603

Well, I used the JDSLabs Pre-assembled O2 and it worked great, the O2 is a very transparent colorless amp, and seems to work well with any headphone I throw at it, so if you want just the headphone (and perhaps the DACs) coloration, the O2 would be good to look into. If you want to color the sound a certain way, the M-Stage is probably a good pick if it warms up the sound signature a bit like the post above says. I don't have any experience with that amp, personally.


So you could get an O2 for about $150 or less, or pay an extra $100 to get basically a tone control, by buying the m-stage. Seems like you could save over $100 by using a bit of eq to cut the highs, if the transparency of the O2 renders the 70X too bright. You can also mod the 70X to cut the highs a bit. The O2 is supposed to punch way above it's weight, FWIR
Apr 3, 2012 at 8:58 PM Post #897 of 9,603
Since this is my post # 1,000 I thought that I should use it on the Q701 thread, the Audiophile 'phone that got me started on all this Head Fi stuff!

Gotta get one of those O2 amps someday!   My Matrix M Stage is nice (and powerful!) but it does sound a bit dark.
Big shout out to all you present and future Q701 fans!

Apr 3, 2012 at 9:54 PM Post #898 of 9,603
Yeah, basically. The O2 is great and will have no problem powering nearly anything you throw at it and it is nice and affordable. I was just saying if he wanted to avoid software EQ and just use hardware colorization (I didn't research the m-stage but I'm assuming it is just naturally dark and isn't an eq knob).
So you could get an O2 for about $150 or less, or pay an extra $100 to get basically a tone control, by buying the m-stage. Seems like you could save over $100 by using a bit of eq to cut the highs, if the transparency of the O2 renders the 70X too bright. You can also mod the 70X to cut the highs a bit. The O2 is supposed to punch way above it's weight, FWIR

Apr 4, 2012 at 12:16 AM Post #899 of 9,603
Well, I used the JDSLabs Pre-assembled O2 and it worked great, the O2 is a very transparent colorless amp, and seems to work well with any headphone I throw at it, so if you want just the headphone (and perhaps the DACs) coloration, the O2 would be good to look into. If you want to color the sound a certain way, the M-Stage is probably a good pick if it warms up the sound signature a bit like the post above says. I don't have any experience with that amp, personally.

Matrix M-stage - its 268 dollars right now, and its the best amp for Q701's that you can get, for the money.  Plenty of power, and warm sounding.

Thanks guys, I'll check them out. Can I still use my E10 as a DAC if I another amp? I mean the E10 itself is an amp itself, will it interfere with another amp? With E10+O2/M-Stage will the Q701 become brighter than only with E10? I'm aware that O2 is battery powered, can I use it while charging? Sorry if I'm asking too much because I can't audition them and I have to buy them online.

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