Apr 5, 2013 at 8:27 PM Post #376 of 737
This is from my personal perspective. just a regular guy,not a pro headphone reviewer. I did do some due diligence as best I could online of various headphones. All my tests were coming out of standard iPhone, ipad and Samsung S3

This is for people who are thinking Bluetooth for convenience of being able listen to music and to use the phone, without pulling it out of your pocket or bag and not being hindered by a cord.
Okay, so initially I wanted blue tooth headphones for mobility/convenience reasons, and never "really cared for sound quality."
After testing the Sennheiser mm-550 x, and no luck finding the UE 9000 anywhere (didn't want to spend $500 without trying them out.) I fully intended on being Bluetooth ready and cord free.
I walked into the one of the few high end audio/video places(this store in particular had the largest selection in my area.) hoping to 'B-line' it straight to the 550-x. After walking passed dozens of nice headphones, I made it, slightly tempted ,but focused on the Sennheisers.
Now, as much as I don't know about Hi-fi or mid-fi head phones. For the average person who's patience isn't the greatest with annoying Bluetooth problems. The Senns annoying habit of delay changing the track...waiting...waiting...waiting, finally. Answering calls, hearing the caller just okay, but my wife (who i got to call me) said I sounded muffled and sort of distant. Finally the most crucial reason I avoided the Bluetooth, when paired to my phone I could literally watch my phones battery drain. Which made me think, if my phones going to have to charge constantly, either my phone/music player will be dead,making the headphones useless. Or being attached via the cable. Also, I wasn't all to impressed with the sound, don't know how to describe it but it felt empty and not exciting.
I said screw it, if i am gonna have a cord in my way, i want something affordable and great, and walked over to the other headphones.
I tried some Schur open backed cans, AKGs and others.
THEN, I picked up the PSB M4U2. I was instantly floored, excited, and so impressed. I never really thought I could tell the difference between types of cans. It was like night and day. After 15-20 minutes of trying every type of music, at all different volumes and using the phones EQ(samsung's EQ so, so very much better then iPhone.) I pulled them off, realized I was in PASSIVE mode! Nice deep, not over whelming bass, clear treble, no distortion and great sound isolation as they fit me great.
I then turned them on, activating the built in amp. Put them on, about ready to start the 15 min process all over again, I stumbled upon the mute button on the cord. Which stunned me, pressing the mute amplified the voices around me. Awesome feature I didn't know they had. But as for sound quality, with the AMP on, much deeper bass, overall louder in every aspect. Not in a distorted, pull them of your head way. But clear, crisp sound. Fnally, The NC feature which I would use often, as I use a lot of heavy equipment. The sound quality suffered a little bit, but i walked out to a main road where cars, 18-wheelers are zipping by at 70km/h and they did VERY,VERY well, in my opinion. i have tried my cousins bose QC15, but when the batteries die, so does the music. And since i leave the house without my wallet somedays, i most likely would forget to buy batteries.

Sorry for the detours in my "review" and I don't know why these dont receive much attention online. I love them and am very happy with my purchase! Purchased them 2 days ago, could not be happier.

My opinion for a 1-10 review
Sound- 9
Comfort- 8 comfy ear cups, had them on for 8 hours. No fatigue.
Quality- 7 (sturdy feel, I read some of the headbands get cracks. So I did my best to attempt to stress them out. They held up well.) could have used a less plastic feel for $400
NC- 8.5

Today i decided to try them out sitting in my skidsteer. while revving it out, with the fans on, pushing snow, these did an AWESOME job! I could actually hear the music and my thoughts. finally had the ability to listen to music without going full ear blasting volume, barely being able to hear what I am listening to and still hearing the loud engines and fans.
Apr 7, 2013 at 1:27 AM Post #378 of 737
Does anyone know where I can get a cable with in line volume control for them?

I think I read on PSB's facebook page that they didn't have a volume control because of some license issues but they were considering it for future products. So I'm sure you can't get one from PSB but maybe others can?
Glad to read that you are enjoying your new cans. I'd have to say from your review you have the same impression of them after 2 days as I did and still have. It'll be one year that I've had them for in about 10 days. My first pair did crack and was replaced under warranty. I'm still enjoying the hell out of them and not likely to "upgrade" in the near future as I think it would take a pretty good (and probably expensive) can to do that.
Apr 9, 2013 at 2:59 PM Post #381 of 737
Got to demo these briefly (very briefly I should say)...not bad at all. I only tried them in active mode with some metal music and they did a good job. Sound quality was good to my ears...but I dont know if it was the headphone or my galaxy note 2, but there was a lot of hissing and buzzing when my head was positioned in a certain way. Was not impressed with that but it could have been a bad pair or my phone. Ill demo them more but I still prefer my D2000.
Apr 23, 2013 at 2:28 PM Post #382 of 737
Just wanted to say that I tried the PSB's with the Dragon Fly, microStreamer and the Meridian Explorer.
While all were fine, it was the Explorer that stood out and stole my heart. I don't know what revision I have of the Explorer (the OHM thing), but it's likely the second revision, based on the time of purchase (I got it directly from Meridian).
Only Issue is that the volume is high at pretty low settings. In passive mode I will listen up to level setting 10, in active no more than 5 for low albums and no more than 2-3 for more compressed stuff. But note that I have very sensitive hearing and tend to listen at low levels (my ear doctor say that I have the hearing of a 7 year old in terms of how soft sounds I can hear, though I'm 38), so your milage might vary.
Highly recomended
Apr 24, 2013 at 4:15 PM Post #383 of 737
I had mixed experience driving these at home from my analogue amp (see above) but just drove them from my new Fiio E17 taking the optical SPDIF feed from my Denon CD player and I am a HAPPY BOY. Polica: Give You The Ghost (current fave album). Wow. Just knock spots off everything else I own.
Apr 30, 2013 at 7:45 PM Post #384 of 737
Hey, thanks! I have been looking online for a compatible cord with mic and in line volume control. I don't know where to look. Anyone have any ideas?

I dropped by my local PSB dealer this afternoon with a V-moda Speakeasy cable and they did not work with the M4U 2 in powered or NC mode. They did work in passive mode. They didn't have a M4U 1 out for demo, so I couldn't verify if the cable works or not. While powered/NC, there was no audio at all. I noticed that the default cable had 2 conductors on the player side, but 3 conductors on the headphone side. The V-moda cable was the opposite.
I have tried the V-moda cable with a set of Parrot Zik and a set of Logitech UE 9000 and the cable works with both of these cans. I'm in the process of testing out a few sets of cans with NC for purchase. The lack of phone controls is a deal breaker for my planned usage.
May 7, 2013 at 8:14 PM Post #385 of 737
I dropped by my local PSB dealer this afternoon with a V-moda Speakeasy cable and they did not work with the M4U 2 in powered or NC mode. They did work in passive mode. They didn't have a M4U 1 out for demo, so I couldn't verify if the cable works or not. While powered/NC, there was no audio at all. I noticed that the default cable had 2 conductors on the player side, but 3 conductors on the headphone side. The V-moda cable was the opposite.

I have tried the V-moda cable with a set of Parrot Zik and a set of Logitech UE 9000 and the cable works with both of these cans. I'm in the process of testing out a few sets of cans with NC for purchase. The lack of phone controls is a deal breaker for my planned usage.

Full phone/volume controls are a must for the next revision. Or at least an alternate cable that ditched the mute and adds full controls.
May 20, 2013 at 10:58 AM Post #386 of 737
I'm trying to decide between these and the Parrot Zik. I've read reviews for both, saying they are both great, although I think most reviews find these sound better than the Zik, although the Zik have more features.
My main use for them will be in the office, to block out all the noise (I work in a rather large open space, where people are talking all the time). Right now I'm using a Shure SE435 inear, but the company is growing, and so is the background noise level. I've been uping the volume little by little, but that only goes so far without becoming unconfortable.
Also, my other main concern besides choosing PSB/Parrot, is long period confort. People say they are both confortable for 2/3 hours, but I'll need to wear them 8h+ a day, while I'm working, and I'd like to know, from people who have these, if they are confortable enough to be worn for such long periods.
May 20, 2013 at 11:05 AM Post #387 of 737
I cannot comment on the Zik, but I bought the M4U2 at Axpona a couple months back and have been really enjoying them. They sound terrific. They are not, however, something I could see wearing 8+ hours consecutively - they are a bit too heavy for that IMO. They do sound great though.
May 20, 2013 at 11:32 AM Post #389 of 737
They are not the least bit recessed in the highs, no.
May 20, 2013 at 11:46 AM Post #390 of 737
I'm trying to decide between these and the Parrot Zik. I've read reviews for both, saying they are both great, although I think most reviews find these sound better than the Zik, although the Zik have more features.
My main use for them will be in the office, to block out all the noise (I work in a rather large open space, where people are talking all the time). Right now I'm using a Shure SE435 inear, but the company is growing, and so is the background noise level. I've been uping the volume little by little, but that only goes so far without becoming unconfortable.
Also, my other main concern besides choosing PSB/Parrot, is long period confort. People say they are both confortable for 2/3 hours, but I'll need to wear them 8h+ a day, while I'm working, and I'd like to know, from people who have these, if they are confortable enough to be worn for such long periods.

I'm probably just a "skewed bit of data" but I have no problems wearing these (M4U 2) for over 12 hours a day. I will take them off periodically for a couple minutes to allow the ears to breathe if I'm wearing them for a long period...they're closed cans and will make your ears warmer than the air around you. As far as the weight and comfort, I think they're fine. No neck strain or other problems that others may have encountered.
Never tried the Zik so no comments on them.

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