Portable system - Take II
Oct 26, 2003 at 4:58 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


500+ Head-Fier
Oct 24, 2003
Greetings from a new member, great forum you folks have here. I've been lurking-n-searching for about two weeks, trying to catch up on technology. After reading this forum and seeing what's out there, I have daily upgradeitis for things I've only contemplated buying. Thanks…

I owned a pair of Ety ER-4S and thought them amazing, other than the comfort factor (for me, anyway). Unfortunately, someone else also thought they were cool and borrowed them from my truck along with an Airhead and portable CD player. I'm starting over and would like to find something a bit more comfortable/actively mobile than the Etys and a different amp.

I like the 'idea' of the E1 (low profile in ear, ultra light weight). Seems they'd be more comfortable with your head against a pillow, ala long flights, naps, etc. A few earlier posts mentioned that they exceeded the E2s ("Like taking the film off!"). Lately though, they seem to have fallen out of favor vs the E2 ("Too bright") and in general, off of everyone's radar.

Is anyone in the community actively using the E1?

Quandary: E1 or E2 with a PIMETA or Supermini? (Need FM so this excludes the micro?)
Another poster wrote that you should get the best and build on that. Thanks again… If I choose the E5, a new amp would have to wait a bit so I'd use another Airhead I picked up along the way. Would this combo be at all okay?

I'd ultimately like an amp that would drive earphones and my Senn 580s (is this possible?), but still offers portability and AC/DC operation. I know how to solder and like the idea of a PIMETA that I can build/tweak/upgrade.

New source: Does it make sense to audition a new a source to compliment the chosen earphones (and amp) rather than the other way around? I have a Palm T3 with MP3 capabilities so have the "something/anything" category covered. I need earphones for this device anyway (voice record playback, games playback, background music while writing, etc.).

Genre/preferences statement: Classic rock, some crank'n stuff, some acoustic, new age, and classical. Being cut from geek cloth, I most enjoy the layered stuff and picking out buried tracks. Separation and imaging are important, as is clarity and full spectrum sound without having to crank it up to hit the sweet spot; more on the warmish side. Not a basehead, but accurate bass remains a critiquing point for full spectrum desires. Jeez, sound preferences suitable for analysis are a hard thing to put into words...

Since I need everything, where the heck do I start? Thanks (and I promise to keep future posts shorter),


Team Tortured by Choices
Oct 26, 2003 at 8:33 PM Post #2 of 14
Welcome to head-fi.. sorry 'bout your wallet..

That's a very wide range of options you've got there.. I guess you're going to have to take a while to trim down the options. Here's a few suggestion from my personal experience:
  1. E2 definitely doesn't cover the entire sound spectrum as well as the ER-4, but it has a more forward presentation for the midrange... I'm not sure this would be very much of an upgrade at all for you though. As it is, the E2 is a slight downgrade, it seems to be weird to be spending more money for a downgrade, doesn't it? I understand the portability aspect, in which the E2 is definitely more comfortable than the ER-4. A few people were willing to take the comfortability over the superior sound of the ER-4. With all that said, ER-4 is not "twice" as good as the E2 (which is the price valued over the E2).
  2. I can't compare between the E1 and the E2... because I have never tried the E1. However, E1 is smaller, and comes with a tri-flange tip option not available on the E2. The tri-flange, in my experiences, generally produces the best sound playback. They're a little troublesome to put in. The Shure's tri-flange tip is much more comfortable than the Ety's tri-flange tip.
  3. If you go all the way and head for an E5, you can be happy to know that an unamped E5 is probably still better sounding than your amped ER-4. It's a more forward presentation with just as much clarity (if not more) and much more filled out tonal range. But the price is a huge chunk of change.
  4. For getting a source, I would recommend you look at what your portable needs are and start from there. With a home source, I can understand there are certain set-ups where some equipments are more synergetic than others. However, for a portable set-up, I would think your portable playing needs come first. I would definitely recommend a hard drive based player, iPod, Karma, or something similar. The recent stereophile review looked over the new iPod's output, and concluded that in general, the iPod's output is better than most portable CD player on the market now.
    Put it another way, for a home source, all I care about is the sound quality. I'm going to be listening to one CD at a time, I don't really care about all the other "features". For a portable source, I want to balance out how much music I can carry, size & convenience, and sound quality.
  5. Lastly, man, stay away from those MP3 files
Oct 27, 2003 at 4:10 AM Post #3 of 14
Thanks for responding!

Very true, I have a bit of paring down to do. It's both exciting and a royal pain to start over from scratch.

The E1 or E2 battle still rages within. Size alone is not worth it; hoping for other feedback. Substantially fewer bucks creates incentive to research.

An E5 unamped would sound better that an E5 with an Airhead? Just checking…. I am leaning towards the E5 direction at any rate, as I'd really like to just buy earphones once (that use for five years amortizing head trick that always gets me in trouble…). Yup, big chunk of change, but seldom see them for resale, which has to mean something.

Still leaning towards a PIMETA (size and stated performance). A good match for the E5? Maybe I'll not be able to have one amp that'll drive E5s and Senn 580s (still hoping for other feedback on this one), but as you said, this is for a portable system.

Just checked prices on IPOD. Ouch. Maybe a good CD player for now.

I thank you, my wallet is quivering too much to do so.

Oct 27, 2003 at 4:17 AM Post #4 of 14

Originally posted by drp

An E5 unamped would sound better that an E5 with an Airhead? Just checking…. I am leaning towards the E5 direction at any rate, as I'd really like to just buy earphones once (that use for five years amortizing head trick that always gets me in trouble…). Yup, big chunk of change, but seldom see them for resale, which has to mean something.

It is definitely one of those earphone no one would ever get rid of... then again, to put in context, not many people own anyway. You have to have a pretty high market saturation before people start selling them off

Hmm.. to clarify, an unamped E5 would still sound better for an amped ER-4... not an amped E5. So if you bought an E5, you can still hold off on that portable amp for the future.
Oct 27, 2003 at 4:59 AM Post #5 of 14
I had the E1 and currently have the E2. Having tried the E2 for a few days, I'm going to have to take it back.... I much prefer the sound of my Sportapros and KSC-35's to the E2s... even though the E2 is great at the gym when trying to block out other noise. If I had more bucks to put with it, I'd return them and get the E1, and try the triple flange tips. Alas, my local store only carries the E1's in their wireless monitor packs, so I'd have to Ebay it. I think the E2's are more durable in the long run, but ultimately its sound that I'm after and I keep coming back to the same stuff.

I would say that the E1's sound much clearer than the E2s, definitely enough to warrant the money. Some might find the E1's more harsh sounding, but I thought the E2's sounded a little boxy and unclear in the high end (but that also makes them less fatiguing to listen to). Plus they are flesh toned, so they look like cheap earplugs, which is a good thing (less prone to thievery).

I always liked the E1's with the foam tips--- if you get a good deal on the large bag of foam tips, just stuck with that-- they sound better than the clear rubber tips. I'm curious to see how the triple flange tips would sound.

I say go for the E1's--- if you don't like them, I'm sure that there's someone here who would be happy to take them off your hands (i.e. me).

good luck!
Oct 27, 2003 at 8:00 AM Post #6 of 14
when i first got mine, they were definitely too harsh. adding an extra 75ohm of resistance seems to make them much more bearable, imo, even enjoyable. i use the triple-flange tips, as well. they aren't nearly as dynamic as my 325s, but seemingly more sensitive.
Oct 27, 2003 at 8:39 PM Post #7 of 14
Hey, are those my toes touching terra firma? Naw, can't be….. Your comments and suggestions are very much appreciated.

Well, if I go the E1 route, I could then afford to build a PIMETA. This speaks to the geek in me, since I'd hopefully learn (need to learn) more about the technology. I do want pure sound, but having a better understanding of the underlying technology that provides this is intriguing and seems beneficial in the long run. I wonder if other technology-focused members started off in this fashion?

More stuff to ponder before jumping in head first, and I'm glad that if I choose the E1 and don't like it, I already have a buyer…… ha ha.

Thanks for all your help.

Oct 28, 2003 at 4:58 PM Post #8 of 14
i have the E1 for about a month now and i love it. At first, it does sound bright and harsh, but like any other high end stuff, it needs to be burn in; after a week of non-stop playing, it started to sound awesome.
most of the time you get what you pay for, if the e2 sound better than the e1, then i am sure Shure would start charging more for the e2 over the e1.
Oct 29, 2003 at 1:19 AM Post #9 of 14
Thanks for shedding some light on the E1 performance vs. product positioning angle; it was driving me crazy and I knew there had to be more to the story. Glad to read that you guys are happy with them.

However, I couldn't resist, and ended up going with the E5, which I picked up this afternoon. Had to give a listen as soon as I got to my truck. You guys will probably laugh (just remember that I'm starting over), but the only source I had with me was my Palm T3 (I'd ripped a few vorbis format files to listen to before leaving home). I was pleasantly surprised in that I could hear a respectable frequency range and good sound from a questionable source and without amplification. For times when I just have my Palm, I'll have decent tunes (step one, complete).

Currently listening to The Rippingtons on a mid-grade CD player and the E5's through an Airhead. I'm hearing things I've only heard clearly on reference systems, albeit on the noisy side…. 8~) .

I'm really stoked and happy with the purchase.

Portable System, Take II, is officially underway. This also marks the beginning of selection hell for a suitable source and amp…

Thanks a bunch for your feedback,

Oct 29, 2003 at 2:48 AM Post #10 of 14
holy crap you dropped $500 on in ear phones! so insane. where did you pick those up? i didnt even know stores stocked them.
Oct 29, 2003 at 3:54 AM Post #12 of 14
I don't know-- the E5's will probably hold you over for quite a while, at least they should at that price!

Congrats for havin' the stones to go for the whole hog! I'm sure they will trounce the E1's!

Oct 29, 2003 at 4:45 AM Post #13 of 14
Akio - Notice in this thread how your avitar is right above Lindrone's head. See if you can get a mod to drop it to the bottom of the pane so it's right on top of his head, because it's his fault. This is a mere example of the many excuses I used to justify them.… Couldn't step down (opinion subject to a proper audition) from the Etys, could I?

Lindrone - Just kidding. So far, everything you wrote was accurate, they truly are amazing. The jump to E5s was supposed to eliminate the U word, dammit. Hey - get the "team" to meet me in the amps forum; lets talks amps. My soldering iron is sitting in the corner, cold.

I picked them up at Guitar Center in Natick. MA. After reading a few less than glowing comments about floor sales, and then suffering an "inventory glitch" myself after a long drive, I got a little hot and wrote a letter to Cust. Sat and ended up at the district manager's level. He was very cool, apologetic, and stated that they are serious about product training/knowledge and are trying to resolve this. Huge store, a million products, turnover (opinion) must play a part. He was extremely accommodating in many respects…. I highly recommend them.

I know there is another pair or two at the Natick, MA store. Call and ask for Kevin White, store manager. I met him because the big guy set it up. Like I wrote, they seem serious about a good customer experience. I have Kevin's email address, but PM me because this is starting to read too much like a commercial….

Question: Before I go digging for the old Ety ER-4 box (unless I chunked it out of sheer anguish), does anyone know if the triflange tip will fit the E5? As you know, I'm now po.

Oct 29, 2003 at 5:02 AM Post #14 of 14
Appar - thanks!

Noticed Bjork in you sig line. Was listening to a cut of hers earlier and counting synthesizers; what I previously thought were partially artifacts. Also dug out some old IASCA competition CDs for cuts I've heard a million times. It's all there (withing limitations of my other equipment).

Can't wait to have something great to hook them to, but at least I know I'll be increasingly impressed.

They better hold me if I want my mate to still do so. Yes, I got that "That's them?" question..... I guess she was expecting something much bigger.... DOH!

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