PLEASE DELETE: What to do about Future Sonics low mids hump?
Aug 19, 2010 at 2:25 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


Apr 18, 2002
Hey guys, haven't posted here in a good long time but finally decided to get into the IEM game (owned some Shure E2C's a couple of years back but that doesnt really count).  I initially got a pair of the Altec-Lansing rebadged Super-fi 3's (way too middy and generally not too detailed) and then some ER-6i's (couldnt do low bass at all and the highs were a bit harsh but otherwise a pleasant headphone).  A buddy had recommended the Atrios and after trying them out I found a good deal on eBay and got them.  I guess it's generally accepted around here that they're pretty bass heavy so I was wondering if anyone had any solutions to the overemphasized low mids.  I've had some luck with EQing on the computer but that's not really possible on my iPod bc you obviously cant customize settings (I hate Apple).  I feel like there might be something to be done with changing the tips maybe?  Because unlike the ER-6i's the problem lies not in the fact that they just cant reproduce frequencies without distorting (i.e. the crappy bass on the ER-6i's).  I'm guessing it's not really a burn-in issue either. 
On a sidenote, I wonder if there's any other IEM you guys can recommend that can do bass and have a nice wide soundstage like the Atrios but might do a better job of articulating mids.  Because I do like most things about them (other than how microphonic the cable is) but am comparing them to my v6's (my standby for the last 10 years) and they don't quite get there.  I know it's partly the tradeoff you have between a large driver of a full size and IEMs but is there anything out there that can approach the level of detail and frequency range of the v6 without paying an arm and a leg? 

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