Phoenix-Scottsdale anyone?
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May 13, 2007 at 6:58 AM Post #121 of 269
Woot, that was a blast...definitely looking forward to some more of these! I'll create a mini-meet thread or something so I can post all my pics. That is, when I can be bothered to re-size and upload them
May 13, 2007 at 7:16 AM Post #122 of 269
Oh boy, today's meet was jolly good fun. First off, I was very impressed by Ingo's 1212M -> HeadFive setup, listening to it with my HD650 the sound was tighter and more extended on both ends than I was used to on the LDII+, that setup really sang with rock 'n roll (oh, that SS bass).
Steve's new Microstack is surprisingly small (and the power supplies surprisingly large). To me the MicroAmp sounded pleasantly smooth and neutral out of the DAP, I'm sure it'll sound even better out of a dedicated DAC, I can't wait till our next meet to try it with the MicroDAC!

Again, thanks to Steve for being a wonderful host and to MaGG and Ingo for their awesome company. It was great getting to know you guys and I'll say, I think you guys are pretty cool.

a little teaser...

LDII++ and MicroStack

HeadFive and PX100 in the background

MaGG's DIY cmoy and KSC75

TEAC transport feeding an Entech

Ingo looking off into space with HD650 ...

MaGG + SR225 + XRCD Flowchart

Steve challenging MaGG to a duel for the SR225
May 14, 2007 at 6:54 AM Post #124 of 269
Thanks to MaGG and Dept_Of_Alchemy for posting up the pictures you guys took! Also, thank you Scorch123 for hosting and opening up your spectacular home!

I had a great time and I can't wait to do it again. Hopefully we can do the BBQ soon enough. All of you guys seemed very nice and I really enjoyed the conversation and gear. Hopefully in the future we can flush out some more people to participate.

Speaking of which, I compiled a list of Head-Fi members that are registered in Arizona. If you guys want to we could send out an interest-check for another meet via PM to everyone on the list (there's 63 that I found).
May 15, 2007 at 12:51 AM Post #125 of 269
Very cool, Ingo. Go for it, I still have the one you sent me last October when this thread got active again

Hopefully I'll be able to make it.
Jun 1, 2007 at 1:47 AM Post #127 of 269
Hi itsborken,

Yes - I know we'll have a get-together in June/July. The past GTGs have been cool and it would be great to have more folks come out and have fun.

Just start pinging the thread if you get antsy - I'm open to micro-meets (1-2 people) at my place - no problem.

- Steve O.
Jun 17, 2007 at 6:21 AM Post #129 of 269
I just ran across this thread tonight. I didn't realize that there were this many Head-Fi'ers in the valley. I would be very interested in coming to a meet. I gotta warn yah that I'm an old guy (56, '73 grad of ASU), so if there's an age limit, I'm outta luck. Here's what I can bring:

DIY M^3 w/STEPS, 3 switchable inputs.
DIY PPA v2 w/battery board (see recent pix in DIY section).
Modified Sony PS-1 (recased PS, bypassed output stage).
Sony SCD-CD595 (stock, so far).
If anyone wants a vinyl source, I could also bring my modified AR ES-1 turntable with a Rega RB300 arm w/Incognito rewire and Shure V15 V xMR cartridge with a DIY Hagtech Bugle headamp w/PS as well as a 'few' albums.
HD 600's w/HD 650 stock cable: I'm waiting for some cable, etc. to build my own Cardas cable for it. Should be here in a couple of weeks.
HD 497's.
Sony D-25s PCDP with new caps.
Slim X 555 PCDP with optical digital output.

Let me know. By the way, I'm waay out here in Gold Canyon, just before you get to the Renaissance Festival.
Jun 17, 2007 at 10:59 AM Post #132 of 269

Originally Posted by scorch123 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Who's interested in a get-together in early/mid July? It's been a while - time for a HOT head-fi GTG
- Steve O.

I would be interested. I can bring:

Corda Opera USB
Porta Corda mkiii
Corda Move
HD650 w/silver dragon
Proline 750 stock cable
Denon D2000 stock cable
Music Hall 25.2 (in process of RAM modding)

Jun 18, 2007 at 10:53 AM Post #134 of 269
I'm definitely down. I still, unfortunately, have no newer gear to bring. I can still bring what I brought to the last meet. Ingo, Steve, let me know what's up! I may have even recruited a couple of my non-Head-Fi friends to come along
Jun 19, 2007 at 3:34 PM Post #135 of 269
Wow! Sounds like turnout is gonna be sweet

Let's shoot for Saturday, July 14th, or Saturday July 21st. This should give enough lead time for everyone - last time I think the heads-up was given on a week or two before, which left some folks out.

This is head-fi - we don't worry about age, gear, anything of the sort. I know for some folks, getting to Chandler takes serious time and gas money. But hopefully you'll have a good time and get to meet folks face to face.

Everyone's invited who wants to have fun and listen to some music. The more the merrier.

Let's get this thread buzzing!

- Steve O.
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