Philips Fidelio X2?!
Dec 19, 2014 at 1:33 PM Post #1,786 of 15,270
I just got my X2s in the mail from amazon. The box had obviously been opened already . All the seals were broken and there was a hair in the headband, but I don't see anything wrong with them. Do you think I should do anything? 

If i got buyer protections, i would process it. Who knows what happened before you receive it, not to mention if you pay the price for a 'new' HP
Dec 19, 2014 at 1:42 PM Post #1,787 of 15,270
If i got buyer protections, i would process it. Who knows what happened before you receive it, not to mention if you pay the price for a 'new' HP

If you bought them advertised as "new" from Amazon (and you'd have to have clicked on the "Available as Used from these sellers link to have bought them used), there's your buyer's protection.  Personally, I'd raise hell and make sure I got a "new" new pair.  Your call, of course.
Dec 19, 2014 at 2:57 PM Post #1,790 of 15,270
What about amazon,it + paying for quick delivery? I guess it could be done somehow.

A bit too risky as I'm changing hotels every 1-2 nights... Oh well I suppose I could always order from amazon us to ship back home once I'm done. Just wanted to see if it's possible to pick one up at a local store...
Dec 19, 2014 at 3:50 PM Post #1,791 of 15,270
A bit too risky as I'm changing hotels every 1-2 nights... Oh well I suppose I could always order from amazon us to ship back home once I'm done. Just wanted to see if it's possible to pick one up at a local store...

I don't live in Rome so I can't help you with that, sorry. Not that I'd know about retailers selling the X2s here in Bologna either 

Dec 19, 2014 at 3:58 PM Post #1,792 of 15,270
I was actually curious about whether or not there would be a mass drop. Obviously if there would be I would but my X2 from as the price would be better for me.

Didn't feel like waiting around for an answer so I emailed the mass drop guys. They told me that they might have some other Philips stuff lined up but the X2 won't happen any time soon.

So your best bet is Amazon.

Thanks !
Dec 20, 2014 at 7:44 AM Post #1,794 of 15,270
A bit too risky as I'm changing hotels every 1-2 nights... Oh well I suppose I could always order from amazon us to ship back home once I'm done. Just wanted to see if it's possible to pick one up at a local store...

It's hard to find Fidelio's in Italy on local stores.. and in airports too, and anyway, they'll cost 299€, it's just amazon that's cheap. By the way there's a new amazon shipping option that lets you choose a poste italiane office (our national mail system) to receive the shipment, so if you know you will be in a city for some days you could always go to the post office and pick them up. Now, if you are also changing cities every couple of days it's a bit harder...  better off buying in the u.s..
OT: Oh and enjoy your stay in Italy! We are fun people, we eat well, just pay attention to pickpocketing in the bigger cities, especially in center and southern italy, and you'll be fine (=
Dec 20, 2014 at 10:06 AM Post #1,795 of 15,270
So I actually pulled the trigger on X2 and now it's here!

I am relieved, I actually made a good purchase. This is my impressions of the headphone, new out of the box.

So I have an iTouch 4g, an xperia ZL, and fiio e10k.
Have HD 558, and tried X1 and L2 in a short audition
Using headphone to listen to all kinds of music from pop to classical and gaming.

I was afraid to buy X2 when i heard X1 through my phone, the bass was so thick it's like in your face, sure it's better than a bright headphone since i like warm character, but that much of a bass is too much for me.
The X2 compared to X1 has a leaner, tighter bass and what's interesting is X2 still delivers an impactful bass when the recording calls for it.
I couldn't say much about the midrange and high since the bass on X1 was so overwhelming that i forgot to pay attention on the mid and highs.

Compared to L2, i can tell how people said the L2 is the brighter phone, it's true, L2 simmers more on the high and the bass is not impactful though it is morr detailed and textured.

Now compared to HD558, played from fiio e10k:
1. Packaging
My god that box is huge! No special accessories, the content is almost exactly the same as HD 558. Cable (with clip), phone, adapter, that's it...
The clip is useful though not the best solution for cable management
There is microphonic on the cable, but this is an open headphone, it's not as bothersome as IEM is

2. Comfort
X2 is heavy, especially after i am so used to HD558 weight. The 558 is way more comfortable, the 558 also plays better with glasses compared to X2[size=13.3333330154419px] [/size][size=13.3333330154419px]but in time i am sure i will get used to X2 too with that reduced clamping force and what not.[/size]
[size=13.3333330154419px]And the X2 headband will mess your hair...[/size]

[size=13.3333330154419px]3. Sound[/size]

The X2 has all the characteristics of an open headphone, airy sound, spacious sound stage, and it leaks sound like there is no tomorrow. Though as open headphone, the quantity of bass pumped from this thing is pretty unusual, thus giving it a tilt toward warm character.
Compared to the 558, the X2 is less forgiving toward bad recording, revealing artifacts and noises that is not meant to be in the recording. But in turns, X2 has better overall clarity while the 558, when compared, revealed this infamous Sennheisser Veil which also gave the 558 that laid-back presentation it has. The X2 with the more forward presentation, also gives the better sound stage (width, depth, height), airier sound, and better separation. Both are pretty spot on in imaging, though the X2 gives better distance between instruments.

Highs: The X2 highs are amazing when compared to Senn HD558. it is more detailed and better extended which gives guitars and cymbals a satisfying sound. Though in some cases, the treble range could sound a little bit too aggressive when my ears are already used to the 558 smooth sound.
Mids: The vocals in X2 has this quality body that makes my 558 sound thin, thanks to the added bass i guess. The mids has better clarity, sound more natural and more articulate compared to the 558.

Lows: The X2 lows are better extended than the 558 which gives more impact when the bass come. Overall the lows are textured and has a good timber but it lacks tightness. This is the only point in which 558 trumps the X2, bass tightness. But the quantity pumped from 558 is not at X2 levels.
Btw, the fiio e10k bass boost will bring the X2 bass level closer to the X1 though not as thick.

the sound is not fatiguing. My longest listening session is about 8 hours or so and it has been pretty enjoyable.
I like how the sound is very linear in this phone where each range stays in its own course.
Overall this is a very enjoyable headphone that i find myself trying to grab X2 whenever i had the chance.

In conclusion,

Well, the X2 cost around twice-ish the price of 558 in my country. Does it perform twice as better? Well, it depends really. I can see why people are saying that the higher you go up the price ladder, the lesser price-performance you'll get.
Sure the X2 sounds better than Sennheisser HD 558, but how much value you put on those performance increase will be the deciding factor of whether it is a good or bad purchase.

For me X2 is the direct upgrade from 558, same character with overall better (much better on some) performance on all range. Well, except for comfort.
Now let's see what happened after burn-in...
So i leave the X2 for burn-in when i am not using it.
around 40 hours burn-in, the sound settled nicely in X2. The mids opened up and the bass gained a bit of tightness though not as tight as i hoped. It feels like the harsh edges is being refined. It doesn't change the overall sound signature, but it sounds nicer.
Dec 20, 2014 at 11:27 AM Post #1,797 of 15,270
Dec 20, 2014 at 11:32 AM Post #1,798 of 15,270
Does anyone know where to get a decent case that will fit the x2s?

People have been buying some version of this for the HiFiMAN cans, which aren't small:
I got a cheap one off eBay for my Q701s (also not small).  The easily detachable cord opens up options.
Dec 20, 2014 at 1:38 PM Post #1,799 of 15,270
People have been buying some version of this for the HiFiMAN cans, which aren't small:
I got a cheap one off eBay for my Q701s (also not small).  The easily detachable cord opens up options.

The X2s are too big for the CASEBUDi Large (headband is too big), you have to get the Extra Large.  
I have the CASEBUDi XL and the X2s.  The X2s fit in the perfectly but you do need to detach the cable.
Dec 20, 2014 at 2:00 PM Post #1,800 of 15,270
If you dont want to detach the cable just search this thread and find the aliexpress link for the carbon case. X2 fits in perfectly. You have to remove the inner foam though...

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