Petition: I would like the old site back (or other choice)
May 9, 2010 at 12:34 PM Post #31 of 431
I still don't get why almost everyone is complaining about the new design being "bright". To be honest, the older design wasn't really that much darker then this design, it had dark blues instead of light blues, but it still had light grays and white. And if this hurts your eyes so much, how do you tolerate Google or any other site that is mainly white? Because there are a lot of them.
May 9, 2010 at 12:37 PM Post #33 of 431
i agree with the OP, too many things about the new layout hurt usability. The whole thing runs much slower now, as another member said, its much harder for power users to post in. I usually have anywhere from 5 -15 tabs open at a time, and headfi brings my whole browser to a stall now. The new quick reply box is super clunky, and also not very fast, the auto scroll after posting sucks. I was happy that i finally found that your subscriptions are listed by order of last post on the home page, which i couldnt find forever. In line spell checking doesnt work for some reason?? must have something to do with AJAX. The amount of time it takes for page to load, there is too much going on on each page now, too much feature rich content.
overall, im spending a ton less time online now. I come, check my subscriptions, and leave. I dont browse anymore. Theres a reason so many forums use vBulletin, its because it works so well. this new site really does feel like an add/wiki with a forum tumor growing off the side of it, it feels like too much of an afterthought.
please give us back the old head-fi :frowning2:
May 9, 2010 at 12:42 PM Post #34 of 431

Quote: too, the worst thing is the thread list..its impossible to read through it. The user control panel is just abysmal. Multiquoting and quoting in general is hit and miss (I hate that you have to multiquote posts, then click on single quotes to make all them multiquotes appear, not 'reply'). The whole forum looks like a tack on to the reviews and wiki and stuff - as described in the whitespace thread, amazon with a forum attached. It doesn't seem fun any more, I used to browse through threads just to see whats going on in the headphone world but now...I try to use it as little as possible :frowning2: sorry. <-- Oh and that no text alternative for smilies, you want a smiley, you have to click the button up there ^^, which is silly - I learnt all the vbulletin codes :frowning2:

I love the new layout. Sure it has a few minor issues but it's far superior in so many ways I'm willing to let them go. 
It just needs a bit of tweaking. Don't be so quick to condemn it.

I'm trying to get used to it. I guess that I will adapt in the long run but the other set-up seemed more intuitive. If a choice was possible that would be good...
May 9, 2010 at 1:44 PM Post #35 of 431
no forum statistics, no members list...
May 9, 2010 at 2:08 PM Post #37 of 431
yea... i have no problems with the new layout. I guess i find it intuitive. 
May 9, 2010 at 2:14 PM Post #38 of 431
I like the new layout and colour scheme but the old one was feature-richer. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about if you started noticing little little things that are subtly missing.
May 9, 2010 at 2:28 PM Post #39 of 431
I think all things take time to get used to. There is always a huge commotion on Facebook whenever the layout changes.
I was taken a bit off guard by all the extra clutter that's around the pages, but it doesn't bother me that much. I do like how there's a search bar right on top of every page now.
May 9, 2010 at 2:32 PM Post #40 of 431
Meh, I think that some things are better but I did like the old layout more; a little quicker/easier to work around and darker. I wish they gave us some small formatting tools like a brightness setting or something.
It's also a little more processor intensive. I don't have any problems surfing the site on my netbook but when it's bogged down with the music player, me watching a video, running multiple programs and moving large amounts of files around, the old Head-Fi was a little easier to use. 
May 9, 2010 at 2:56 PM Post #41 of 431
Not quite getting the brightness complaints.  I've got the site full screen on my 20" widescreen and find it easy on the eyes.  Perhaps many dial up the brightness on their monitors?
I also don't find the site slow in loading at all.
Hmm... it is just like discussing headphones!  Opinions on extreme opposites. 

Let's all keep in perspective that this format is brand new.  Give Jude some time to tweak and consider the comments that, I'm sure, are flooding him.  Not everyone is going to be satisfied so it will be a give and take.
May 9, 2010 at 3:20 PM Post #42 of 431

It's just an infomercial, with better tie-in for advertisers, vendors, Amazon, etc - for the average forum user it has no benefits, as I see it.

Unfortunately, you are absolutely right, and for those reasons, it will never be changed back 

May 9, 2010 at 4:22 PM Post #43 of 431

Unfortunately, you are absolutely right, and for those reasons, it will never be changed back 

yes..if you look at the huddler website, all they go on about is increasing traffic, advertising and marketing and such like :frowning2:
May 9, 2010 at 4:31 PM Post #44 of 431
I guess I'll sign your little petition. The new style is not terrible, but it seems a bit gimmicky to me.
I would consider becoming a contributer if I could have the old style back.
May 9, 2010 at 4:38 PM Post #45 of 431
I don't see any more ads now than I did with the old forum. It was one thing I was worried about the night before the change was made and there were the example pictures.
I do agree there are several things that could be improved with this new forum system, but I'm sure Jude is reading our opinions and suggestions and taking them into account.

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