Pacers vs. Pistons........brawl.......
Nov 20, 2004 at 5:09 AM Post #2 of 59
That's wild. Thanks for the heads-up. Sounds like they were playing basketball and a hockey game broke out.


Originally Posted by MadDog5145;_y...111908&prov=ap

Wow. What a mess.......

Gotta tune into Sportcenterand see the actual brawl to realize how dangerous this situation was!

Nov 20, 2004 at 6:37 AM Post #3 of 59
I'm watching it right now. What the hell were Jackson and Artest thinking about?

Artest has been a ticking time bomb for a while now. I guess that was a gangsta rap album he cut, huh?

That said, I can't say I'm proud of how my Pistons reacted.

What a mess....
Nov 20, 2004 at 6:53 AM Post #5 of 59
thats one wild game. I must say. Never seen nothing this extrodinary in a while now. The NBA is losing it.
Nov 20, 2004 at 7:04 AM Post #6 of 59
I saw it live too. I'm not a fan of Artest and think he is an idiot, especially with all the ruckus he caused with the impending release of his rap record. But after getting shoved by Ben Wallace, Artest was actually very calm. Then a fan threw a cup or bottle at him. Artest, Jackson, O'Neal, and maybe some other players will get fined/suspended, but this is clearly the crowd's fault. Not only did they throw stuff at the players, fans threw punches at players in the stands, and some even came out on the court to attack players. Hell, if that happened to me, I'd be in the stands too. There will be some serious repercussions from this incident though. It'll be interesting to see how it unfolds.
Nov 20, 2004 at 7:07 AM Post #7 of 59
Jermaine O'Neal can throw a mean punch -- completely laid out that one fan who had the poor judgement to step out onto the court (along with his friend who got clocked by Artest on the floor). The funny thing is that I could see the players being exempt from that considering the fans simply weren't where they were supposed to be.

But Artest going into the stands was ridiculous. I can't wholely blame the rest of his team for following though considering that Artest got surrounded by unruly fans. The Pacers who did go into the crowd will likely all be suspended, and I can see ten games for Jackson and O'Neal, and perhaps even more for Artest.

Sad, sad day in b-ball. Arguably the single worst event in the sport.
Nov 20, 2004 at 7:12 AM Post #8 of 59

Originally Posted by strohmie
Sad, sad day in b-ball. Arguably the single worst event in the sport.

I'd say this comes up second to "the punch" by Kermit Washington to the face of Rudy Tomjohnovich. He was damn lucky that he didn't die from those injuries.

I just remembered that I actually considered going to this game tonight. Someone put some tickets up on our internal site, and had I not been so ridiculously busy, I'd have snagged them. Oh well...not sure if I missed anything or not.
Nov 20, 2004 at 7:17 AM Post #9 of 59
I dislike Artest as too. He was a baby when he played in Chicago and now he's just a nit-wit. I know he's great player but I kinda wanna slap him a few times.

After watching this a few times I think Artest might be the person least at fault. He did'nt over-react when he commited the foul(which was'nt hard at all) and was shoved. Laying on the scorer's table like he did could be viewed as taunting but that stupid fan that threw the bottle had it coming. Where were the cops? I saw five cops in that clip and none of them looked like they were actually trying to break anything up. The Detroit players and fans really looked bad tonight.

ESPN showed a few clips of incidents at Detroit games in various sports over the years and some really scary stuff has happened,especially at Pistons games. I saw the game where the fan threw the folding chair at Scottie Pippen and when the guy ran up and pointed in Michale Jordan's face and tried to spit on him but some of the other stuff looked downright scary.

When those stupid White Sox fans ran out onto the field, Chicago police and politicos reacted immediately by first making such acts a felony and then by increasing security. Detroit should learn from this and do some of the same things.
Nov 20, 2004 at 7:25 AM Post #10 of 59

Originally Posted by elrod-tom
I'd say this comes up second to "the punch" by Kermit Washington to the face of Rudy Tomjohnovich. He was damn lucky that he didn't die from those injuries.

IMO this was worse. That was one freak punch that happened to shatter Rudy's skull -- this was a riot involving the entire Pacer's team and half the fans, almost all of whom were acting like complete psychos once things got bad.

Tuberoller, I unfortunately have to look back to my own alma mater at the legendary comeback by Jason Williams and the Dukies against my Terps. We were leading by nine with about 50 seconds left, and we ended up losing in overtime. The Terp fans are nuts to begin with (we were named as one of the top 10 "least rootable" schools because of it), but losing a game like that drove them nuts. One bottle hit the mother of Carlos Boozer in the head, and it was all-out insane. I'm somewhat glad I didn't have tickets to that one.

edit: upon seeing this a second time, I'd put Jackson down as the worst offender overall...that guy all-out went nuts before and after the cup was thrown at Artest.
Nov 20, 2004 at 7:29 AM Post #11 of 59
Lawsuit mania will be running wild on those two nutjobs.

(to play on Hulk Hogan in Rocky 3 when he ran into the stands and started beating up the fans)

This type of crap has happen before in Boxing, hockey and of course countless times in Soccer but never in Basketball. I saw the whole thing, it was pretty surreal, mostly because it was Basketball, crazy scene. ESPN has been replaying it like crazy in slow motion and with arrows pointing to different fights, so watch them if you want to see it.


Laying on the scorer's table like he did could be viewed as taunting but that stupid fan that threw the bottle had it coming.

That stupid fan should had been thrown out by the cops and that should have been the end of that, I don't think that a plastic cup getting thrown at him justifies running into the stands and beating the crap out of a fan.
Nov 20, 2004 at 7:34 AM Post #12 of 59

Originally Posted by KR...

That stupid fan should had been thrown out by the cops and that should have been the end of that, I don't think that a plastic cup getting thrown at him justifies running into the stands and beating the crap out of a fan.

True, Artest did go too far. This was a huge failure by the cops and the stuff that happened here at the White Sox games was scary as hell too.
Nov 20, 2004 at 7:51 AM Post #13 of 59
Just saw the recap of the game on SportsCenter. I agree that Artest handled himself pretty well, though he clearly should not have gone into the stands. That idiot who threw the drink at Artest is to blame for the whole situation. The situation had all but died down, then that happened. I think that everyone involved is at fault. The players were not justified for fighting, but I think we can all understand and maybe even sympathize for defending themselves. I'm not really sure how I feel about this, but I do know that this really is just a terrible incident all around.
Nov 20, 2004 at 9:15 AM Post #14 of 59
I guess the NBA will need to have Michael Buffer as the official announcer

Oh yeah, this is appropriate.

Bring the violence
It's significant
To the life
If you've ever known anyone
Bring the violence
It's significant
To the life, can you feel it?

How do you sleep
When you live with your lies
Out of your mouth
Up from your mind
That kind of thinking starts a chain reaction
You are a time bomb ticking away
You need to release

What your feeling inside
Let out the beast
That your trying to hide
Step right up and be a part of the action
Get your game face on because it's time to play

Disturbed - Violence Fetish
Nov 20, 2004 at 12:59 PM Post #15 of 59
Philly fans can now justifiably give up their rep as being the worse. Artest has always been a little "off," but this violence has to stop before a fan or a player gets killed.

This incident is a reflection of the violence and tension in our society. There are no winners or losers in something like this. We all are a little less human because of these types of incidents.

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