Oct 15, 2003 at 8:17 AM Post #16 of 41
Hope you get better fast and back on the course (golf or dinner final stretch). Since I just watched Kill Bill a few days ago, I couldn't pass up some physical theropy advice from of all people, Uma Thurman and her "wiggle your ___ toe" mantra.

Oct 15, 2003 at 10:09 AM Post #17 of 41

Originally posted by SteeleBlayde
Dont you hate it when that happens? I've had similar injuries on two or three occasions and it seems big chunks of flesh just love to disintegrate before I can find them...
I mean, where the hell did it go?!

Oh, forgot to mention it. I found it two days later, wrapped in the bandage I had in that hand, which I used to stop squirting blood on the kids
: Of course, it was of no use then. Whenever you loose a chunk of flesh, clean it and dip it in alcohol or (maybe I'm wrong, but somebody told me) milk, so it could be reatached. Ice works for limbs

But, man, it was fun to see all those children freaking out. Anyway, I hope they don't have nightmares and learned from the experience.
Oct 15, 2003 at 10:32 AM Post #18 of 41
Hey, are the amps going to be delayed?

Seriously, I hurt for you man. That has to suck big time. Can you walk? What kind of pain killers did you get? Are you laid up at all?
If so,Now is the time for you to catch up on all the latest pornos.
Oct 15, 2003 at 11:11 AM Post #19 of 41

I feel your pain man. While in the Navy I was picking up a 45lb plate and didn't notice that there was a 35lb'er sitting on my side of it. In the rush to pick up the 45lb'er I somehow got the 35lb plate far enough off the ground so that when it came down upon my left foot it fractured the end of my left big toe in about 5 places. I spent the next month out at sea walking around with some Frankeinstein boot on my left foot. I hated that thing. What made it all worse was that I had to go to the hospital in Naples, Italy, and ended up with the XO of the USS Iowa in teh launch with me. He made comment that I was the idiot who dropped a weight on his foot. I wanted to deck him and toss him overboard, but thought better of it.
It was also the first bone I ever broke in my life, thank God.

Again, sorry to hear about the toe. It hurts, but goes away.
Oct 15, 2003 at 2:02 PM Post #20 of 41

Originally posted by JMT
I am such an idiot.

Nah, just hungry (unless of course your wife is a BAD cook, in which case you were running the wrong way...)

I feel for you. I've busted a couple of bones (worst was when a knee brace literally collapsed and snapped my femur in two. You do NOT want this to happen to you. :p)

Rest up, walk funny for a bit, and you'll be fine. Think of all the chores you can now get out of because you've got to rest your toe. Don't forget to moan in pain every now and then, so your wife will make your favorite foods to cheer you up (does not apply in case of clause 2, paragraph 1).
Oct 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM Post #21 of 41
Well as my father use to always say when I was hurt:

"It will feel better when it stops hurting."

Jon sorry to hear about the toe.

One good thing though you can still solder.
Oct 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM Post #22 of 41
Sounds like you have mastered the Dick VanDyke!

She must be a good cook indeed. I never broke any bones, but I did dislocate my hip once- that hurt real, real bad.

Oct 15, 2003 at 4:15 PM Post #23 of 41
Let's see...

Broke my foot
broke all 5 toes...

Split my head open twice,
once when I was 4 (don't remember that one) and got hit in the head with a rock when I was 11. Had on a military canvas hat and the rock went right through...

Broke my big toe...

Was riding a horse and he scraped me off on a tree. hit it at full gallop and I wrapped around it and did a 360... ending up on the same side that I hit. I was sure I broke my hip but they said it was just bruised...

Have been hit twice at a gun range... both broke the skin...

Then there's the ole broken heart, but that never heals anyway. That's about it. I feel your pain though. Anything with the foot or hands sucks since you use them to get around...
Oct 15, 2003 at 4:32 PM Post #24 of 41

Originally posted by Voodoochile
I did dislocate my hip once- that hurt real, real bad.


I bet, I was watching one of those ER documentary things and they had to put a person's hip back in place. Just watching that make me never want to even come close to dislocating anything. It took four guys to get it back into place.

Supposedly a dislocated elbow is even worse...

I broke one of my big toes playing football but didn't even know it. Apparently it was a pretty serious break, because I still have a pea-sized piece of bone in my toe that I can move around. Every now and then it gets into a bad spot and hurts like hell, so I have to move it.
Oct 15, 2003 at 4:45 PM Post #25 of 41
Hey Jon !!

Every accident is ridiculous. We feel this way, always

A month ago (I'm 51) I was changing my pants and I fell like a water melon. It was soooo ridiculos... When I saw, I was splashed on the ground. Man, that hurts ...

Get well soon


Oct 15, 2003 at 5:11 PM Post #27 of 41

Originally posted by CaptBubba
I bet, I was watching one of those ER documentary things and they had to put a person's hip back in place. Just watching that make me never want to even come close to dislocating anything. It took four guys to get it back into place.

That's basically what they did for me. It was disgusting to think about, and the treatment seemed rather medieval to me.
I don't know what I was expecting them to do otherwise, but I had the world's biggest bruise from having it put back.... gah!

I've been assured that I will have bad arthiritis in both my knee and my hip. Something to look forward to as I progress.

Jon- how is the swelling? Do you have to elevate and use an icepack- and all that good stuff? How convenient for the guy who has to work for a living.

It kills me when Docs say stuff like that. "You really ought to kep off that for about six weeks." Right. How do you expect me to pay you, or anyone else, if I am on the couch for six weeks???
Oct 15, 2003 at 6:37 PM Post #28 of 41

Originally posted by hop ham
get well soon...at least you didn't drop a 45 lb weigt on your toe and scream like a girl next to meatheads...well, maybe not like a girl

Oh man, this sounds so much like my story it hurts thinking about it. (Except for the screaming part, I just moaned in pain for a while.) Which toe got hit when the plate fell?
Oct 15, 2003 at 8:36 PM Post #30 of 41

Originally posted by LobsterSan
Sorry to hear about the toe and the 6 hours. at least now you know what a broken bone feels like. well, i've never had a proper one myself, so i shouldn't really be talking. i've had a hairline fracture in my pinky from playing backyard football

same goes for me, cept the footbal game was in the school parking lot

sorry to hear about your toe

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