Ouch - The most painful thing you've experienced
May 17, 2009 at 7:24 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 136


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 14, 2005
Mine's quite a while ago, more than 20 years...

One day, the front light of my motorbike suddenly got defective at late dawn, so I used secret paths for my way back home. One route section was ambivalent, 'cause I knew they would block it with a middle pillar...sometimes. I carefully sneaked up this section in 1st gear, looked carefully...great, no middle pillar this time, 2nd gear, full throttle, big balls.

A second later, the pillar crashed into my left front indicator, that reduced my speed approx. 5%, and the remaining kinetic energy was absorbed by my left knee...

I must have a really solid teutonic bone structure, nothing was broken, but man, was that painful, that sort that handicaps your breathing. I needed 5min to get up again, and 2 weeks of convalescence...
May 17, 2009 at 7:31 PM Post #3 of 136
Personally... Well, this is actually somewhat embarrassing, but I once accidentally hit myself in the crotch very hard with a badminton bat. I threw up twice and had to lie on the floor for about 20 minutes. It's interesting how the pain from your balls somehow moves to your stomach.
May 17, 2009 at 8:00 PM Post #7 of 136
It was May 2008, riding my bike at around 2am, went home after a ride around town... A few hundred meters ahead, there was this huge intersection... A black volvo was about to cross the road, so I signalled by honking my horn and flashing my high-beams... The volvo stopped nearly halfway the intersection (he was about to cross to the other side).

When I finally came near the intersection, I shifted down to 2nd gear, going about 40-50 km/h, and while I was swerving *slowly* in front of the volvo (because he was stopping halfway there), he suddenly moved forward and hit me from the left side, towards the rear of my bike... Before I could even say "oh crap!", I was already on the pavement, dragged a few meters from the intersection, with the bike on top of me.

When I finally came to a halt, the first thing I noticed was how my left foot HURTED so bad, to the point where I can barely feel my entire leg. Damn.

Not long after that, a biker stopped by after seeing me lying on the pavement, he raised my bike and took it near the sidewalk, then he helped me get up (I used only my right foot) and sit on the sidewalk. He lent me his cellphone, which I used to call my dad. 15 minutes later, my dad came with his pickup truck, and the nice fellow helped my dad load my bike into his truck. Big thanks to the fellow who helped me.
Oh, and the volvo ran away, BTW.

For a couple days, I just couldn't stand the pain... It really hurted like crap, and my left foot was swollen and looking all purplish-blue bruised. I felt like it was the end of the world (okay, too much exaggeration here
). The following (3rd) day, I was taken to this traditional masseur, specializing in massages to 'fix' misplaced joints and stuff like that. The 15-minute massage felt like hell, but then I was able to use my left foot to walk (albeit very slowly and slightly tiptoeing)... For the following couple of weeks, I took Ponstan 500 once a day to suppress the pain... And it took me a one and a half month to fully recover, before I finally dared to walk around and start running on the treadmill
May 17, 2009 at 8:05 PM Post #8 of 136
One memorable experience was the twin burns on my arms.

In undergrad, my apartment had a poorly planned kitchen where the oven door would stick about 1/3 of the way down on a cabinet knob that was in the wrong place.

It was sort of convenient, because it was enough to reach in and take food out.

One night I had a potato baking in the oven. I pulled the door open until it was stuck on the knob and reached in with both arms.

Then the door slipped off the knob and closed on both arms. I could smell them cooking, then pushed down with my right arm (since I'm a lefty and knew my left arm would be burned less) got my hand out, and then pulled down to get the other one out.

Managed to get away with just second degree burns on my left arm and a little third degree on the right. It's been a good 15 years since that happened and you can still see a little bit of the mark it left.

As for other types of pain... I might have to go with the Night of the Flying Plates. Drunkenly served by Crazy Rita (ex-fianceé) which involved me escaping through a window and spending the night in the park. This was St. Louis in August, so I was set upon by mosquitoes and an assortment of other biting and stinging insects.
May 17, 2009 at 8:30 PM Post #13 of 136
Being pinched hurts a lot, i dont know why.
I've been hit with baseballs and baseball bats several times (in the head when i was younger as well).
Being pinched (especially when they get a hold of a good bit and twist) is the most painful thing in the world IMO.
May 17, 2009 at 8:40 PM Post #14 of 136
May 17, 2009 at 9:02 PM Post #15 of 136
I have been lucky to stay clear of any major injuries and other insane pains.
So my most painful experience would be a tooth in deep need of a root canal filling. Pain directly into the nerve system, and pain killer did very little (if anything) to help it.

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