Organizing all that music. How?!?!

Jun 9, 2009 at 3:56 AM Post #16 of 32

Originally Posted by Elluzion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
another questoin: would it be easier to do the tagging in media jukebox, or in mp3tag. it was weird, i started tagging with mp3 tag and then imported into media jukebox and the comment that was blank on the songs i tagged in mp3tag said "media jukebox" under them... hmmm??

It would be more consistent to do the tagging within JRMJ.

Different applications don't always map the same tag fields to the same names. There is no officially followed tagging standard for what tag names map to which fields. It all mostly goes by popular convention and all applications that do tagging don't follow the same conventions.

There are some tags that Mp3Tag maps differently than JRMJ. The differences can cause some confusion.

Therefore, for consistency, it works out better to do your tagging with one application rather than switching between several tagging apps. Otherwise you'll end up needing to get more familiar than you would probably like with the behind the scenes tag mapping that different applications use.

It is certainly possible to maintain tags using both Mp3Tag and JRMJ (I do at times). But you have to be aware that each application maps some tags differently.
Jun 9, 2009 at 4:03 AM Post #17 of 32
I would highly recommend a program called Tune-Up companion. Its a iTunes add-on for 30 dollars. Load up the songs and it will search gracenote and update all of the id3 tags automatically. I then let iTunes organize my library. It's simple, painless and takes alot less time.
Jun 9, 2009 at 6:09 AM Post #18 of 32

Originally Posted by xHassassin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'd go with artists -> albums -> songs

I like having everything in there, but if you don't like the clutter it's fine too.

That's what I do.

But first it goes (flac, apple lossless, mp3) then breaks down into artists, albums, songs
Jun 10, 2009 at 1:16 AM Post #19 of 32
THank you ham sandwhich, some good information thatyou offer. I will be doing the tagging in MJ fully as I can and saving the album art to the tags themselves.

most important (as to recap) are:

Track name, artist, album artist, genre, year, and track number correct???

do i have to look these up manually, or can MRJC help me with it a little bit?

THANK YOU, also is media center worth the extra $$$, i just need the jukebox for music..
Jun 10, 2009 at 3:41 AM Post #20 of 32
ALBUM ARTIST isn't important. JRMJ will use it if it is there. If it is not there JRMJ will use the ARTIST as the ALBUM ARTIST if all tracks have the same artist, or will use the generic "(Multiple Artists)" if the album has multiple artists. Using ALBUM ARTIST allows you to override that. So for example, if you had a John Lennon tribute album you might want to set the ALBUM ARTIST to John Lennon to get it to sort with your John Lennon albums rather than with the (Multiple Artists) albums. I leave ALBUM ARTIST blank except for just a few albums.

YEAR isn't that important. It allows you to sort by year. Not necessary. YEAR is also inconsistent. Some people always use the original recording year while other people use the year of release. So if you have an album that was originally recorded in 1970 but remastered in 2001, some people will use 1970 while others will use 2001. Makes for inconsistent data in online databases.

You can manually look up album info in (AMG). I'll go there to confirm data on some albums. AMG is consistent in their data and organization.

JRMJ can also help fill in tag info for songs. J. River can (attempt to) identify songs by audio fingerprinting and fill in the tags from their online YADB database. Select an album, go to Tools >> Library Tools >> Lookup Track Info From YADB. Results can be inconsistent. If the same song is on multiple albums (say a greatest hits album and the original album) which album should YADB choose? Some songs are misidentified. Some songs are not there at all. Best option is to do an album at a time so it is easy to undo (Ctrl-Z) if you get bad data.

The data in YADB is from other users of J. River products. It is a proprietary database (only J. River uses it and it is owned by J. River). There are two parts to YADB. The CD lookup similar to what freedb does. The track info by audio fingerprinting similar to what Gracenote does.

I use the paid for version of J. River Media Center because I like to support software I find find genuinely useful. JRMC also has some additional features and conveniences not found in JRMJ. For example, JRMC doesn't force the app to start on the web page view (it can start with a view of your music). JRMC 13 can do WASAPI if you have Vista. JRMC 13 use some VST effects (like some of the parametric equalizers). It's more flexible in having multiple views. And there's more. I use JRMC almost exclusively for audio, very little video and none of the TV or home theater features. Still worth it for me. Considering what I spend on CDs and headphones, the cost is small.
Jun 11, 2009 at 2:29 PM Post #22 of 32

Originally Posted by Punnisher /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I use mp3tag, which is an amazing tool for editing tags. A lot easier to use than foobar2000 in my opinion.

I use Artist/Album/Song


Rush/Moving Pictures/01 Tom Sawyer


I have mp3 folder and an ALAC folder, which then goes into alphabetical order by artist, then the year/album title, then ## - [name of song].

For instance:

mp3\rips\Blink-182\[2005] Greatest Hits\13 - Not now.mp3

Use mp3tag and sometimes iTunes with iTsFV scripting program as well. Embed album art in each file, etc...

Good luck, and remember Title Case is very important!!!
Jun 13, 2009 at 12:47 AM Post #23 of 32
Thanks for the all the info. i think that I am going to do a little at a time. cuz i don't think i could conquer so much at once haha. maybe 10 artists a day or something like that hahah.
Jun 13, 2009 at 9:02 PM Post #24 of 32
I do not recommend the following to anybody unless tagging is a sub-hobby (which for me it is).

> genre: I rarely use the default. I make up most of the genres. I.e., I call Revolution #9 from The Beatles (white) album " psychotrash mishmosh". Another example, I have my "Punk" playlist broken down by location (and therefore, style) of the band: like "Brooklyn" for the Ramones and "London" for the Sex Pistols.

> tracks v. albums: Except for classical music, I have very few complete albums recorded. I just record the tracks that I like. This takes hours and hours of listening.

> singles: wherever possible, I use the release date and cover art for the single rather than the album the track was included on. I get this stuff from Wikipedia. As posted above, this takes up a lot of disk space, but I use a 1T external hard drive to store my Library (and a second iT drive for backup of the first ext drive).

Jun 14, 2009 at 2:05 AM Post #25 of 32
I input all data into EAC and rip it to FLAC. It all goes into foobar and there's not much left that I have to do.

As far as data management goes, the folders are just Artist > Album. I don't categorize by genre since I'm pretty familiar with my music.
Jun 14, 2009 at 5:04 AM Post #26 of 32
You think it's hard organizing digital files, try 4000+ physical CDs. My friend calls me a one-man CD bureaucracy.
Jun 14, 2009 at 11:32 PM Post #27 of 32
I collect a lot of live music and have almost 2 TB of flac files. I could not do it without MP3Tag. I do artist/date-venue/track for my live stuff. For recorded, I have an MP3 and a flac folder and there are duplicates in these folders, I have some stuff I listen to in both formats. Here I use artist/album/track. I use dBpoweramp for all conversion IE: shn -> flac and for ripping, I love the lookup of album data and art, and the accurip feature saves a lot of time for getting secure rips, I recommend it highly.
Dec 25, 2009 at 6:09 PM Post #28 of 32
one more question, for compilation cd's (well various artist cd's) should i break them all up into single artist folders??? i know this would take forever, but is that the best way?? Thanks


do I need to capitalize At's and The's and It's and To's???

such as Lie to Me, or Lie To Me? does this truly matter? I was just thinking of capitalizing everything haha
Dec 25, 2009 at 6:19 PM Post #29 of 32
Album artist is important for albums where other artists are playing songs from a band. This way the music is sorted under the proper band that wrote the songs instead of the peopel that sing it. Atleast I think that is how that works.

When you add new music to your collection just make sure they are all tagged etc, the way you want and then you will not run into this issue again.
Dec 25, 2009 at 6:53 PM Post #30 of 32
Okay thanks.

Also on single albums should I tag disc number as 1? or only on multi disc albums??

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