OPPO HA-2 Portable Headphone Amplifier/DAC Discussion Thread
Feb 23, 2015 at 4:32 PM Post #46 of 4,883
  shigzeo said he heard some hiss. Can anyone sensitive to hiss comment, from either the beta units or a production unit? I'll be using my recently acquired ER•4Ps and would think I'll be able to hear it with those if there's any that's 

It's also a red flag for me because I want to use the HA-2 with my JH13s.
Feb 23, 2015 at 4:49 PM Post #47 of 4,883
  what Frequency range does the Bass boost targets?

Hot off the presses:

Normal: No bass boost applied. The frequency response is flat.

Bass Boost: Bass boost is turned on. Low frequency band gets a boost.

Bass Boost Detail: Bass frequency below 100 Hz gets about 5dB boost. The boost gradually decreases from 100Hz to about 500Hz where it reaches the normal non-boosted level.
Feb 23, 2015 at 4:59 PM Post #48 of 4,883
  what Frequency range does the Bass boost targets?

Hot off the presses:
Normal: No bass boost applied. The frequency response is flat.
Bass Boost: Bass boost is turned on. Low frequency band gets a boost.
Bass Boost Detail: Bass frequency below 100 Hz gets about 5dB boost. The boost gradually decreases from 100Hz to about 500Hz where it reaches the normal non-boosted level.

Thanks a lot for the info, indeed a good bass boost (certainly looks goos for my MDR-1T yo give those a punch)
Feb 23, 2015 at 7:12 PM Post #53 of 4,883
Based on the Apple specifications an iPod Classic 120GB running 2.0 and iPod Classic 160GB running 2.0.3 software should be compatible with the HA-2.
Feb 23, 2015 at 7:40 PM Post #56 of 4,883
Definitely interested in hearing someone's impressions on the HA-2 with LCD 2 and/or Mad Dogs. Was looking at getting a Fiio E12, but if this is a good deal better, I may just keep saving for this. 

I personally haven't tried the HA-2 with a planar magnetic headphone other than the PM-3, but based on how the two sound with my 669 Ω AKG K240 M, I would put my money on the HA-2's amplifier section over the E12. I find the E12 to sound grainy in the treble section, the instrument separation a bit blurry, and has a woollier-sounding bass to me in comparison, which I've always found to be the case with the E12.

shigzeo said he heard some hiss. [COLOR=0000FF]Can anyone sensitive to hiss comment, from either the beta units or a production unit?[/COLOR] I'll be using my recently acquired ER•4Ps and would think I'll be able to hear it with those if there's any that's 


It's also a red flag for me because I want to use the HA-2 with my JH13s.

Shigzeo's remarks with the background hiss were with really sensitive in-ear earphones. I was a beta tester for the HA-2 and I think my ears are just really sensitive to the background hiss since I could hear it with all of my in-ear earphones (Shure SE215, JLab JBuds J5, dollar store earphones). When playing music, I think the noise is pretty minimal and it doesn't bother me as much unless it's during a really quiet part.

I did let one of my friends try out the HA-2 (final beta) with his myriad of in-ear earphones ($100-300 range) and after about an hour's time with it, he didn't complain about the noise at all, so I don't think it's a big problem for most people. My Geek Out 450 on the other hand....yeah that has a LOT of background hiss relatively speaking.

I'm not sure about CIEMs though since neither of us have one. Maybe shigzeo can chime in on this?
Feb 23, 2015 at 8:08 PM Post #57 of 4,883
I don't even "need" a device like this, but I have respect for Oppo + the design of this gadget is right in my wheelhouse.  I wonder how it compares to the Meridian Explorer (1st version, but with fixed output impedance).  I'd never use this as anything more than an amp w/ my AK120ii (and even then, very seldom since I love my Vorzuge Pure II amp), but I wouldn't mind outputing via USB from my MBP & my iPhone 6 (which I RARELY use for music).

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