Official Foobar Gallery
Oct 5, 2005 at 11:43 PM Post #76 of 622

Originally Posted by TheReds
ya for sure. here you go and for anyone else that wants it. Now be warned, my code is anything from organized, random stuff all over the place. But it works perfectly. Oh! if you wouldnt mind, could you work with me to clean up my track info code and get rid of little wierd things like that wierd character by my "mode" at the top of my track info??? that would be sweeeet. just pm me if you have any questions or suggestions.


remove the $char(1) after the "Mode:" in your track info code.
Oct 6, 2005 at 2:47 AM Post #77 of 622

Originally Posted by Blitzzz
remove the $char(1) after the "Mode:" in your track info code.

I love you. that was bothering me sooo much, sweeeeeeeet.

Oct 6, 2005 at 2:58 AM Post #78 of 622
got another problem, there's this annoying character infront of the year of the album was made. heres a pic of it:


can you guys help me out?
its driving me nuts.
Oct 6, 2005 at 3:13 AM Post #79 of 622
Seems like a lot of people customize foobar for optimal usability when maximized. i keep mine windowed so those extra columns and sections make those configurations unusable. Do most of you keep foobar maximinzed, whether in the background or not?
Oct 6, 2005 at 4:44 AM Post #80 of 622
i keep mine maximized all the time. Well all the time meaning whenever i actually am using it, ill minimize it to the task bar when not in use, then just click on the little mini foobar and back it comes maximized........i just wrote way more than i need to to explain that, lol.

Oct 6, 2005 at 5:01 AM Post #81 of 622

minor update. New fonts, fixed that thing im my track info,, ya, thats it. Just a minor update right. Also, just curious, what image hosting services do you guys use, i dont really have good luck with too many of mine. Ourmedia is good but if i try to upload a large png it wont show up at all, im only left with bmp and jpg which would be way to large for people to view.

Oct 6, 2005 at 5:54 PM Post #82 of 622

Originally Posted by TheReds
minor update. New fonts, fixed that thing im my track info,, ya, thats it. Just a minor update right. Also, just curious, what image hosting services do you guys use, i dont really have good luck with too many of mine. Ourmedia is good but if i try to upload a large png it wont show up at all, im only left with bmp and jpg which would be way to large for people to view.


Personally, I use my own webspace. Just please, whatever you do, stop using bmp.

I thought I posted mine earlier, but apparently not. Click for larger.
Oct 7, 2005 at 1:07 AM Post #84 of 622

In one of my more organ moods, you can see. And yes, my other lists are at least that big. I have about 30 gigs of music. And I list to a solid 80% of it.
Oct 7, 2005 at 8:38 PM Post #85 of 622
nm, i finally got it
Oct 8, 2005 at 1:38 AM Post #87 of 622
Here's my foobar directory and preview, uploaded to .rar through rapidshare (meaning the link never dies like yousendit)
If you downloaded my foobar directory, please clear all fields entered under
foobar2000 - > Preferences -> Audioscrobbler

I think I left my username and password in there, but I have changed my password. I've seen people's songs on my audioscrobbler, like stuff from Mindhunters, Amthystium, [unknown], Black Eyed Peas, Coldplay, Ben Harper, and Miles Davis (most of which were tagged poorly).

So if you see that username: "aciddrops" is in the audioscrobbler area, please delete it, save and restart foobar. Thanks!
Oct 8, 2005 at 4:04 AM Post #88 of 622
Greetings, I was just wondering if anyone knew if there was a program around that would create multiple playlists from a specific directory, so that I would be able to have individual playlists for each album like many other foobar users. I felt that this would be a good time to ask since foobar users will typically be viewing this thread

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