Oblivion | UltraSonic Studios
Mar 22, 2023 at 11:31 AM Post #7,066 of 7,539
This is truly a sad and heartbreaking news.

Been talk to him a lot since couple years ago (latest this year at Feb, 14th and then he never replied back again). I feel really lose a friend here.

Rest In Peace Tomas. My deepest condolences to his family and friends.
Mar 22, 2023 at 11:48 AM Post #7,067 of 7,539
In the last 2 weeks I received several news related to persons with an age closer to mine which passed away. From all of them, he was the only person I have not personally met, but seemed to be closer to me than many. A positive and hard working guy who always answered very fast and with a lot of enthusiasm. He was loving what he was doing, but maybe it was too much alongside a full time job. This can be a good moment for us to stop for a moment and think a little bit about how pushy we are and how impatient we become when we are more and more into this hobby. And for us is just a hobby, an escape from our daily problems, but for others it can be the second job from the evening. Maybe we need to learn something about life and stress management, and we can try to be better and more understanding with each other. I will, for sure, reassess my priorities. I have a different evaluation system than some of us, for me an old person is someone who stops to search and learn and a dead person is someone who is forgotten. In his case, he will never be in such a situation because what he left us will make us remember him each time we listen to our favourite music. I was lucky to have the experience to listen to one of his amps.
This is such a nice post. My feelings are very much the same and I cannot offer anything more that would improve on your words.
Mar 22, 2023 at 12:55 PM Post #7,068 of 7,539
RIP Tomas. I've lost a friend. 54 pages of private correspondence. Who would have the patience to reply to my never ending incessant questions but you did. I'm suddenly tongue tied but I remember how you reach out to me on 27th Oct 2019 with this message. Imagine my surprise at getting this message but I have since live with Odyssey and Oblivion for a few years now and it's joy immeasureable with Susvara. Thanks for the audio experience. I am going to miss you.


I've been reading some (or many actually) of your posts in the glenn thread but also far back in euforia thread. I really like how enthusiastic you are about your music listening and you really seem to enjoy this hobby!

Now, how would you feel about reviewing one of my amps. Yes, I build amps. Maybe should've started with that, lol.

My amps are different than your regular tube amp as the design is made in such a way (not my design, but I've tweaked it) that diminishes the reliance on parts. That includes both tubes and output transformers for example. The goal is to get HiFi high-end sound at low cost!

To not make this message too long here's my website "amps" page: http://ultrasonicstudios.org/amps/
There you can read all about the circuit design thoughts. There're two models currently, Oblivion and Citadel. My idea is that I build one of them with all add-ons and ship it to you (I'll of course pay for shipping both ways)

I already have some reviews but things are going slow, lol. Oh, and it also drives speaker!

Let me know what you think!

Best regards
Mar 22, 2023 at 1:23 PM Post #7,069 of 7,539
Anyone knows whether or not Tomas had a silent (off-Head-Fi) partner or helper? Someone who can keep the torch burning?
(I suspect not, but worth asking...)
Mar 22, 2023 at 2:38 PM Post #7,070 of 7,539
Rest in Peace Tomas, thanks for everything..
Mar 22, 2023 at 3:35 PM Post #7,071 of 7,539
Anyone knows whether or not Tomas had a silent (off-Head-Fi) partner or helper? Someone who can keep the torch burning?
(I suspect not, but worth asking...)
As far as I know he was a one man band.
Mar 22, 2023 at 6:16 PM Post #7,072 of 7,539
Oh no, this is shocking news, I don't know what to say. Something made me look at the thread just now and what awful news about Sonic. I know he said he had health problems but like all of us here I was hoping it wasn't serious.

I too send all my best wishes to his family.

I have known him when we both were on the Little Dot threads as we both started around the same time with some others including Maxx134. As you can see from my posts I joined around 2008 with my first LD amp and subsequently acquired the LD Mk VI+ balanced amp and that's where all the fun started when some of us there decided to try to mod our amps to the max by pushing it to the limits. Sonic was one of the first to carry out some mods and when MrCurwen joined the thread with his theoretical ideas Sonic was keen to develop these into a practical version of these ideas. All of which lead to this thread here.

Unfortunately there is nobody else that is involved in these builds and MrCurwen himself, being more of an ideas man, doesn't build them himself on the same scale as the business which Sonic developed AFAIK.

So we must be thankful that Sonic has left us with such a legacy for which we are most grateful. As others have said he was always polite and willing to help out anyone with problems and I am glad to have been involved in this thread which has been very good natured and fun. I am sure Sonic would be pleased to know how grateful we all are for that.

Sonic, you will be greatly missed.
Mar 22, 2023 at 7:47 PM Post #7,073 of 7,539
Oh my, such hard news. Wishing peace for his loved ones, albeit will not likely come until after much grieving. I learned quite a lot from this forum. The generous spirit with which Tomas shared his knowledge and passion was extraordinary and always appreciated. We can't be sure what happens after we pass but I am quite certain for Tomas there will be music - uplifting, glorious and eternal.
Mar 23, 2023 at 6:03 AM Post #7,074 of 7,539
Someone who can keep the torch burning?

Dedicated to Tomas. Listening with Philips Miniwatt EL34 double O getters xf2. I will cherish my Ultrasonic amps. There won't be anymore being produced. It's ironic.

Mar 23, 2023 at 6:50 AM Post #7,075 of 7,539
rest in peace, Tomas.
Mar 23, 2023 at 9:41 AM Post #7,078 of 7,539
Finding it hard to get my head around this, very much clouds my everyday thoughts. Wondering about things like, did Tomas get to enjoy his Tele, how many amps did he manage to get out into the world, did he truly know how world class his products are, especially compared to some of the silly priced amps out there at the minute, should he have taken his foot off the gas earlier, maybe delegating some of the production and not imposing a one amp per month deadline.
You may think I am being silly but I do feel a level of guilt, but if you think I am talking rubbish feel free to tell me to pipe down.

R.I.P. Tomas
Mar 23, 2023 at 9:51 AM Post #7,079 of 7,539
Finding it hard to get my head around this, very much clouds my everyday thoughts. Wondering about things like, did Tomas get to enjoy his Tele, how many amps did he manage to get out into the world, did he truly know how world class his products are, especially compared to some of the silly priced amps out there at the minute, should he have taken his foot off the gas earlier, maybe delegating some of the production and not imposing a one amp per month deadline.
You may think I am being silly but I do feel a level of guilt, but if you think I am talking rubbish feel free to tell me to pipe down.

R.I.P. Tomas
You shouldn't feel guilty.
If anything you enabled him to do what he loved to do.
Mar 23, 2023 at 9:58 AM Post #7,080 of 7,539
You shouldn't feel guilty.
If anything you enabled him to do what he loved to do.
You are absolutely right, he was so passionate and as we know he would worry about your amp getting to you in good order. Feels like I have lost a friend.
Something that makes me smile is quite often I would ping him a one line question and receive a full page answer, he was immersed in his own audio world.

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