oblivion (the game)
Oct 7, 2009 at 12:09 AM Post #16 of 24

Originally Posted by Squirsier /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, Dragon Age is coming soon, which has been compared to BG 1 and 2, that might be of some interest to you

OoooOOoo, I hadn't heard of that one. Looks good
Oct 7, 2009 at 2:33 AM Post #17 of 24
I'm really excited for Dragon Age, too. It's made by Bioware (maker's of BG and BGII), but from the few videos I've seen, they are trying to appeal to the mainstream with lots of blood and sex, so it's hard to say what it will end up like. I'm hoping awesome.
Oct 7, 2009 at 1:44 PM Post #19 of 24
Neverwinter Nights were huge dissapointments. NWN2 was passable and characters were nicely fleshened out, but NWN1 was piece of crap. Shallow and overall uninteresting. Not worthy to be spiritual successors to Baldurs Gate serie.

Dragon Age looks VERY interesting. Supposedly Mass Effect with fantasy theme. Im already waiting for it anxiously. Though I sort of wish it would have Forgotten Realms setting because thats the fantasy world I am familiar with, but it doesnt really matter as long as story is epic and deep and characters interesting. Next year is going to be very good for us RPG gamers, with both Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2 coming.

Baldurs Gate series NEVER get old despite graphics, or atleast the II+TOB doesnt. One of the best games ever made to PC.
Oct 7, 2009 at 1:48 PM Post #20 of 24
My hopes are with Fallout: New Vegas. I'll be giving Dragon Age a whirl but I find NWN series/spin offs to be the fastest games to bore me to death. Ok maybe Eve Online takes that title.
Oct 7, 2009 at 2:36 PM Post #22 of 24

Originally Posted by FalconP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dragon Age looks like your adolescence power fantasy for the SAW generation. Sorry, I'm too old for that -- I play RPGs for the plot, sights and humor, not arterial spurts rendered with life-like fluid dynamics.

Is it too much to ask for both?
Actually I hate too much gorefeasting, (never watched a SAW, and never will because of this. I want more from horror than blood) but since swinging a sword to someones stomach is pretty gory and messy act, its only realistic. Have you read some fantasy books? Blood spilling is not usually a rare thing in those. And Bioware CAN write interesting stories, which is the driving force of all good RPGs, so there is some chance that this might be a good game. But its hard to market a game with deep plot in trailers and special effects are nothing new anymore, so obviously blood is what they can show so far. I hope so anyway...
Oct 7, 2009 at 3:25 PM Post #23 of 24

Originally Posted by Antony6555 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just got it and it feels soooooooo dumbed down from Morrowind (the leveling system, never missing with weapons, never failing to cast spells etc.) On top of this there's very little immersion because the fast travel system is not implemented into the game world at all and because of the closed cities.

And the locations are all pretty bland. The cities all look too normal (and often to similar) and the landscape is pretty much just continuous forest. Seriously, what happened to the giant mushrooms, giant mushroom houses and giant transportation bugs? What happened to the feeling of entering an foreign world? This game seems soulless to me.

Also the dungeons are all much smaller and the number of factions you can join has been halved AND there are no requirements for any faction (probably because of this), meaning, for example, a pure warrior can become the head of the mage's guild, which gives all the characters you create a generic feel and kills replay value.

Anyway, I was very disappointed with this game after playing Morrowind, which I consider to be one of the top games of all time. What do you guys think?

You should spend sometime in modding oblivion. There are alot of good mods of oblivion but you have to find them, this site has most of them and sorted them in catergories: tesnexus.com
Oct 8, 2009 at 5:13 AM Post #24 of 24

Originally Posted by terrymx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You should spend sometime in modding oblivion. There are alot of good mods of oblivion but you have to find them, this site has most of them and sorted them in catergories: tesnexus.com

Well, unfortunately I have the ps3 version as my computer is not up to snuff. I doubt that modding could completely change my experience of oblivion. There just so much missing. For example there's about HALF the number of joinable factions. But I have seen mods which fix the leveling system, which would make a huge difference for me.

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