O2+ODAC vs. Titanium HD + O2
Jan 10, 2013 at 11:37 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


New Head-Fier
Jan 10, 2013
Hello all!
This is my first post on Head-Fi.  I just got bit by the Audiophile bug and have done some browsing these past couple of days on this site.  
I've been looking at various different headphone, DAC, and amp suggestions, and just recently came to the conclusion that an O2 amp would be a good buy for my purposes.  
To let you know where I stand, I have yet to decide on a pair of headphones as I plan on trying some models out in person before I pull any triggers.
Right now my concern comes from how much I should invest in this build since I am a first timer.  I've always been one to try and future proof my purchases as best I can, but since I am pretty much ignorant on the subject I wanted to ask for some advice.  
I currently own an X-Fi Titanium HD soundcard in my Desktop.  I've read that this does not have a built in headphone amp like some sites may suggest, but it can be considered a quality DAC.  My problem stems from what I should do regarding my setup.  Here are the two options I am struggling with:
  1. Titanium HD --> O2 Amp --> Headphones
  1. O2+ODAC Combo --> Headphones
The budgeter in me says to settle with the first of the two above, but the enthusiast in me wants to know if the O2+ODAC Combo would provide better sound.  Afterall I would think that Newavguy would design to two to work very well together.
Other things you would probably like to know:
     Music I listen to:
  1. All kinds, I have very eclectic tastes
  2. Alternative
  3. Rock
  4. Classical/Instrumental
  5. Hip/Hop
  6. Country
  7. Dubstep
  8. Soundtracks (Hanz Zimmer for example)
  9. essentially anything but polka (sorry polka lovers :frowning2: )
   Games I play on the PC:
  1. Starcraft 2
  2. AC3
  3. Diablo 3
  4. Skyrim
  5. Half Life series
  6. etc.
   Headphones I'm looking at
  1. Sennheiser HD600
  2. Sennheiser HD650
  3. Sennhesier HD598
  4. BeyerDynamic DT 880
  5. Perhaps some others
If there is any other bits of information I can provide that you think would be helpful, please let me know.
Thanks in advance for all of your help!
Jan 11, 2013 at 9:24 AM Post #2 of 5
According to Defiant's review of M/M/ stack, you'll be better off with just using your Titanium HD's DAC instead of shelling out more $$ for another DAC (Assuming that there isn't much of a difference between the ODAC and Modi). Not to mention your DAC is capable of doing 24/192 (out of RCA and not the headphone jack) compare to 24/96 on both ODAC and Modi.
Also, check out Schiit Magni amp as well. It's cheaper and it's supposed to be on the same level as the O2 amp; According to one review here, there isn't much of a difference between the 2 amps. 
If you need more information, search and head over to those threads and feel free to ask. Shouldn't be hard to find those since those threads are pretty new. Good luck and welcome!
Jan 11, 2013 at 10:02 AM Post #3 of 5
According to Defiant's review of M/M/ stack, you'll be better off with just using your Titanium HD's DAC instead of shelling out more $$ for another DAC (Assuming that there isn't much of a difference between the ODAC and Modi). Not to mention your DAC is capable of doing 24/192 (out of RCA and not the headphone jack) compare to 24/96 on both ODAC and Modi.
Also, check out Schiit Magni amp as well. It's cheaper and it's supposed to be on the same level as the O2 amp; According to one review here, there isn't much of a difference between the 2 amps. 
If you need more information, search and head over to those threads and feel free to ask. Shouldn't be hard to find those since those threads are pretty new. Good luck and welcome!

This is very good to know!  Thanks for your help on this matter.  I'll have to check those out when I get home.  It's always nice to save money anywhere I can :)
Also, is there a rep system on here?  I would like to give you one if there is.
Jan 11, 2013 at 1:18 PM Post #4 of 5
Your current soundcard has a very good DAC in it. Stop there. Use line-out from it to an amplifier. Note, you may not need an external amplifier at all depending on which headphone you go with.
Focus on a good headphone before you worry about spending all this extra money on external discreet headphone gear. You have a find soundcard right now that will work with most headphones as it is, even exotic ones. Get a headphone first. Expand with gear later if you feel like you need to and your budget allows for it. Put your current budget into the best headphone you can get.
I would suggest you look into the Hifiman HE-400 with your budget, and just keep your current soundcard setup and use that for now.
Very best,
Jan 11, 2013 at 1:59 PM Post #5 of 5
Your current soundcard has a very good DAC in it. Stop there. Use line-out from it to an amplifier. Note, you may not need an external amplifier at all depending on which headphone you go with.
Focus on a good headphone before you worry about spending all this extra money on external discreet headphone gear. You have a find soundcard right now that will work with most headphones as it is, even exotic ones. Get a headphone first. Expand with gear later if you feel like you need to and your budget allows for it. Put your current budget into the best headphone you can get.
I would suggest you look into the Hifiman HE-400 with your budget, and just keep your current soundcard setup and use that for now.
Very best,

Thanks Mal! 
I'm currently very interested in the HD 650, but I won't make any decisions until I get to hear them in person.  I recall reading somewhere that my current soundcard is capable of producing around 35 ohms on it's own power, which seems like it would be a good amount for a 50 ohm headset.  So if I do decide to go with someone like the HD 598 I'll more than likely go with your advice and just stick with the headphones being hooked up directly to my soundcard.
Thanks again! 

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