Next step up from HD650?
Apr 17, 2012 at 12:30 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 30, 2009
Hello, been away for a couple years due to school.  Currently have an HD650 paired with a Nuforce HDP and am quite pleased with the combo.  In fact, every time I have thought about trying a different pair of headphones in the same price tier (AKG 70X, Beyer, etc.) I have shied away just prior to buying because I really like the warmth and smoothness of the HD650 and I know I won't enjoy losing any of that in exchange for a bigger soundstage or more precision. 
What I'd like to know is what headphone is as similar to the HD650 in general sound signature, but "better."  I am not sure what I am missing, I just feel like there could be more.  In particular a bigger soundstage would be nice.   I also like a healthy, weighty bottom end, and I have sensitive ears so anything tilted up at all in the treble will probably hurt.  I listen to a wide variety of music, but I listen to a lot of big symphony/orchestra classical and a bit of electronic music.  Vocal focused music as well.
I think the LCD-2's seem like a good candidate, but I was hoping to get opinions from those who have been more active than I recently, particularly people who liked the HD650 and have since upgraded.  I do not plan on upgrading from the HDP any time soon, so if the phones can't be driven satisfactorily by them, then it probably isn't a good option for now.  I don't think I could spend more than $800-900 for the headphones.
Sorry for not posting this in the Recommendations thread.  If a mod would like to move it, thanks in advance.  
Apr 17, 2012 at 1:42 PM Post #2 of 12
I think that the lcd-2 would certainly be in the category of contender based on what you say that you're looking for. Most planar phones may give you a new listening experience. The he400 or he500 would certainly fall into that category. This he400 will give you the bottom end that you mention and at a nice price. See my review in sig. Also there is a new review of the he400/d2k/hd650 that you'll want to take a look at.
Apr 17, 2012 at 5:15 PM Post #3 of 12
Just be aware that he-400 are much more havier than hd-650 so if you want same comfort you should look for d5000 which will give you same quality bass as he-400 . Yes they cost a little bit more but way less than lcd2 plus you will have comfort you used to and neutral balance of frequencies similar to hd650. If you find d5000 sounding little bit bright or distorted highs on some recordings you can try to fix that using graphic eq or try d7000 as I did and happy now since I got quality bass I was missing so long and being unaware about it
Apr 17, 2012 at 5:41 PM Post #4 of 12
I think that the LCD-2 is pretty much your only candidate for an "improved" HD650-like sound. I would not hesitate to recommend the HE-500 as it is a terrific headphone for the cost (phenomenal for classical), but the HE-400 is not a headphone that I would recommend to HD650 lovers, unless you are looking for a complementary headphone. I see it more as a sidegrade to a sound signature that you (and certainly I) might enjoy much less than the HD650. I think the Denon lovers would appreciate it much more.
Apr 17, 2012 at 6:13 PM Post #5 of 12
I feel the HE-400 is definitely a small upgrade over the HD-650, especially in the bass department, but if you' willing to spend the money for an LCD-2, I definitely don't see why you wouldn't get an LCD-2.
Apr 17, 2012 at 6:32 PM Post #6 of 12
As many have said, LCD-2, the HE-400 I would consider more of a sidegrade or a very small upgrade over the HD650, not worth plopping $400 down for that, just save up and go for something high end (HD700/LCD-2), go 2nd hand if you can't pay the full!
Apr 17, 2012 at 9:48 PM Post #7 of 12
I have my eyes on the LCD-2.  I'm worried about comfort though, I love how the HD650s feel and I use them everyday.  
Will I be dissapointed in the comfort of the LCD-2s if I upgrade from the HD650s?
Apr 17, 2012 at 10:14 PM Post #8 of 12

I have my eyes on the LCD-2.  I'm worried about comfort though, I love how the HD650s feel and I use them everyday.  
Will I be dissapointed in the comfort of the LCD-2s if I upgrade from the HD650s?

Yes. It's almost exactly twice the weight of HD650's. In fact it's one of the heaviest headphones on current market. If you have a strong neck, and your scalp isn't too sensitive to prolonged pressure, then you should be ok after a while though.
Apr 19, 2012 at 11:52 PM Post #9 of 12
The LCD-2 are comfortably, they're just heavy, I could wear them for long stretches without a problem, although if your head is in the fully upright position at all times you may be fatigued after a few hours.
Apr 20, 2012 at 12:02 AM Post #10 of 12
definitely get the LCD-2 sounds just like what you need.
weighty bottom end but not overpowering in any way-  check
nice mids similar to hd 650 that are great for vocals - check
better soundstage - check
better detail - oh yeah huge improvement
when i got the LCD-2 i immediately sold my beloved hd 650 because the LCD-2 had a very similar sound signature, and i couldn't justify keeping the hd 650s except for comfort.
the LCD-2 are almost the exact same sound signature, except that the LCD-2 aren't as colored as the hd 650s in the mid range,  its still warm and thick, but not as dark as the hd 650s, its slightly more neutral sounding if that makes sense to yah
Apr 23, 2012 at 4:11 PM Post #12 of 12
Thanks for your opinions, folks.  I am pretty much sold on the LCD-2's as my next headphone purchase.  Now just need to build up the cash to do so.

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