Newbie - Intro and & advice?
Jan 3, 2012 at 4:00 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


New Head-Fier
Jan 3, 2012
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but I just joined this site today after a few days of lurking.  I wanted to introduce myself.  I am a faithful husband, new father, homeowner and attorney.  I like lurking sites at work to take a break between projects/trial prep.
During the past few months, I really gotten into buying "upgraded" headphones.  I say upgraded because I haven't spent a ton on any particular "high-end" models (besides the B&Ws below if you count those) but really can't stand the Apple OEM junk anymore (I use my iphone as my main source of portable music).
So, far, my collection includes:
  1. Klipsch Image One On-ears w/ mic (love 'em, probably favorite everyday cans)
  2. Klipsch s4i (white) (favorite earbuds - great for summertime!!)
  3. Klipsch s5i rugged (got them from Tiger Direct on super-sale)
  4. Bowers & Wilkins P5's (my babys-favorite headphones for look, style and sound -most I've spent but really comfortable and sound great and are a wonderful conversation piece)
  5. UE Triple Fi10 w/ mic (sound great, gotthem as part of Amazon's lightning deal before Christmas and ordered a mic cord from UE)
  6. Sennheiser 448's (only over-ear cans I own (as of now), sound pretty good - use at my laptop - got more or less to experience Senns at an entry-level)
  7. Incase Sonic (Ash/Orange) - I am waiting for these - ordered as part of Incase's 40% off sale, figured 'What the heck, they look REALLY comfortable, especially for over ear) Sale goes through 1/5 (I think) so if you need anything from Incase, jump on it!
  8. MeeElecronics MP9 in-ear (Newegg sale)
  9. Vmoda Vibe in-ear (first pair of "non-Apple" buds I bought).  Like them a lot.
  10. UE 500vi's (loved them but sent back to Logitech to justify getting the Klipsch s4i (white)
  11. Apple earbuds
Most of the pairs above I have found on sale either through Amazon (I know, beware of fakes - I always check-em out throughly, buy directly from Amazon, not 3rd parties and read and look for signs of fakes), Newegg, Tiger Direct or Best Buy.  The B&W's I bought from Best Buy because I HAD TO HAVE THEM.  Other than that, I have come across deals on sites like or promotions like the Incase one.
I am trying to decide what to get next (I am hooked!).  I am really into the on-ear style right now (I live in Chicago, helps keep my ears warm!)  I know over-ears might be more effective but I have a fairly small head and haven't been blown away by anything in my budget (the B&W's are probably the most I'll spend for now ($324 with tax).  I know I say that now...but I am starting to like this "hobby" even though my wife gets rather disgusted :).
Anyway, trying to decide what to do/get next.  I am intrigued by the V-Moda M-80s (look cool, look like they are well received, and I love how the owner (president?) is so involved here.  How cool is that???  I feel like from reading some of the posts he's been in I am getting the "inside scoop."  I am just not sure I am ready to drop another $199+ on headphones but I reallly do like them a lot and listened to them at the Mircosoft Store (sorry Apple, forgive me?? J/K.).
I am also considering getting a portable amp to lug with my phone (I have a decent walk - about a mile+) walk to the train and a train ride into work and then back (otherwise, I would probably not need headphones as much).  Like I said, I am totally new at this - some people might hate or despise all or some of the headphones in my collection, but I am learning as I go.  Not ready to spend a ton of $ on any one pair (like $400 and up) but maybe eventually.  But first, I want to experience cans/buds at my current level to better be able to appreciate the really good ones later on.
Any advice where to go next?  Should I try out the M-80's?  I always influence my friends/coworkers with my collection (likes/dislikes) so let me know if you think it is worth it!!).  Any other pairs I should look at/listen to?  Any advice for a newbie???
Sorry for the long intro, that's just where I am coming from.  Can't wait to hear from you guys!
Jan 3, 2012 at 4:16 PM Post #2 of 7
The Klipsch Mode M40, Pro900 are recommended because they isolate well and offers great soundquality and improve more with AMPs help.
Jan 3, 2012 at 5:10 PM Post #3 of 7
Those both look great (expecially the Klipsch that I already am fairly familar with), but I still think I am something a bit lower budget for now.  the Pro900 look great - very sharp and expensive.  Are they bass-heavy?  I am not too into bass (that's why I really like the B&W's natural sound).
BTW - is there any place people prefer to buy their headphones from?  And, does anyone have any opinion on the FiiO E11 Portable Headphone Amp?
Jan 4, 2012 at 12:46 AM Post #4 of 7
Anyone care to weigh in?  I am reading a lot but soooo many options.  Stopped by my local Radio Shack today (weird, never go into RS) and they did have a pair of the V-Moda M-80s for $199.  Get home, got a $10 off coupon for RS.  Maybe a sign?  
Also, please, besides my next step in headphones, please weigh in on a decent yet affordable portable amp....
Thanks in advance.
Jan 4, 2012 at 2:40 AM Post #5 of 7
I don't know a lot about on-ear stuff, but I will say this...there's no info to go on in your post. I'd love to recommend something to you but I have no idea what type of sound signature you want, what features are important to you, etc. This is the only info I could glean to go off of from it:

Not ready to spend a ton of $ on any one pair (like $400 and up) but maybe eventually.  But first, I want to experience cans/buds at my current level to better be able to appreciate the really good ones later on.  

So I know your budget is <$400, you're probably looking to spend between $150-$300? And you want something that will help teach you to appreciate something higher-end later on when you can afford to spend more. So I can do some guesswork: maybe you're looking for something with an analytical, balanced, detailed sound in a mid-level set. Or maybe you don't work that way at all: maybe you want something with an engaging presentation, something bright and fun and fast. Then again I don't know what kind of music you listen to. Or perhaps neither: maybe you want some major bass head rumble, or something dark, warm and seductive. 
My point is there just isn't enough info to make a decent recommendation. I know it's overwhelming...when I first got here I pretty much lost my marbles. But I went into super-lurk mode and you know what I did when I got overwhelmed? I spent about 14738942 hours reading and researching. I nerded out, stressed out, underslept, overslept, you name it. I eventually realized if I don't know what type of sound signature I prefer, I'll never be able to make "THE RIGHT" choice. I got a pair of Senn 595's that I got redonkulously cheap 5+ years ago, and I got a pair of the old Atrio M5s around the same time. Now that I'm buying a new IEM I've decided instead of comparing this or that option, I can find out what are generally considered top contenders for their sound signature, and just pick one.  THEN, I'll have some real experience and PREFERENCES to draw from going forward in making more informed choices. 
So, thats my (way more than) 2c on the whole thing. I've decided to take an adventure and a risk and make a dramatic departure from the sound signature I was raised by (the M5s) and go with either the GR07 or FXT90s. Either way, I'll be learning a lot about my own sonic preferences and tastes and I'll be in a greatly improved and informed position when I decide to make my next venture. I'm not at all sure that you're in a similar situation; maybe you know exactly what type of sound you are after...but I'm making a leap of faith here and assuming you don't. 
Jan 4, 2012 at 3:23 AM Post #7 of 7
Why not try the HD25 1 II? From the list of what you like, I think they'll suit your tastes. But they might get uncomfortable because of their strong clamping force.

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