New Zealand Headphone Meet MK II, 2015 Ed.
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Jan 27, 2015 at 6:09 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 529


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 19, 2012
UPDATE 14/05/2015: Inventory of the gear so far expected on the day can be found here. Will try and keep it updated as we go along. List already looking pretty good!
UPDATE: Date and venue confirmed Saturday Sept 5th 10am-5pm at Aucklands Fickling Convention Centre. Tickets same as last year at $10 (details and links Trademe ticket sales here), and people showing gear get free entry for their community service.
Hi all,
Although it's early in the year I thought I would get some discussion going about this years meet. At this point I am prospectively looking to arrange it for around May, similar to last year and at the same venue. If you guys have strong feelings about the date let me know, I will try and factor in as many peoples scheduling wishes as possible, although naturally I will likely not be able to accommodate everyones desired date.
If you are interested to show your own gear please let me know via PM, it would be great to have another excellent showing of gear from aspirational TOTL stuff on down to low budget portable gear and all points in between.
Also, please share the existence of this thread to everyone possible :)
For myself I will likely be bringing along my HE-6 again, although this year I will probably be bringing it along on the Schiit Audio Ragnarok and Yddrasil... and of course various portable rigs and bits and pieces.
Mar 26, 2015 at 6:30 AM Post #3 of 529

Yep, looking forward to being involved again like last year.
Still have my HD800s and my new favourite gadget - Chord Hugo, plus a few other audio bits and pieces...
Timing of late May seems like it will work for me at this point - I await confirmation of the date.
Mar 26, 2015 at 7:33 AM Post #4 of 529
Yay! So that makes three of us. I was beginning to think that there was nobody out there!
Mar 26, 2015 at 7:50 AM Post #5 of 529
Murray - just want to gauge thoughts.
How would people react to a slightly later date - June or July maybe?  I know I'm being selfish with this - but I have to ask.
First up - I'm heading around the World in July (4th) - so I have to be in Auckland anyway.  Ideal day/weekend for me would be the 1st weekend in July (Sat 4th).  I could come up on the 3rd - and bring as much gear as I could.  I'd just need to have it sent back to Invercargill at a later date.
If its in June (pref around the middle) - I should be OK. May is probably not going to work though.
If it needs to be May - I'll just catch up with you guys hopefully next year .......
Mar 26, 2015 at 8:30 PM Post #6 of 529
It will actually need to be slightly later this year from my point of view - the July date should work. I live near the airport, so you could perhaps leave gear with me and collect on your return to take back with you?
Mar 26, 2015 at 8:41 PM Post #7 of 529
If it was the 4th - we'd come up on the Friday - then simply leave gear at hotel.  But thanks for the offer Murray.  If it'd also work, might make things a lot easier.  For me it would have to be Sat 4th though - any later, and we're gone.
When will you start concreting date in?
Mar 26, 2015 at 8:55 PM Post #8 of 529
  If it was the 4th - we'd come up on the Friday - then simply leave gear at hotel.  But thanks for the offer Murray.  If it'd also work, might make things a lot easier.  For me it would have to be Sat 4th though - any later, and we're gone.
When will you start concreting date in?

Soon, need to make sure can get the booking, so would rather have the date settled shortly.
Mar 26, 2015 at 9:52 PM Post #9 of 529
OK - let me know if you need anything my end.  Once I know what's going on, I can amend itinerary, book accommodation for one night, and work out what gear I could bring with me.
Mar 26, 2015 at 11:02 PM Post #10 of 529
Whoa, I need to check Head-Fi more often.

I'm definitely in for this year. My setup has changed a ton but I'm keen to bring pretty much everything. Still have the W3000ANV and HD800. I picked up the new Oppo PM-3 during a recent trip to the UK so will bring it along with the rest of my setup.

I don't have a turntable at the moment, but I know someone who will likely have a turntable at the meet if I don't by July.

PMs need to be sent! Word needs to be spread!
Mar 27, 2015 at 12:33 AM Post #11 of 529
Whoa, I need to check Head-Fi more often.

I'm definitely in for this year. My setup has changed a ton but I'm keen to bring pretty much everything. Still have the W3000ANV and HD800. I picked up the new Oppo PM-3 during a recent trip to the UK so will bring it along with the rest of my setup.

I don't have a turntable at the moment, but I know someone who will likely have a turntable at the meet if I don't by July.

PMs need to be sent! Word needs to be spread!

Yes, will get into gear properly very soon!
I just got my PM-3 today :) 
The head-to-head with the second gen Momentums I got last week should prove interesting!
Mar 27, 2015 at 3:37 AM Post #12 of 529
Ooh can't wait! Last year was my 1st year of interest in anything half decent and my 325's died at the show :frowning2:

Now I've got some D2000's some MS2's and the Grado's still live on if not quite orginal. My sources have have grown from the little Aune T1 to include a dac magic and my pride and joy Pioneer SX780, might even have a chance to restore my SA7100 by then.

I'm not around till mid May though but any-time after that is fine.

Can't wait!
Apr 17, 2015 at 11:00 PM Post #13 of 529
Where is the venue? I have a schiit lyr and bifrost uber with telefunken E88CC's and a Denon LA5000 I could bring?
Apr 19, 2015 at 2:13 AM Post #15 of 529
Yes, same venue this year - Fickling Convention Centre. As stated above, nice clean venue with plenty of space and parking, food nearby (and best of all we had no issues with power supply, which is probably what gave me the most angst in the lead up).

Just working with the council at the moment to nail down the date.
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