New speaker setup for a DnB/Dubstep listener
Nov 12, 2011 at 1:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


1000+ Head-Fier
Mar 1, 2011
I've had my Audioengine A5s for a while now, and I have surely enjoyed them. However, I feel like upgrading.
I'm looking for a set of passive speakers and possibly a matching subwoofer. My budget is around 1200-2000USD. My cousin has offered me his NAD C326BEE at a reasonable price, as he has upgraded his system, and this amplifier is no longer in use.
I will be using the setup for nearfield listening, when I'm in front of my PC. However, I'd like them to be able to "play up" the entire room. (I live in a studio apartment, 28m^2). I'll be playing at reasonable volumes, and these speakers won't be used for crazy parties. Sure, I'd love them to sound good loud for the weekends, but making the house jump is not my main concern. (I'd like to stay friends with my neighbours as well - one of them is pretty hot).
I'm a basshead, but I'm not looking for a "sound-like-a-club-BOOM" sound. Rather, I'd love a tight, fast-paced and precise bass, matching my favorite genres which are Drum N Bass and Dubstep. I also do tend to listen to hiphop, rock and general electronica, but mostly I've got DnB running.
So far I've been looking at the Dynaudio DM 2/6 or 2/7, not being sure of what subwoofer would go with these. I'm open to any suggestions tho, primarily ones that would be working well with a NAD C326BEE. I've also been looking into the B&W 685 (I think that was their name).
Edit: To give you all some kind of insight as to what sound signature I'm looking for, my prefered headphones are currently the JH16. That sound signature really hit the spot for me, and I don't see myself changing anytime soon.
Edit2: Oh yeah - could anyone recommend me a soundcard for my PC? (internal one). Looking to spend a maximum of 300USD on that. (Not in relation to the speaker budget).
Please do tell me if I left anything out.
Also, I realize this might not be the ideal place to ask for speakers, but I thought I'd give it a go. Are there any other forums, that I should be asking these questions on?
Thanks in advance.
Nov 12, 2011 at 3:52 PM Post #2 of 16
For the pc soundcard the asus essence stx is recommended, Since you have the chance to get the nad amp cheap you should go with that I wouldn't recommend it at it's £400 new price tag but if you can get it for a good price go with it, if you've got the space you might be better off with floor standers, the B&W 685 matches what your looking for and are excellent speakers but at they are very pricey and hardly a bargin, you can match any sub to any speakers longs you cross it over properly you should go to some hifi shops and demo some speakers to see you what you like.
Nov 12, 2011 at 6:48 PM Post #4 of 16
If you need control over the volume you need something that will be fast, dynamic and full sounding. Adam monitors are very easy to overlook and they offer much more than you would ever expect, especially from small, active speaker like a3x.
Nov 12, 2011 at 7:52 PM Post #6 of 16
Staal i am into the same ''search mode'' for speakers that can do well techno and trance.
I had on my list Adam monitors such as A7X but unfortunately they are quite pricey so i did some extra search and  bumped into some KRK's and next week i am going to audition RP6 and RP8.
You could check them out too..
People say they do bass quite well and they are famous for their crystal sound mids..
Nov 12, 2011 at 8:48 PM Post #8 of 16
The adams have ribbon tweeters though, there very directional and high in disortion compared to domes, theres advantages and disadvantages to both active and passive I think passives are better and krk do do a passive version of the rp6.
Nov 12, 2011 at 8:48 PM Post #9 of 16
Well active speakers do not require an amplifier..
You can plug them straight to your pc or to a Dac..
But you can run them through a pre amp if you want so as to benefit more.
Adam's and KRK's are near field monitors which means you have to position them exactly where you are sitting in order to be in the center of the ''sweet spot''..
This though doesn't mean that if you stand somewhere else in your room the music will sound like crap...
Nov 12, 2011 at 9:22 PM Post #10 of 16
Yeah those monitors are all about positioning they will reward you if you do the "homework" right.
That's why they can be easy overlooked 

Hating the look though, lol.

Nov 13, 2011 at 8:23 AM Post #12 of 16
I've found most monitors to have good off axis responce, meaning placement isn't that important but they do still sound a little bit better if properly place, the adams placement will be crital because of there ribbon tweeters, active speakers amps can be a bit crap because they have to be built to fit in the back of a small speaker and the space the amp takes up can't be used for air flow, also im not sure what effect a moving woofer would have on an amp, and if you should want to upgrade its much easyer and cheaper with a passive set-up
Nov 13, 2011 at 8:44 AM Post #13 of 16
That's pretty much what I was thinking. And given that I've been offered a very cheap NAD C326BEE amplifier, I figure'd I would give passive's a try.
I'm not sure which are meant for nearfield tho, if any. But people I know keep recommending me the Dynaudio DM 2/6 / 2/7, so I guess I will be giving those an audition shortly.
Nov 15, 2011 at 3:27 PM Post #14 of 16
Have you made up your mind?
Nov 16, 2011 at 9:12 AM Post #15 of 16
Not at all. I don't wanna rush to a decision, as this is the one time I will be upgrading for a long time. Being a student, I don't often have this much cash to blow.
I auditioned the Dynaudio 2/6 (they did not have the 2/7 at the shop I went to), and I really liked them. They even had the amp I'm likely to take off my cousins hands, and they sounded great together. Store clerk was not sure if it would be able to drive a sub as well tho.
I'm definitely (did I spell that right?) leaning towards passives rather than active speakers though, simply because they would be easier to upgrade if that time comes.

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