New minidisc recorders in UK
Jan 24, 2003 at 2:03 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


smooth, DARK
Jul 15, 2002
Saw this on MD community page news:

"AVLand (UK) has the Sony MZ-R410, MZ-N510, and MZ-N710 in stock. The Euro edition of the last two have reduced power, 2.5mW and 1.2mW(!) headphone amplifiers."

(That's at

2.5mw and 1.2mw seems an incredibly low output for two fairly expensive players, don'tcha think?
Jan 24, 2003 at 4:37 AM Post #2 of 14
Well, Euro editions of recent (since the year 2000) Sony PCDPs never had more than 3mW + 3mW anyway.
Jan 24, 2003 at 10:46 AM Post #3 of 14
Lower output seems to be the order of the day with Sony. I mean, 1.2 mW is simply unacceptable. You'd need a pair of *very* efficient buds, and, better yet, a pair of ER-4P's. Over-the-head cans would be useless.
Jan 24, 2003 at 1:47 PM Post #4 of 14
I don't get it, why the lower output for Euro models? Some law restrictions on hearing volume in consumer electronics or something? Or Sony is simply just being an *****? hehe
Jan 24, 2003 at 8:03 PM Post #7 of 14

Originally posted by Mystyler
Doesn't French law restrict all portable devices to have a maximum output of 100dB?

I recall reading an article that said Apple had to pull iPods from shelves in France since the output could generate a decibel level that exceeded that specified by French law.

I can't remember the db level, but perhaps Mystyler is correct with 100 db.

I'm surprised at the 3 mW of the PCDP's, I didn't know that.
Jan 24, 2003 at 11:40 PM Post #8 of 14

Originally posted by Mystyler
Doesn't French law restrict all portable devices to have a maximum output of 100dB?

I noticed this recently I picked up from Ebay a Sony D-190 (UK Version) from 1999 and the manual says that it's 5mw output. It also mentions that units sold in france are 2mw output.

2mw to my mind is absolutely piss poor.

I've recently been contemplating getting a Net MD, probably an MZN707. However, due to general concensus of opinion that:

1. Sony are cutting the headphone outputs in favour of ever longer playback times.

2. The fact that the Open MG software is inherently crippled.

3. The data transfer is only one way.

I think I might just stop with my trusty old players from a time when sound was a priority with Sony.

Sound As Ever.
Jan 25, 2003 at 12:21 AM Post #9 of 14
Hi Mick

I tried all three of the first Sony NET MD units and I have to say they were all good. The cheapest (505 I think) sounded just as good as the most expensive but obviously had less features.

Their output compares with most Walkman and Discman's from the last couple of years and could drive my Ety's to reasonably loud volumes.

I personally had no problems with the OpenMG software - not as fast as it said on the tin but still definitely faster than real-time.

Now I've got the Nomad Jukebox 3 I don't have any MD kit but I must admit I would definitely go for the first-gen NET MD kit before the headphone outputs become too weak to drive anything.

Jan 26, 2003 at 1:06 AM Post #10 of 14

Given your thought on the NetMDs, I may give the N707 a try during the week.

Hopefully, I can get one from work on a weeks trial.

I was really really dissapointed to find out about the one way transfer system. As per usual, Sony have taken a great idea and implemented it half-assed. It would have been useful for transferring my personal recordings from MD to my computer for editing and then subsequent writing to CD.

Ah well.... can't have it all can we?

Sound As Ever
Jan 26, 2003 at 6:26 PM Post #12 of 14

Originally posted by Trawlerman

I've recently been contemplating getting a Net MD, probably an MZN707. However, due to general concensus of opinion that:

1. Sony are cutting the headphone outputs in favour of ever longer playback times.

2. The fact that the Open MG software is inherently crippled.

3. The data transfer is only one way.

hey mick, don't let these reasons stop you from getting an N707. NetMD units are great portables. i have an N505 an i love it.

1. for the recent generation of Sony MD units (n505, N707, N1), they have really good headphone output. in fact, my N505's output is even louder than my previous generation top of the line MD unit MZ-R900. my MZ-N505 can easily drive my full size Sony MDR-7506 headphones and my Grado Sr60's.

2. yes, OpenMG is a very resticting program. but for the most part, it works. so far, all of my mp3's has been easily importable to OpenMG, and transfer to MD is reasonably fast. however, i never touch OpenMG, i use the included Simple Burner program to directly dub CD's to MD's. again, transfer is reasonably fast (15 minutes for a full CD album), and unlike OpenMG, tracks recorded from Simple Burner can be easily editable, moved, and erased on the unit itself. and recording from original CDs yields much better sound quality than the already compressed mp3 files. if you must record from mp3's, there is a loophole you can use from using Nero Burning ROM to record mp3 files to MD using Simple Burner.

3. yes, transfer is only one way. this is the most heard complaint. but MDs are not data storage media like SD or Smartmedia cards. its an audio media. besides, if you're recording to MD, you prolly have the main source to begin with, either it be an mp3 file or one of your CDs.

last but not least, MDs sound great! even tracks recorded with LP2. i'd say LP2 tracks sound just as good, if not better, than mp3's encoded at 192 kb/s. and tracks recorded to SP (which has to be in real time unfortunately), are virtually indistinguishable from the CD itself. besides, they're smaller than an iPod, and just as small as some flash mp3 players.

sorry about the long post, cheers!
Jan 26, 2003 at 7:45 PM Post #13 of 14
Just like Bong I'm quite happy with my MD (MZ-N707) and have advised many friends to buy one if they're looking for portable audio.

I have never used OpenMG. The recording methods I use in order of frequency are:

1) Simple Burner
2) Record with my home deck (for SP quality)
3) RealOne for quick transfers of mp3's

If I wanted to avoid RealOne I could burn mp3's onto a CD and then use my DVD player to play the disc and record on my home deck via the optical connection.

If I record with my home deck, I still use Simple Burner to title the discs, it's a really fast way to title.

If 5mW output isn't good enough, then buy a portable headphone amp, you can get them pretty darn small.
Jan 27, 2003 at 11:38 PM Post #14 of 14
Bong and Watchdog: Thanks guys. Your comments are really appreciated.

In hindsight I was perhaps little hasty in dismissing the N707 and other net MD units. I'm hoping to get my hands one this week some time as I work for a major electrical retailer in the country. As I said earlier, hopefully I can get a demonstrator for a knockdown price.

I did notice however, that on our systems, stocks are getting rather low and are not going to be replenished. It seems we are awaiting the new line on Net MDs which are due any time.

Anyway, i'll let you know how I get on with tracking one down.

Sound As Ever

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