New Member Introductions thread
Nov 18, 2016 at 4:17 AM Post #4,592 of 15,646
My name is David Baldock, and I've been a Forum member since May of 2016.
I see in my user profile that there's a link to click for my "Reviews", of which there are currently none.
It's a bit confusing trying to figure out where to start, on the Head-Fi website or in the Forums, to begin posting reviews.
Is there a FAQ or Primer Post, with instructions for writing equipment reviews?
David Baldock

I would just post the review to the forms, and then the best ones get featured on the head-fi front page. At least that is how I think it works. Also about the reviews, I would brush up on the glossary of terms page as well as describing sound page. The rest is up to you. You can go as in depth as you want or you can just scratch the surface. I always like when they do comparisons at the end of the review to other products in the same class as it that they personally have spent time with and listened to.
Nov 18, 2016 at 9:17 AM Post #4,595 of 15,646
Hello all!
I'm new here, just joined a couple of days ago after lurking for a couple of months.  I've always been fascinated in quality audio listening equipment.  I'm in my mid 30s and have worked hard since college and grad school to finally start having some disposable income to start enjoying this hobby.  In last couple of months, I've picked up a couple of things to try and start experimenting for that perfect sound.  My first purchase was on craigslist for a new pair of ATH M50x headphones that were selling for a considerable discount.  They were good but I wanted to see what else I was missing so I picked up the Massdrop AKG 7xx.  I really liked those and have paired them with my iMac.  I have to say that I like the 7xx a lot more than the m50x.  I also picked up a Apogee Groove DAC/AMP and once I hooked up the 7xx into it, I must omit, the 7xx became even better and have become my main headphone.  I tried to pick up the Massdrop exclusive Sennheiser HD 6xx and that ended up becoming a fiasco, with me first thinking that I got in on the drop only to find out later that I didn't (you can see my comments about that disaster in the comments sections on Massdrop's website under the same username).  I've also picked up some powered speakers for my iMac this month, Audioengine A5+, that I'm really enjoying when the kids and wife aren't around.  When the wife and kids are here and I have some free time, I'm using the 7xx.  So far I really like this site and I hope to contribute more in the future when time permits.   
Nov 18, 2016 at 9:58 AM Post #4,596 of 15,646

​Hello from Italy, nice to meet you all !
home system:     Bryston BHA-1 + Audeze LCD-XC
mobile system:   Ifi Audio iDsd Nano + Hifiman RE-262
office system:     Mytek 192DSD + Beyerdinamic DT880 250 ohm
Nov 18, 2016 at 10:29 AM Post #4,597 of 15,646
  How would you say you have enjoyed your Violectric HPA V200? I am currently looking for an amp upgrade for my HD800's and I have heard that it pairs quite well with that amp. Also if you have used that amp with iem's how was that experience? I have heard comments about the "pitch blackness" of the Lake People G109-P which is somewhat similar to the V200 so I'm wondering if the same would apply to that amp. 

I don't have any experience with the G109-P, but I agree from what I've read it is similar. The V200 does have a dark tint to the sound, it softens the piercing highs of very analytical phones and I'd say brings out the mids and lows. I've used the Shure SE846s with the V200 and it's a nice combo, similar to the LCD2s with regard to the fact that they are already a bit heavy on the mids and lows already and they sound unbelievably dark. I can see it pairing nicely with some extremely analytical IEMs.
I don't have any experience with the HD800 and the V200, but I can imagine that they would be a great combo. 
Nov 18, 2016 at 7:45 PM Post #4,598 of 15,646
Hello Head-Fi,
I'm new to the forum and already have made a small blunder by posting an intro thread as I didn't see this thread when I first checked out this forum.  Oops, sorry.  Perhaps it was my subconscious way of pumping up my post numbers
So I recently bought a Bryston BHA-1 for my desktop rig (driving a pair of PMC TB2S-A II) and I plan on adding an iFi iDSD Micro to this kit and stumbled across the tour for the "Black Label" version and so I signed up to check it out.  So now I'm feelin' the need for some decent new cans.
Way back in my senior year of high school i got a pair of Stax SR-44 and they sounded so much better than the Koss and others of that time period, to my ears there was no comparison.  I listened the ear pads off those Stax and never replaced them when they died.  Just fell out of headphone listening.
Well fast forward to today and wowsers there is a whole universe of cans and amps to drive them so having the Bryston seems a good reason to get some new cans and check out what's going on out there in the canscape.
Nov 18, 2016 at 11:31 PM Post #4,599 of 15,646
  Hey :)
As I remember, I think the DT770 or DT880 would be my choice. I don't really like the highs on the Beyerdynamic headphones overall. Thats why I don't own one. But the DT770 has a good low end and with some EQ the highs are not too accentuated. But I would say that without an EQ the DT880s are better in terms of highs. They also have a peak, but it's not as annoying (just a personal perception!) as the peak on the DT770.
But besides the sound: I don't like the comfort of the Beyerdynamics at all. The overall clamping force of the cans and the fit of the earcups are good, but I had a hotspot on the headband on every Beyerdynamic I tried (maybe it's just my weird head).

​Thanks for the notes on those.  Looks like DT880 might be the way to go in terms of sound.  Will have to see if comfort is an issue for me.
Nov 18, 2016 at 11:48 PM Post #4,600 of 15,646
​Thanks for the notes on those.  Looks like DT880 might be the way to go in terms of sound.  Will have to see if comfort is an issue for me.

Actually DT line is quite comfy...if you have issues with the comfort of the DT line then youre going to have problems with most headphones.

Ive owned lots of headphones and the only one that I can think of that flat out tops the DTs for comfort are the AKG K7XX.

Welcome to Head-Fi,sorry for your wallet
Nov 19, 2016 at 8:47 PM Post #4,601 of 15,646
Hey Audiophiles,
Love the community here and the headphone reviews. I myself am not really a audiophile but its important for me to want to be able to hear the music as close to the quality that the artist intended.
Looking forward to learning a lot from the members here and getting help on making some new purchases!
- 2her0ck
Nov 20, 2016 at 4:00 PM Post #4,605 of 15,646
Hi, I am not new here. I joined at least as early as 2003, can't even remember now! I went under the name DarkWolf. I've been inactive so long, I think my account info and e-mail must have been wiped from the site. I'd bought a used set of HE-5LE and shortly after, a used Audio-GD NFB-10SE, both from other members. That was back in 2011. Man, time flies. Since then, I've felt that I'd arrived at a point that was 'good enough' and my involvement here trailed off. Now I'm poking around again, trying not to get my wallet into too much trouble.
Is the greeting, "Welcome to head-fi, sorry about your wallet!" still a thing?

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