Aug 8, 2014 at 10:58 AM Post #316 of 501
Corda Classic + HE-500 is exactly my setup. At my listening volume level I can use low gain with volume control set at 10:00 to 11:00 position. No worry for power.

It sounds very good and I am very satisfied.
Oct 22, 2014 at 8:19 AM Post #318 of 501
those interested  Eric neff

Nice review and couldn't agree more. I have had Meiers gear for years and have yet to find better sound for the money. The perfect middle road. The best thing is that it has the best synergy with my favorite headphone brand - Beyerdynamic.
Oct 22, 2014 at 8:20 AM Post #319 of 501
Nice review. Note how the stated cons have nothing to do with the actual sound quality, pretty typical for Meier Audio 
 I can most definitely confirm that I received (very decent) power supply cables with all my purchases directly from Meier.
Oct 22, 2014 at 2:59 PM Post #320 of 501
Enjoyed reading the review Eric. I appreciate the fact that you make clear your preference to tubes.
I use the HD650 with the Classic+Daccord combo too.
I don't find much difference between the crossfeed of the Daccord and Classic. But the tonal balance feature (bass boost) of the Classic seems to have a stronger audible effect, making the music slightly more darker sounding.
I didn't get power cords, but Jan explained that the UK power cord can be expensive and difficult to source in the mainland. Had some lying around from old PC power supplies. Cheap as chips to buy anyway.
Oct 22, 2014 at 6:05 PM Post #321 of 501
Glad you like the review guys. I sure had fun writing it. Jan was great to communicate with as well. I am a big "Value" guy and he really fills the bill. Great bang for the buck...(or Pound, etc..
Oct 22, 2014 at 7:00 PM Post #322 of 501
Yep I put two and two together and figured it was you Eric :beerchug:

Having as you know trod a similar path to you gear-wise I found myself nodding agreement throughout. Being very familiar with Jan's products as well I agree completely about the VFM aspect and I'm very pleased to see a published review that gives him the credit he deserves. Jan is a very fine designer.

Oct 22, 2014 at 7:12 PM Post #323 of 501
Thanks Andre! I had fun at CanJam messing with the Summit Fi gear but most of us are not going to be buying that stuff. Jan makes gear that does a great job and you can actually own. In my mind it was a SS version of Decware.
Oct 22, 2014 at 8:02 PM Post #324 of 501
No need to remind me you were at CanJam and I wasn't Eric :p
Nov 14, 2014 at 7:18 AM Post #326 of 501
Anyone compared the Daccord / Classic combo with the Schiit Gungnir (or Bifrost) / Mjolnir combo? Planning to get a pair of LCD-3Fs and looking for a good amp / DAC combo for them. I read the Schiit combo was very good with the pre-Fazor LCD-3s but not sure if it's so good with the Fazor version.
Nov 14, 2014 at 12:35 PM Post #327 of 501
I haven't heard the Mjolnir, but I have the Stagedac (Daccord predecessor) and Classic and the original Bifrost. FWIW here is a chain of impressions.

In a comparison review I did some 3 years ago I found the Stagedac more balanced, transparent and 'right' than either the Eastern Electric MiniMax (worst) or Bifrost (very good). Amps used were Meier Concerto, Schiit Lyr with the stock GE option and (briefly) the Stax Lambda Pro with stock energizer. Other hps used were Audez'e LCD2r1 and Beyerdynamic T1. I understand Daccord is a better Stagedac, and as I found it (slightly) better than Bifrost...

Recently I bought the LCD3F and was amazed how much better it matches the Classic than does the LCD2r1. Particularly noticeable is the excellent layering and very good sound-stage. This was true even with (very briefly) a humble iPod Classic 120 as the (analog!) source.

Worth noting, I usually pair the Classic with the BMC Puredac. This dac is a considerable improvement on even the Stagedac in terms of fine, low-level detail which continues right on into the bass. These are important attributes for any Audez'e, which repays every bit of quality it gets from the upstream chain in the bass and lower mids. Some of the reported attributes of the Gungnir do suggest it might be right up there with these important aspects of the puredac. Provided the G/M combo matches well with fazors, I imagine it could be hard to beat.

OTOH, the Stagedac and Classic do everything well and nothing or very little wrong.

Note: The Classic usually plays "2nd fiddle" to my main amp, which is tube-based and cost twice as much. I find the Classic compares extremely well.
Nov 14, 2014 at 1:41 PM Post #328 of 501
I haven't heard the Mjolnir, but I have the Stagedac (Daccord predecessor) and Classic and the original Bifrost. FWIW here is a chain of impressions.

In a comparison review I did some 3 years ago I found the Stagedac more balanced, transparent and 'right' than either the Eastern Electric MiniMax (worst) or Bifrost (very good). Amps used were Meier Concerto, Schiit Lyr with the stock GE option and (briefly) the Stax Lambda Pro with stock energizer. Other hps used were Audez'e LCD2r1 and Beyerdynamic T1. I understand Daccord is a better Stagedac, and as I found it (slightly) better than Bifrost...

Recently I bought the LCD3F and was amazed how much better it matches the Classic than does the LCD2r1. Particularly noticeable is the excellent layering and very good sound-stage. This was true even with (very briefly) a humble iPod Classic 120 as the (analog!) source.

Worth noting, I usually pair the Classic with the BMC Puredac. This dac is a considerable improvement on even the Stagedac in terms of fine, low-level detail which continues right on into the bass. These are important attributes for any Audez'e, which repays every bit of quality it gets from the upstream chain in the bass and lower mids. Some of the reported attributes of the Gungnir do suggest it might be right up there with these important aspects of the puredac. Provided the G/M combo matches well with fazors, I imagine it could be hard to beat.

OTOH, the Stagedac and Classic do everything well and nothing or very little wrong.

Note: The Classic usually plays "2nd fiddle" to my main amp, which is tube-based and cost twice as much. I find the Classic compares extremely well.

That PureDac is a sweetheart Andre. Nothing like nice toys to play with!
Nov 14, 2014 at 3:09 PM Post #329 of 501

Thanks very much for the impressions! Sounds like the Daccord / Classic combo would probably be a good deal for the money, which accords with what I've read elsewhere. Schiit products are usually regarded as being good value for money too though so I guess it's hard to say which combo would be better without comparing. The PureDAC looks good but unfortunately can't get it in Australia.
Interesting that you prefer tubes with the LCD-3 too. I had read solid state was usually preferred at least with the original LCD-3 but that this might have changed with the LCD-3F given the somewhat brighter sound.
Nov 15, 2014 at 2:40 AM Post #330 of 501
Indeed Eric. I intended to mention the puredac in the same light as your comparison with your DAC in your review. But that sentiment got lost in the struggle with the spell-checker (is it head-fi or my Mac :confused:).

LogicalDisconnect I'm suspicious of the "SS is better with the LCD3" claim. As a statistician I'm bound to ask "where's the survey that established this?". I do know some head-fiers found this to be the case for them. It got announced and repeated and somehow the counter-findings from others got lost in the 'noise' of group chatter. Ah well.

Without doubt there are tube amps that are (a) syrupy and thick; (b) warm; (c) muddy in the bass. None of these 'qualities' suit Audez'es.

Other tube amps and/or tube options are not like this at all (e.g. Decware, Eddie Current). In my case, my tube amp is the best match I've heard with both the 2r1 and 3F (but interestingly needs a slightly different driver tube for each). OTOH I've heard one SS amp from an excellent brand that paired badly with my LCD2r1: slow, muddy bass and over-warm. To be fair the Violectric V100 was designed for dynamic hps and - for whatever reasons - I understand its bigger brothers the V181 and 200 (and new models introduced since) match much more successfully.

That PureDac is a sweetheart Andre. Nothing like nice toys to play with!

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