new bie needs help with iPOD--windows user

Apr 8, 2004 at 11:05 AM Post #16 of 21
Did you try the previously suggested reboot by holding down Menu and pause buttons together? If so, did you seem to get a response from the Ipod?

If not you may need that Ipod lounge help or even apple help...

But nevertheless once you get it working it "will" be worth it!!!


Apr 8, 2004 at 5:01 PM Post #17 of 21

Originally posted by ultraviolet353
i received the iPOD in pristine condition--never been used. I reformatted because a format dirve box popped up in windows so I formatted in FAT32. I just rebooted the iPOD and a folder with anexclamation mark popped up--now it is blank.

I think this is your problem. IIRC, you shouldn't format the iPod using Windows, you need to use Apple's iPod Updater software on the CD to format the iPod for Windows use.
Apr 8, 2004 at 5:18 PM Post #18 of 21
I think bangraman and AndyH are leading the way. Use the updater you downloaded yesterday, and click "restore" instead of update. Let us know what happens then.
Apr 9, 2004 at 1:46 AM Post #20 of 21
Finally solved the problem. Firts, as pointed out, having windows format the drive reaaly screwed it up. Second, I updtaed w/ the wrong software 1.3 instead of using 2.01. All I needed to do was updtae with 2.01 software for XP and reformat. So if anyone else ever has the problem of iTunes not seeing the iPod, just update the iPod software to the latest. Thaks for everyone's help.
Apr 9, 2004 at 5:17 PM Post #21 of 21

Originally posted by DragonFly
If you continue to have problems with iTunes, maybe try Anapod . I can vouch for the stability of Redchair software, as I use their Notmad software with my Zen.

Glad you solved your problem.

Just for reference, formatting the iPod as a standard disk drive removes all of it's operating software - thus the iPod is unable to function as a music player.

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