Nervous about big purchase. Need experienced people (T5p vs ED8 and website help)
Feb 29, 2012 at 10:25 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 19


Headphoneus Supremus
Apr 10, 2011
I was almost sure I was going to buy the Ultrasone Edition 8s today as I was saving up for them for a while, sold my old headphones for them and talked to some stores about getting a cheaper quote.
I found an authorized seller for 1050$ from the US which included shipping to my place here in Canada and they would declare the package lower to avoid massive amounts of duties.

Today, I stumbled upon a thread all about direct comparisons between the ED8 and Beyer T5p and I'd say the majority (not by many) said they would give the overall edge to the T5p which made me take a step back and consider both.

After poking around and asking, I found a place in Canada that would be willing to do the T5p for 1000$ shipped to my place.

My first question, is the store "" trustworthy? They seem to have very little business so I would probably be making the biggest purchase of the year for them, lol, but web of trust listed them as trustworthy. Other than that, reviews are very limited so I was wondering if anybody has had experience with them. They have a phone number listed, answer their emails and have an address listed and the whois says they've been around for a few years.

So basically my 2 headphone choices would be roughly the same price (1000$).
The main purpose of the headphones would be for portable AND HOME use. Though since I'm out and about traveling between school and home 5 times a week (which is 1.5 hours each way) as well as general traveling on the weekends, I have to be able to use them while walking, on the bus, metro, train or plane. Also since I'm at school from 8am to 6pm almost every day of the week, I need isolating headphones that I can use in the library, bus, etc. I can't be using grados that everyone in the entire library can hear xP

I currently do not have an amp or external DAC, only my iPhone to power the headphones for now. That's not to say that I won't consider a DAC in the future, just that I'm already stretching my budget to get the headphones and another piece will not be considered for another few months after my headphone purchase.

In terms of previous headphones that I've tried/had...
I had the Bowers and Wilkins P5 which I enjoyed a fair amount (I had them burned in and applied earpad mods). My main downside with them was with the bass being quite lacking... Even after burn in and equalizers. While the bass was fine for a good portion of my music collection, obviously the weaker bass did not fare well when I tried playing dubstep or electronica, etc.
I also enjoyed listening to the D5000 overall a lot more than the D2000 which I did not seem to like much (the mids/vocals sounded poor to me) .My main concern with the T5p is also the bass. From what I hear the T5p does not have very strong bass while the ED8 has overly strong bass. Though, the ED8 are often said to be very colored, which is fine with me but might not match a good portion of my music collection. On the other hand, the T5p is "cleaner", etc, but just lacks that bass. Would the T5p + Zo2 be a good option? Just throw the Zo2 in when I want to listen to some more bassy music and remove it for the songs that don't need it? I'm afraid the ED8 will not be colored the way I like it considering all the hit and miss reviews (such as the 2 reviews present here on head-fi, one of 3 star overall and one of 5 star overall).

I will not have the chance to audition either of these...
I found someone in montreal (here where I live) that has the ED8 but he has not responded to let me audition. As for the T5p, I don't even know if anyone in montreal has them...

Thanks for any help / suggestions.
I'd preferably want to order them tomorrow with a rush shipping to get them before my plane trip Monday night =) So I kinda need quick responses
Mar 1, 2012 at 6:15 AM Post #3 of 19
I listen to a wide variety but not much metal, rap, pop.
My ears are not as sensitive to heat/discomfort as most people... I had to problem with the bowers in mid summer, or any other headphones so far.
Though the clamp of death might be uncomfortable if not properly distributed around the ear.
Mar 1, 2012 at 6:28 AM Post #4 of 19
I was in the same situation as you. I ended up ordering the Edition 8 and will get them next week. If they aren't for me I can just return them cost-free, but I'l still keep an eye on this thread. 
Mar 1, 2012 at 10:16 AM Post #8 of 19
Teclast T51 as source, tried the Violectric and and Fostex HP-P1 as amplifiers, listened to Classical, alternative rock, vocals/pop and fast electronic music.
I didn't listen to them for very long, so I have fairly limited insights, just the effects they had on me as intial encounters, and next to one another.
I loved the looks of the Edition 8, like a piece of jet, but IIRC I felt like it sounded closed-in and didn't have the clarity, visceral tone or imaging I was looking for, it didn't seem to excel or impress me in any areas.
The T5p looked fairly average but the sound was very enthralling, very impressive and easy to enjoy immensely, so eventually I sold my favorite Audio Technica A2000X and picked up the T5p, when comparing them directly the T5p had more depth, it sounds to me like it goes a bit beyond the sound of a dynamic driver, wheras in the A2000X I could hear a thinner dynamic driver type of sound, however very reference quality, open, realistic, clear, etc.
The HD800 is very open like a Stax and very neutral.
The LCD-2 is very good, IIRC I liked it better than the Edition 10.
The HE-6 is very neutral, like a "king of nothingness" type of sound.
The only headphone which really impressed me since the T5p was the K1000, I feel like too many of the high-ends are striving for a very neutral and reference type of sound however not quite reaching the aliveness, immersion, depth, realism, hypnosis or crystalline clarity musicality required to make one seduced by the music.
All of that said, the T5p doesn't seduce me very often and these are only my limited views.
Mar 1, 2012 at 11:25 AM Post #10 of 19
I'm listening to the T5p right now, for a portable closed headphone, I'm really nore sure what can rival it's sound.
I also love the feeling of real leather, the T1 is velour.
Some people find it too bright, and call it bass-light?  I don't know, if I turn on some trance and touch the outer cups lightly, the bass pulses into my fingers and veins, not sure how that's bass-light.
The distance of the driver to the ear seems to affect brightness, so I move them around a bit and tilt the headband back to achieve apex sonus illustria.
Perhaps there's a better portable closed headphone like the Audio Technica ES10 or Sony Z1000 for certain user requirements and sound preference, I have heard neither.
Caveat, I don't like bass very much.
Mar 1, 2012 at 2:14 PM Post #11 of 19
I took another listen to the two this morning. Basically, what the T5p lacks in "fullness" on the bass end, the Ed8 suffers from a similar "fullness" deficiency on the mid/highs. IMO though, the Ed8 suffers more from its deficiency than the T5p does. The T5p lacks sub-bass, but the remaining bass that it does have, doesn't lack in impact. Compared to the T5p, the Ed8 has recessed mid/highs. On top of that, the mids often sound anemic, thin and uninspiring. And on top of that, some things just sound downright bad to my ears. Snare and cymbals are too grating to the point of distraction, strings often lack the fullness and warmth that I get from the T5p and there's just an unnaturalness to the sound that I can't not notice at times. Obviously everyone hears differently but for me, the Ed8 just doesn't sound that good. If I didn't have the T5p though, I suppose I could get used to the Ed8 but since I do, there's no comparison. The T5p has a much more natural and musical-sounding mid/high sound than the Ed8 and that's what I generally focus on.
On the portable side, I can make up for the T5p's deficiency by turning on the bass boost toggle of my cMoy amp. That gives me enough fullness on the very low end for me. I don't think I can get rid of the odd sound in general of the Ed8. I guess I could play with EQ a bit but that's more work than just flipping a switch. You asked me about the Digizoid Zo in your PM. First I've heard of it. =) But I ordered the Zo2 yesterday so hopefully it'll be here next week or sooner. But I think if the simple bass boost of the cMoy is sufficient for me, the Digizoid might be overkill.
Oh, and for my comparison I listened to some pop, classical, rock, and drum and bass.
Mar 1, 2012 at 3:15 PM Post #13 of 19
I recommend the T5p over the Ed8 as well. I listened to them in a direct comparison a while back and the T5p was clearly better. That's the short version of my experience, the others have explained the sound pretty well :wink:
Mar 1, 2012 at 11:31 PM Post #14 of 19
I took another listen to the two this morning. Basically, what the T5p lacks in "fullness" on the bass end, the Ed8 suffers from a similar "fullness" deficiency on the mid/highs. IMO though, the Ed8 suffers more from its deficiency than the T5p does. The T5p lacks sub-bass, but the remaining bass that it does have, doesn't lack in impact. Compared to the T5p, the Ed8 has recessed mid/highs. On top of that, the mids often sound anemic, thin and uninspiring. And on top of that, some things just sound downright bad to my ears. Snare and cymbals are too grating to the point of distraction, strings often lack the fullness and warmth that I get from the T5p and there's just an unnaturalness to the sound that I can't not notice at times. Obviously everyone hears differently but for me, the Ed8 just doesn't sound that good. If I didn't have the T5p though, I suppose I could get used to the Ed8 but since I do, there's no comparison. The T5p has a much more natural and musical-sounding mid/high sound than the Ed8 and that's what I generally focus on.

This mirrors my experience.
This review is pretty decent -
Mar 5, 2012 at 8:35 AM Post #15 of 19

I found an authorized seller for 1050$ from the US which included shipping to my place here in Canada and they would declare the package lower to avoid massive amounts of duties.
After poking around and asking, I found a place in Canada that would be willing to do the T5p for 1000$ shipped to my place.

Do you mind telling me where did you get the UE8 offer for $1050 ? and also for t5p ?
I am going to purchase UE8 for sure,.
Thanks in advance.

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