Nervana: Neurotransmitter stimulating IEM's?
Feb 12, 2016 at 3:52 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 38


100+ Head-Fier
Mar 22, 2013
So I came across this page:
It almost seems like one of the biggest gimmicks I've ever seen, especially at $300. However I do believe there is a future in that type of technology.
Feb 12, 2016 at 8:22 PM Post #2 of 38
They should just make an app and sell it for $5. Teens will flock to the "legal high", media will blow things out of proportion just like they did with binaural beats; they will get tons of free advertising and rake in boatloads of money.

If not, someone else will :sweat_smile:
Feb 20, 2016 at 12:39 AM Post #4 of 38
I'm planning on getting these as soon as they're available to anchor my binaural meditations and visualization.
Feb 23, 2016 at 11:00 PM Post #6 of 38
Here's an article about them:
It's not binaural beats...
  Headphones that stimulate the release of dopamine in your brain and reportedly make you feel high as hell have been invented by Florida-based tech company, Nervana, and are set to go on sale as early as next month.
The headphones will pump music into your ears as normal, but at the same time, an integrated device will deliver a low-power electrical signal through your ear canal to stimulate the Vagus nerve - a nerve that runs from the brainstem to the abdomen and plays a role in the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centres.

Feb 23, 2016 at 11:03 PM Post #7 of 38
Feb 23, 2016 at 11:07 PM Post #8 of 38
Got it. Yes I like binaural beats as well and I think you're right. The thing that makes me hesitate is if you artificially stimulate chemical release the body may react and start to down regulate receptors. The whole thing could become addictive or overall disruptive to moods. If there's no harmful side effects then I'm definitely interested.
Feb 24, 2016 at 2:55 AM Post #9 of 38
Got it. Yes I like binaural beats as well and I think you're right. The thing that makes me hesitate is if you artificially stimulate chemical release the body may react and start to down regulate receptors. The whole thing could become addictive or overall disruptive to moods. If there's no harmful side effects then I'm definitely interested.

Anything that makes you secrete dopamine could have that effect, including orgasm, an exciting trip, a competitive sport, etc.

I think that if you used this all day, e'ryday, it could be an issue, but otherwise....not so much.
Mar 3, 2016 at 10:54 AM Post #10 of 38
I doubt the dopamine stimulating properties of it would be damaging or neurotoxic (no foreign chemical interacts witht the receptors) however I could see short term dopamine production being hurt.
Mar 3, 2016 at 10:05 PM Post #11 of 38
  I doubt the dopamine stimulating properties of it would be damaging or neurotoxic (no foreign chemical interacts witht the receptors) however I could see short term dopamine production being hurt.

But isn't this the same sort of thing that can happen with anything you do that's fun? Diminishing returns requiring different unique stimulus to evoke the response?
For me, I think that using this and binaural guided meditation, I'll be able to REALLY anchor and emotionally invest my visualizations in a way that has not been possible thus far.
Mar 4, 2016 at 1:54 AM Post #12 of 38
I suppose what perked me up was the claim that the effect was like taking drugs. If it's that dramatic then I was thinking there was a chance it could over stimulate something and put you out of balance. Realistically it probably is a subtle effect and nothing to worry about. Still I thought about it and if it's effective something to consider.
I just got a bunch of new tubes for my amp. This might have the same effect as those Nervana headphones. (EML 300B, National Union 6C8G, Mullard GZ32)

Mar 4, 2016 at 3:57 AM Post #13 of 38
But isn't this the same sort of thing that can happen with anything you do that's fun? Diminishing returns requiring different unique stimulus to evoke the response?
For me, I think that using this and binaural guided meditation, I'll be able to REALLY anchor and emotionally invest my visualizations in a way that has not been possible thus far.

Very true. I guess it's not introducing new dopamine molecules, just stimulating the release. The only was I guess I could see it being damaging would be in combination with any neurotoxic substance.
Interesting with what you say about the meditation too. Could make it a more powerful experience.
Mar 4, 2016 at 9:30 AM Post #14 of 38
Deleted my comment initially, as I figured that I should dig around more before judging.

My original opinion stands - there is no medical publication that I can find which suggests that these things work. Stick an implant in your chest to stimulate your vagus nerve and you're a winner... Current through your external acoustic meatus? I'll wait-out.

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