Need help choosing
Feb 13, 2011 at 9:34 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


100+ Head-Fier
Feb 13, 2011
Hey guys,
After the right side of my Sennheiser CX 300-II crapped out(my fault, wax from a candle got in it, and barely any sound comes out of it), I'm looking to get something new primarily to be used for a portable player. I thought I was going to go with another pair of in-ears, but I thought I would try a pair of entry level cans this time.
My three choices are:
Koss Sportapro
Koss Portapro
I have read posts of all three on here, but I just can't decide which one to get. Everyone has positive and negative things to say about each. Also, I listen to jazz pretty much constantly. With a little blues thrown in here and there, but mostly jazz. So I don't know which one of these are better for that.
I really wanted to go with the iGrado just because I've never owned a pair of Grado's and would love to. But I really don't know if I should go with them. Both Koss's are cheaper(which I want to stay under the $50 mark, I don't see the point of spending more for use out and about), and from what I read the sound quality is almost as good or just as good as the iGrado's. So if I decide on Koss, I'm not sure which of those two models I should get.
Or should I just ditch these choices and go for a pair of Sennheiser CX 500-B(in-ears)? I thought my CX 300-II's sounded very good, so these CX 500-B's should be a step up(I hope).
Anyways, this looks like a great forum and I think I'm going to be spending a lot of time here. Seems like there's a very knowledgeable bunch here.
Thanks for any help.
When I searched here for the CX 500-B, someone recommended these:
Would these be a better choice?
edit again:
Well, I think I may just spend a little more and go for the Grado SR 60i. Those seem to be about the best in the $100 price range. I really didn't want to spend over $50, but what's another $30(they're $79 on Amazon) for some quality cans.

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