Need Advise: Headphones 50-100$
Sep 27, 2001 at 1:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


Sep 27, 2001
plz help with headphones.

I listen to rock mostly:
LedZeppelin, DreamTheater, PinkFloyd,Sabbath,Metallica,Doors,Beatles...

no rap,techno,pop etc....

what I found :
Grado SR-60/80.
Any solutions to this problem

p.s. I'm in SiliconValley.

Thanx in Advise

Sep 27, 2001 at 1:14 AM Post #2 of 9
SR-80, all the way!

What are you gonna be driving them with? Something powerful opens up the AKG 401, which would also be a good choice. Also, if you want something closed, you've got a lot of options.
Sep 27, 2001 at 1:16 AM Post #3 of 9
GoldWarlock, welcome to Head-Fi!

In addition to the two Grados that you mentioned, you may want to add the Sony MDR-V6 (if you can still find that model), or (at the upper limit of your price range) the virtually identical MDR-7506. Both are closed, and both are a bit more comfortable than the Grados.
Sep 27, 2001 at 1:20 AM Post #4 of 9
I'm interested in Sonys

Can you specify your choice?

btw: I'm gonna use no amps. And use them with portable player/ computer@office
Sep 27, 2001 at 1:25 AM Post #5 of 9
first off, great music choices!

Second off, the SR80 is a good headphone for rock, so personally that would be my first choice. I had that headphone for a good eight months before I upgraded, and was very happy with it. I recently upgraded to the K401, which also sounds great with rock but requires much more power than the SR80. I think you'd probably be happier with the SR80's as your first really good headphone. The V6 is also a very good headphone; it's more comfortable and has much better build quality. The cons to the V6 is that it has a very closed-in sound and it can heat your ears up faster. Considering the V6 costs less, if you choose to buy it you could probably use some of the money you saved (compared to the SR80) on some new pads from beyerdynamic. They're more comfortable and should sound better than the original pads as well.

So those are my two reccomendations...
Sep 27, 2001 at 1:33 AM Post #6 of 9
Do you want a closed headphone that blocks external sound? Or is open OK?

If you don't mind open headphones, I'd take the SR60 or SR80 over the V6 for your music tastes. The V6 are very good phones, but with the music you listen to, you're asking for headaches over the long haul
The SR60 or SR80 will be more enjoyable IMO (I own both the V6 and the SR60).
Sep 27, 2001 at 4:04 AM Post #7 of 9
yeah i also agree. if you're in a noisy environment (computer fans, people talking, outside, etc.) and want to drown that out, get the sony v6. if your surroundings are relatively quiet, then go for the grados, which imo sound absolutely stunning out of a portable. for your music choices, you'd be highlighting the best points of the sr-80: the forward, rocking, famous midrange, and a surprisingly strong bass.
Sep 27, 2001 at 4:39 PM Post #8 of 9
Guyz you are just GREAT.
Thanx for the advice!!!

Do you know sites/stores in USAwhere I can get Grados 60/80 (I didnt make MY choice yet) for lover price than 69/95$???

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