Need a discrete pair of cannal phones...
Dec 28, 2005 at 5:33 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 1, 2005
I need some advice from those willing to offer theirs. I need suggestions for cannal phones that aren't too costly, but don't sound like "crap" (read an e2c hate thread, found a general concensous). I would like a good pair, but not a costly pair either. I can afford around a $100, and if that can't afford me a good pair then what's a good pair of small headphones/buds that also have isolation and aren't too large so that I could slip them in my messenger bag for school? Also, durabiltiy is kind of important so a good warranty is a must...finally, no Sony suggestions (I've had to many bad experiences with them).

Thank you for your time, can't wait to hear your ideas ^_^
Dec 28, 2005 at 5:34 AM Post #2 of 13
Westone UM1. Seems to be the general concensus around here that they whip the E2's. I had the UM2's and really liked them, and I'm considering getting some UM1's for a cheap pair of isolating canal phones.
Dec 28, 2005 at 5:55 AM Post #4 of 13

Originally Posted by Thaddy
Westone UM1. Seems to be the general concensus around here that they whip the E2's. I had the UM2's and really liked them, and I'm considering getting some UM1's for a cheap pair of isolating canal phones.

I just got the UM1s and I'm listening to them without burn-in. Fantastic. Heard details I've never heard before. Can't imagine that they will get better with burn-in
Dec 28, 2005 at 8:10 AM Post #5 of 13
I really like the Studio 3 in the $100 price range but I wouldn't really call them discrete (if by discrete you mean that they don't stick out of your ear very far).
Dec 28, 2005 at 9:35 AM Post #6 of 13
Well, they are more discrete than the earmuff senns I normally wear to school on a daily basis (HD202s)

So far I'm only hearing good things about the Studio 3s and at $85 compared to $115 for the Westones I think they definately have a price advantage...

So, is there any reason I should consider the Westones over the Studio 3's or should I get right to ordering?


Also I was wondering would an amp really help the sound quality and bass of the Studio 3's as suggested in Headroom? I was thinking about trying the DIY MINT amp if I got time to....
Dec 28, 2005 at 6:18 PM Post #7 of 13
An amp would help out in any case. Xin Micro is a good option if you had the money. Nice and small.
Dec 28, 2005 at 6:47 PM Post #9 of 13

Originally Posted by dipnorge
Seems like the UM1's are better the the UE's. Are the UM1's worth the diff in $$$ though?

Hard to say. Need someone to compare the two of them, which not many have done.
Dec 28, 2005 at 7:28 PM Post #10 of 13
Neither the 3's or the UM1s are widely reviewed, so comparisons will be difficult.

If you are buying from some place which has a nice return policy then it will be worth it to buy both and see which one you like more. While you're at it, buy the Etymotic ER-6i. And also buy the Shure E2cs so you can try out their tips as well
Dec 28, 2005 at 9:02 PM Post #11 of 13
I was in the same predicament as you a week or so ago and I have to throw my vote in for the um1's. I use 650's amped in my home rig and ksc75's and dying e2c's in my portable. even before the sound started cutting out on my e2's I was beginning to get annoyed with their congested sound. The um1's make the e2's sound like they were wrapped in rolls of Charmin Extra Soft. The clarity and comfort are excellent. The wires are the over the ear type but are infinitely more comfortable than the e2 wires and seem sturdier to boot. Finally, you have the option of using custom ear molds which aren't possible with the super fi 3's.
Dec 28, 2005 at 9:04 PM Post #12 of 13

Originally Posted by TR909
I was in the same predicament as you a week or so ago and I have to throw my vote in for the um1's. I use 650's amped in my home rig and ksc75's and dying e2c's in my portable. even before the sound started cutting out on my e2's I was beginning to get annoyed with their congested sound. The um1's make the e2's sound like they were wrapped in rolls of Charmin Extra Soft. The clarity and comfort are excellent. The wires are the over the ear type but are infinitely more comfortable than the e2 wires and seem sturdier to boot. Finally, you have the option of using custom ear molds which aren't possible with the super fi 3's.

Not sure why you want custom molds on a UM1s. I could see UM2s or ER4. Do a search to see. Both are well rated. I go with the cheaper one.
Dec 28, 2005 at 9:22 PM Post #13 of 13
well...there are es1's which are basically um1's with custom moulds. so westone seems to think somebody would want that. My point being a hundred dollar investment for a phone that could down the road be improved for less than the price of new phones (namely the um2s). The super fi 3's pretty much are wysiwyg. also, the um56 custom tips can then be used on shure e4's, e5's, um2's, etc. just trying to stress the versatility of the um1's.

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