MZ-RH10 -- who likes it?
Aug 7, 2005 at 5:08 AM Post #3 of 32
This unit got me back into the MD scene, and this post actually made me get out of the wood work and register!

I've got a bit of a history with MD - it started with the DR7 which is something of a legend for its sound quality. I got an NH900 for the convenience of Hi-MD when it came out, and it's sound comparable - and I find the RH10 even better. It's certainly different from both the DR7 and the NH900, but my young ears couldn't go into much more detail than that :p

The build is very solid while remaining small feeling in the hand. It's absolutely gorgeous - I got me an orange one from Japan (worth it for the LCD remote, I think).

The best part of the unit is by far the screen - that OLED (I think is the term) blue text is perfect for all conditions, and navigation on the scroll wheel is pretty easy.

The most common complaints I've heard about the unit are that native MP3s sound awful (I wouldn't put it past Sony to have screwed around with the playback to make ATRAC sound superior) and that the unit scratches easily. Also, most people would sooner lop off their right hand the voluntarily use sonic stage, but it... works. Sometimes :p

Personally, I'm extremely satisfied. I thought about getting an HD based player for capacity, but as my music collection has grown to about 50 gigs and shows no signs of slowing, I realized that the difference between a few gigabytes and a few dozen gigabytes isn't all that significant with so much to choose from in the first place.

And of course, recording is great - PCM is an awesome option! Live recording is really where MD as a format shines, and this unit is no exception.

And it's pretttyyyyyy
Aug 7, 2005 at 7:57 AM Post #4 of 32
i have the rh910, the non-oled version of the rh10. the sound is excellent. navigation is intuitive and the scroller makes scrolling through long lists easy. i wish sony would implement the scroller into their HD units. the only complaint i have is the slow transfer rate, but that is a limitation with the MD format.
Aug 7, 2005 at 2:40 PM Post #5 of 32

Originally Posted by Coelomate
The most common complaints I've heard about the unit are that native MP3s sound awful (I wouldn't put it past Sony to have screwed around with the playback to make ATRAC sound superior) ....

Thats exactly what they've done. Theres been a lot of discussion on it over on the MD forums

Some people are using PDA screen protectors to guard against scratches. The iPods have the same problem.
Aug 7, 2005 at 2:45 PM Post #6 of 32
Thanks for the feedback!

I charged the unit up last night and familiarized myself with configuration and playback. I agree, the OLED display is remarkable. Easily readable, great contrast, and readable from all viewable angles. Great sound from original full MD recordings as well as LP2. To me the output sounds much stronger than 5mw per channel when used with Sennheiser PX100. I too have concerns about the finish, but I'll just be careful.

One of the major advantages I like is being able to have that great screen and not have the added bulk of the remote cord. In my case, the Sennheiser has a long enough cable. If that was added to the remote cable it all ends up being a *lot* of cable to get tangled up.

So far, so good! Now on to recording!

Aug 7, 2005 at 3:10 PM Post #7 of 32
Will the RH10 (bought in Japan) work on an american OS? I don't want to exactly fork up $300 only to find out it doesn't work on my PC...
Sonicstage is known to be a nightmare...
Aug 7, 2005 at 3:39 PM Post #8 of 32

Originally Posted by z-iron
Will the RH10 (bought in Japan) work on an american OS? I don't want to exactly fork up $300 only to find out it doesn't work on my PC...
Sonicstage is known to be a nightmare...

The version of Sonic Stage which comes with Japanese versions will only work on a Japanese OS but it isn't really a problem because you can download an English version from It'll handle Japanese units too. Your biggest problem will be making the player work in English which was possible at least with the first generation hi-md units.
Aug 8, 2005 at 1:26 AM Post #9 of 32

Installed SonicStage 3.2 and transferred 5 CDs (256K) to the library in about an hour. Another 30 mins to write all contents to Hi-MD.

SonicStage ran without a hitch.

Works great, sounds wonderful, looks beautiful.

Love that OLED.

Aug 8, 2005 at 11:03 AM Post #11 of 32
If you don't know how to use one, I could use yours for you
But seriously with what I have read about these from the various reviews there isn't much to hate if you are willing to adapt to the format, i.e. sonic stage and slow md transfers. Apart from that SQ wise it seems to be good although I've never heard one. I'm eyeing for a NetMD at the moment....
Aug 8, 2005 at 11:12 AM Post #12 of 32
I think my NH1 (well, technically, my partner's) will be used exclusively for recording lecturers only.
so it's pretty much, record lecture, go home, transfer, erase, repeat.

But recording IS the thing that this little bugger can do best, isn't it, so if I use it for recording only, it's not really an overkill/waste of what it's capable of?
Aug 8, 2005 at 11:19 AM Post #13 of 32
Yea I agree the MD format is best utilized when used for recording. I'm still using a first generation MD at the moment yet I've never recorded a lecture or bought a mic. Never thought it would be useful as all I do just jot down notes on the lecture notes themself.

If if you never utilize the recording functions it still is a great player but better 'value' can be found elsewhere possibly and its a matter of taste. Personally I would prefer to have something different from the ipod-esque crowd in the sea of white cables.
Aug 8, 2005 at 1:28 PM Post #14 of 32
Been using MD for live recording since the inception. Received a lot of inquiries and interested glances when the MZ-1 was in use. Had to time things just right to maximize disk space, yet be able to change disc and battery in-between songs. This was when blanks cost about $12USD each. Yikes.

Can't wait to try the RH10 on a live recording session. No changing batteries, no changing discs. Ahhhhh.......

Now if we can only get the Hi-MD blanks down to less than $2USD each!


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