My Very Low Budget Nearfield Desktop Rig (Lepai amp and Dayton Audio speakers)
Jul 17, 2015 at 4:54 PM Post #182 of 193
  will this setup be better than M-AUDIO AV-40's ?

i'd say as i always do "it depends"
i've had a few powered monitors, and not i have a pair of micca-covo-s's , and the lepai, and i enjoy the flexibility having a separate amp 
and speakers. 
as for sound wise, like i said before, it depends, on your taste, what what gear you have
i will say though, i had the av-30's, and they were very nice 
Jul 17, 2015 at 4:59 PM Post #183 of 193
i'd say as i always do "it depends"

i've had a few powered monitors, and not i have a pair of micca-covo-s's , and the lepai, and i enjoy the flexibility having a separate amp 
and speakers. 
as for sound wise, like i said before, it depends, on your taste, what what gear you have

i will say though, i had the av-30's, and they were very nice 
I wanted to know if there was any major difference in the way they sound, and I listen mostly to heavy metal / djent music so basically, I'm not looking for much bass . I'm looking for a balanced sound, and a wide frequency response
Jul 17, 2015 at 5:42 PM Post #184 of 193
I wanted to know if there was any major difference in the way they sound, and I listen mostly to heavy metal / djent music so basically, I'm not looking for much bass . I'm looking for a balanced sound, and a wide frequency response

well, i've never heard the dayton's, so it would be better if someone with the lepai and dayton's could chime in
as i said before, the av-30's were good, so i would think the 40's would be better, they are generally well regarded 
Jul 19, 2015 at 11:58 AM Post #186 of 193
had these for 1 1/2 years now? running strong. still love the sound. best purchase ive had in years XD add a sub to it and *_* Lol plannin on upgrading to some yamaha HS5's soon though 
Nov 26, 2015 at 5:22 AM Post #188 of 193
I have e10k and 14 yo creative 5.1 dt2200.... I want to finally change it to 2.0 setup. Dont care if its active or passive. Just would precer to stay below 100 usd.
I play a lot of games, watch movies and listen to game soundtracks mostly and some elctronic or chiptune. Just everything general use.

What are viable options nowadays?
That lepai 20w amp looks good and is still available in my location. But thise dayton speakers are unavailable anywhere in Poland unfortunately.
Nov 26, 2015 at 11:53 AM Post #189 of 193
Just buy any speaker with the same specs.  IMHO the "Magic" of this "Rig" is  the Lepai, not the Daytons.
MY second "Lepai Rig", im using a pair of 2 Way Sony Speakrs from a broken Mini Component i found for free, sounds better than the Daytons.

Nov 26, 2015 at 12:08 PM Post #190 of 193
Thanks for anaswer. Would lepai work with those speakers ?

Those are 6ohm 70 music power 1990 sony speaker that my grandmother have in her house (in unused room). They barely got any use in last 25 years.
Time seem to have taken the label but going by the look and tower they came with (lbt-v302), I think those might be aa-s302 and I found this spec online:
I guess I should just forget about them but if they are any good, would lepai be good. If not, what would ?
edit: I can also have the speakers from prism audio onyx 200. Not the big ones but the rear small ones. They seem to be IDEAL for desk. Would those play good on their own ?
Jan 28, 2017 at 3:53 PM Post #193 of 193
i just might, i'd sold my original a while back when i obtained a marantz 2216, but the 2216 isn't very practical at the desktop, for me anyway, so the marantz is moving, and i'm going to need 
a new smaller amp for my little modified jvc speakers, the only reason i haven't bought a new little chip amp is i'm curious about a mini tube amp, such as some of the appj amps

those speakers seem to scream "we want tubes" lol
if i get another lepai i'll report back, 
hope others might report back too

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