My Short Impressions: RS-1 vs. SA5000
Jan 12, 2006 at 7:25 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 61


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 20, 2005
There was no thread straightly considering RS-1 vs. SA5000 so here's one.


I borrowed a pair of RS-1s from another local headphone freak today to compare them with SA5000. I've now listened to them over two hours straight switching back and forth between RS-1 and SA5000. I think I can give my impressions now.

Here's some background:

Both of the headphones are well broken in. RS-1 are bought almost 1,5 years ago and they've been in daily use all the time. I'm the third owner of these SA5000s and I have over 100 hours with them now. I think the previous owners gave them at least 200 hours altogether. Anyway I haven't noticed any changes in SA5000s sound during the time I've owned them.

Equipment used: Look at my sig. Must add that I have crossfeed plugin in use.

Music listened: All kind of rock/metal/heavy

So I'll keep it short. I'm not good at writing long analyzes.


I've auditioned this same pair before at the owner's apartment with different source and interconnects (some older Wadia CDP) but now I wanted to give them a try with my own rig.
  1. Has definitely wider soundstage than SA5000. The difference is quite clear. Soundstage isn't all so important with rock music though but I still liked RS-1s soundstaging better. I think it's due to wider soundstage that positioning is also better with RS-1. Nothing so spectacular than with K701 for example but still good.
  2. It's brighter than SA5000. High end has definitely better extension than with SA5000. With a couple of tracks RS-1 maybe crossed the border and made the most highest higs sound SLIGHTLY piercing.
  3. Has somewhat more clear sound. This is hard to explain but somehow the music just sounds more clear with them. It's most probably due the brighter sound of RS-1 (pretty obvious
  4. Makes SA5000 sound dark(!!!) The difference in brightness is so clear that SA5000 really sounds somewhat dark. Of course if I'd now pick up 650s they'd sound very bright again but when comparing these two it really is like that.


I've now had these for about two months and I like them very much. SA5000 is the reason I sold my HF-1.
  1. SA5000 isn't said to be superfast and accurate without reason. They really are that. RS-1 is beaten in these qualities even though they are fast also. SA5000 is just top notch when talking about speed and accuracy. I mean... when music stops it really stops like it'd hit the wall when using SA5000. This is very good quality with rock/metal/heavy music.

    [size=xx-small]To all of you who have watched anime called Hajime no Ippo: SA5000s speed and accuracy is like evolved version of Ippo's Dempsey Roll. It can stop its motion and go the other way with a speed of lightning.
  2. Bass impact and the amount of bass is better with SA5000. It hits you harder and with better body. RS-1 is clearly inferior in this area. SA5000s bass also goes deeper. Actually it's better in every way.
  3. Electric guitars and basses... this is the quality which I love most in SA5000. Electric guitars and basses just have the body and balls (if you know what I mean). SA5000 does incredibly good job in this area and outperforms RS-1. I think this is due the bass qualities of SA5000. Some people would still like RS-1s brighter and maybe more clear guitars and basses.

So here it is in a nut shell. Hope this helps those who have hard time deciding between these two. I really can't say which one is better or worse. If I'd have more dough in my pocket I'd definitely get them both.

Feel free to ask any questions though I have to return RS-1s tomorrow.


UPDATE 25.01.2006

So now I've listened my own pair for three days and made some comparisons to SA5000. Now my impressions differ little bit from the earier ones. Could it be that different pair of RS-1's sound different?

Soundstage: Now I definitely find SA5000's soundstage wider than RS-1's when it was the opposite with my friends RS-1's. SA5000 has slightly wider soundstage but there's not any big differencies here.

Brightness: RS-1 is still clearly brighter and the high end extends better than with SA5000. First it was even slightly too bright for my taste but I think my ears have got used to it now.

Bass: SA5000 has punchier bass but now I think that the depth is quite the same in both of them. SA5000 has just slightly larger amount of bass so it hits you harder. Speed is quite the same after all.

Details: SA5000 wins this round (not a surprise). RS-1 has nice details also but with SA5000 you just hear it all.

Speed: The difference is not so big after all but SA5000 is still a little bit faster. Read my earlier impressions about it.


What I love most in RS-1's sound is the energy and the liveliness. They sound so crystal clear and really makes my foot tapping. It's just pure fun listening to them. I think I finally understand what it means when people are saying that Grados sound like you'd play with the band when other headphones put you in the crowd. SA5000 does better job with electric guitars generally but if you have a track with a lot of guitar rift then I prefer RS-1 'higher' tone to SA5000 'lower' tone. It makes those tracks sound clearer.

What I love most in the SA5000 is their detailness and analytical touch to the music. I can hear all the details I could ever imagine. Then there is the electric guitars which could be considered as the base line of rock music. SA5000 does just great job with them. You can read more above. SA5000 also gives me a better illusion of being inside the music. Or maybe I could just say that SA5000 has better positioning than Grados. This is probably due the wider soundstage.

I've had some serious thoughts of keeping them both
but my wallet has taken some serious damage lately and it's still recovering. What to do? I don't know.
Jan 12, 2006 at 8:21 PM Post #2 of 61

Originally Posted by Patu
[*]Electric guitars and basses... this is the quality which I love most in SA5000. Electric guitars and basses just have the body and balls

Wow! Body and balls is one of the reasons I've kept my RS-1 for so long... The SA5000 must be awsome with electric guitars and basses if they beat RS-1
Jan 12, 2006 at 8:46 PM Post #3 of 61
I have RS-1s, 580s and Stax 303s and I purchased the SA-5000s with high hopes. They are gorgeous looking headphones, and made out of very cool materials, and have been getting some pretty good praise (although some remarks are controversial, but I guess all the good headphones get that).

Unfortunately, mine had hardly any bass at all! I couldn't believe it. I'm talking extension and punch. Nothing was there. I left them running for two days in hopes they would loosen up, but no change... I tried them with an Earmax Pro, a RSA Hornet, and a Grado RA-1 amp.

I think the RS-1s are the punch king, at least out of the cans I have, so I'm really surprised to hear your impressions that the SA-5000s had more bass. Maybe its the shape of my ears, or I got a bad pair. The bass was so lean, I did wonder if there was something wrong with them. I didn't want to spend a lot of time messing around with them, since I'm already pretty satisfied with my other cans and didn't really need a new set (damn that one click button on Amazon), so I just sent them back.
Jan 12, 2006 at 8:57 PM Post #4 of 61

Originally Posted by gordie
I think the RS-1s are the punch king, at least out of the cans I have, so I'm really surprised to hear your impressions that the SA-5000s had more bass. Maybe its the shape of my ears, or I got a bad pair. The bass was so lean, I did wonder if there was something wrong with them. I didn't want to spend a lot of time messing around with them, since I'm already pretty satisfied with my other cans and didn't really need a new set (damn that one click button on Amazon), so I just sent them back.

That's very strange indeed. To me the difference is clear. SA5000 is better with bass. It's speed, punch, extension... everything is better.

So your pair of SA5000 wasn't completelty broke in? Maybe it's due that or then my equipment does it. Dunno.

I'll make some bass comparisons with bass heavy tracks and I'll write more about it then.


Ok I made some quick comparsions with Gorillaz - Double Bass, Röyksopp - So Easy and Rinneradio - marras. This last track has very deep bass beat and the first two are just bassy otherwise. And yes... SA5000 excels in every area. RS-1's bass sounds almost light compared to SA5000. Wonder how 650 would compare to these. I won't use them now so the comparsion would stay strictly between SA5000 and RS-1.
Jan 12, 2006 at 9:22 PM Post #5 of 61
I'll have to try and find some SA-5Ks and audition them again. Something weird is going on, as mine had hardly any bass. Some people that listened to them actually liked that, but they also said "lighter and less oppressive" (or things like that). Thanks for writing your impressions, it gives me new hope to seek out a pair to try again.
Jan 13, 2006 at 12:06 AM Post #6 of 61

Originally Posted by Patu
[size=xx-small]To all of you who have watched anime called Hajime no Ippo: SA5000s speed and accuracy is like evolved version of Ippo's Dempsey Roll. It can stop its motion and go the other way with a speed of lightning.

Very amusing analogy.
Very true, too.


Originally Posted by gordie
Unfortunately, mine had hardly any bass at all! I couldn't believe it. I'm talking extension and punch. Nothing was there. I left them running for two days in hopes they would loosen up, but no change... I tried them with an Earmax Pro, a RSA Hornet, and a Grado RA-1 amp.

I think the RS-1s are the punch king, at least out of the cans I have, so I'm really surprised to hear your impressions that the SA-5000s had more bass. Maybe its the shape of my ears, or I got a bad pair. The bass was so lean, I did wonder if there was something wrong with them. I didn't want to spend a lot of time messing around with them, since I'm already pretty satisfied with my other cans and didn't really need a new set (damn that one click button on Amazon), so I just sent them back.

Odd. When new, the SA5Ks have no bass or mid-high treble, have a huge depression in the mids, and sound awfully echoey, but once they've been broken in there is non of that, and it has some of the best bass you'll find in a sub-$1000 headphone.
Jan 13, 2006 at 2:36 AM Post #8 of 61
I ordered a pair of SA5000s today and this thread was no small reason why.

Rock makes up nearly all my music, and the can I have on the way, DT880 isn't really made for that. The Sonys will face off against the 880s and the loser will be sold, likely for a K701.
Jan 13, 2006 at 3:05 AM Post #11 of 61

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
RS-1 with wider soundstage and SA5000 with punchier bass? what planet am i on?

I'm on the same planet as you

I found the RS-1 to be a bit more punchy, and the SA5K to have an amazing soundstage. But to each their own
Jan 13, 2006 at 3:09 AM Post #12 of 61

Originally Posted by Blitzula
Do you listen to any Finnish/Swedish melodic metal like Children of Bodom/In Flames/Arch Enemy etc.? Did you use any of that in your testing if so?

I sure as heck do (though I prefer Dark Tranquillity to the bands you mentioned), and I think the SA5000 is just the thing for seperating out all the different layers of sound in such complex, fast music, and making it all more understandable and well musical. People who say metal shouldn't be listened to on hi-fi are nuts if you ask me, put most metal on a cheap car stereo and it becomes nearly unlistenable distortion (perhaps the folks who've only heard it this way just assume it could never sound any better).
Jan 13, 2006 at 3:14 AM Post #13 of 61

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
RS-1 with wider soundstage and SA5000 with punchier bass? what planet am i on?

The RS-1 having a wider soundstage is actually possible, drive it from a good tube amp and it has a pretty nice soundstage instead of the stereotypical Grado soundstage. However I agree that the SA5000 having deeper, punchier, more powerful bass is pretty, well, unusual to say the least. Either the SA5000 was a ringer & the RS-1 is a dud in the setup, the crossfeed plugin is doing something weird, or Patu hears very differently from either of us.
Jan 13, 2006 at 3:15 AM Post #14 of 61

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
RS-1 with wider soundstage and SA5000 with punchier bass? what planet am i on?

The RS-1 has louder bass, whereas the SA5k has tighter, more accurate, faster bass. If you want louder bass you can simply EQ it so the bass is louder.

The SA5k doesn't so much have a small soundstage as no soundstage at all. Sounds just happen rather than originate from a point in space. Well, unless there are sound cues built into the recording.

Well, this is all in my opinion and I'm sure some will disagree.
Jan 13, 2006 at 3:21 AM Post #15 of 61
SA5000 definitely has more bass and more bass quality than most headphones...taut...ample...DEEP and dynamic. The Bass is a living breathing muscle strung animal when you are talking about the SA5000...think middle-aged "let-yourself-go" beer slugging, flabby gutmeisters when you compare most headphones with the SA5K.

You're playing with the wrong amps if you havent heard da bass!

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