My first audiophile can, the Sennheiser 580
Nov 18, 2005 at 6:44 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23


New Head-Fier
Sep 22, 2005
I recently received my first truely audiophile quality can, the Sennheiser 580. Before that I'd only known the Koss portapros and the Grado 60. I'd like to share an e-mail I sent to a friend about my first impressions. Keep in context that I listen almost exclusively to classical music.

I'm really enjoying the new headphones. They're far better than the Grado SR60. One thing I noticed immediately is the source makes a large difference. If it's a crappy recording, it's going to sound like crap on the Sennheiser 580. But if its a superb recording.... So, I've been revisiting some albums, even ones that didn't impress me much before, and finding new detail and wonderful sonorous sound. Soft passages are incredible. Loud passages are good but a little
too overpowering for that close to my eardrum (of course I had similar feelings about the Grados being brighter) Highs are sparkling clear, but not shrill, like the Grados at times. Bass is sufficient (less than Grado maybe) but very tight. Drums hit hard and do not linger-- I've never exceperienced this on my speakers or on the other headphones till now, which is the reason why when the hammerblow came in the M6 (that's Mahler's sixth Symphony to the uninitiated) I cried out in terror and fell to the floor, as though it was the first time.
My only real gripe is a slight lack of the middle(is this the so-called
Sennheiser veil? Feels like an empty space around my eardrum at times), which I attribute to the imaging attributes of the can; soundstage is surprisingly good as a result, feels like you're in a concert hall. Also they must be driven well. Fortunately my main amp is quite sufficient, and even more efficient than with the Grados, which suprised me. (I think it has to do with voltage rather than impedance) SACD sounds incredible on these, and truely prove the limitations of my mains (speakers). But even well mastered CDs are damn good.

That's all I wrote. I hope you enjoyed it, and if anyone would like to leave their experience with the Senn 580/600 or other reccomendations feel free. Also, what level Grado do you think matches the quality of the 580?
Nov 18, 2005 at 6:51 PM Post #2 of 23

I can't want for mine. I'm rewiring my govibe for 18V in anticipation
. Its the brightest amp I have. Its also one of my most open and spatious amps (second only to my millet).

Nov 18, 2005 at 7:15 PM Post #4 of 23
I have a 580 on the way as well. My amps are an MAD EAR plusHD, and a govibe with probably too low a gain setting, as I use it mostly with Grados and ER6i's. I have read that the MAD wasn't great for the Senns, but it sounds so good on my Grado's that I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to buy another amp, I'm also interested in inexpensive recabling options. The Senns would be used for Classical/live recordings and as a gentler alternative to the Grados, so probably 30% of my listening. It replaces an AKG 401.
Nov 18, 2005 at 11:25 PM Post #7 of 23
Congrats... they were my first 'audiophile can' as well (I don't count Grado SR-60
) and quite a revelation to my ears.

IMO the dip is in mid-treble, and there's a slight low-bass rolloff as well. Some people claim boosted midbass, but in my opinion it's only a slight midbass "emphasis" due to lower bass rolloff... in other words, you notice midbass more because of the decreased low bass. Same with upper treble, IMO it's more noticeable and "sharper" sounding because of the mid-treble dip.
Nov 19, 2005 at 12:01 AM Post #10 of 23
I had a problem with the HD580 headphones.
It always sounded like the vocals were coming from the left side.

I ended up with the HD600 because I read the drivers were matched closer than the HD580s were.

Did anyone have a similar experience?
Nov 19, 2005 at 12:05 AM Post #11 of 23

Originally Posted by Parrothead
Are the 580's a good fit with an unamped Ipod? or can you recommend a good Senn that is good unamped?

580's are a terrible match for an unamped ipod! There's no way that the ipod can give them any kind of good sound quality. These phones are designed for high(er) output sources, such as dedicated or integrated amps and high-output receivers. In general most things with more than 60 ohms impedance are not suited to portable mp3 players, unless they also have a very high sensitivity (like the Shure e5c).

If you want a good Senn that can go unamped, check out the 50 ohm version of the 595. Make sure it is the 50 ohm version, though, since there is also a 120 ohm version that's too much for ipods to handle!
Nov 19, 2005 at 1:51 AM Post #12 of 23

Originally Posted by arnesto
I had a problem with the HD580 headphones.
It always sounded like the vocals were coming from the left side.

I ended up with the HD600 because I read the drivers were matched closer than the HD580s were.

Did anyone have a similar experience?

Not at all. Are you sure those HD-580s weren't faulty?
Nov 19, 2005 at 2:00 AM Post #13 of 23

Originally Posted by arnesto
I had a problem with the HD580 headphones.
It always sounded like the vocals were coming from the left side.

I ended up with the HD600 because I read the drivers were matched closer than the HD580s were.

Did anyone have a similar experience?

No... sounds to me like you had a faulty pair.
Nov 19, 2005 at 6:23 AM Post #14 of 23

Originally Posted by catscratch
580's are a terrible match for an unamped ipod! There's no way that the ipod can give them any kind of good sound quality. These phones are designed for high(er) output sources, such as dedicated or integrated amps and high-output receivers. In general most things with more than 60 ohms impedance are not suited to portable mp3 players, unless they also have a very high sensitivity (like the Shure e5c).

If you want a good Senn that can go unamped, check out the 50 ohm version of the 595. Make sure it is the 50 ohm version, though, since there is also a 120 ohm version that's too much for ipods to handle!

Where can you find the 50ohm version of the 595? On the Headroom site I only see the 120ohm version, at least thats what it looks like in the fact sheet.
Nov 19, 2005 at 6:31 AM Post #15 of 23
i very much enjoy the Senn 600, which is very similar to the 580. to me they are very tonally balanced and are kind of like HP-2 Jr, though a couple notches down in most regards from the Joe Grados. the only complaint i have is that the soundstage seems to be broken into few discrete points instead of a continuous field, but it's not really bothersome.

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