My brand new rig is coming!!!
Mar 31, 2010 at 4:41 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 25


500+ Head-Fier
Dec 11, 2009
My STAX is here!!! Wow it looks a lot better in person. I thought this phone will be my worst looking phone but clearly it's not

Out of the box everything is so cool. I put it in, w/ iPhone 3GS as a source and 320kbps songs and I notice almost right away that detais are way better than my D7000.

High is pretty harsh, not really harsh but clearly not as smooth as that of D5000 or D7000.

I'm not really into the music right now because I'm having an exam in 4 hrs so...

I'm still waiting for a Gamma-2 (y2), a headphone stand from Larry and a new laptop all coming this week.

Will keep you guys updated with pics and thought

Last words: Damn! When I'm typing this I'm realizing how much vocal I have been missing w/ D5000 and D7000. The mid is way better here on SR-202


This STAX has jaw-dropped high resolution for a newbie like me. I heard so many thing I have never heard before included slight static noises and distortions in some songs. I was shock with D5000/D7000 resolution level but compared to SR-202 they are clearly not in the same class.

And there is something is so obvious with the STAX which I don't know how it is called using sound term. It's about the volume level variation. With the SR-202 the dB difference between notes are wider. Strong guitar pickings sound noticeably louder than weak ones. That also apply to other instruments and vocal. It's not frequency's peak since it happens at various frequency range. That stuff is so new to me

The high seems to be improved. High piano notes sound sparklingly in a good way. The high is not as smooth as that of Denon but I'm never the fan of too smooth high.

The phone is so comfort. I find it more comfortable than both Denon. The Denon are comfort but easy to fall of when you lay down your back on the couch.
Mar 31, 2010 at 4:44 PM Post #2 of 25
I understand your enthusiasm and good luck with the exam.
Mar 31, 2010 at 4:46 PM Post #3 of 25
Looking forward to hearing your impressions. I have a D2000 and am also looking at this Stax setup (and a few others) so any comparison between the D2000/5000/7000 would help out a lot. Enjoy!
Mar 31, 2010 at 5:09 PM Post #4 of 25

Looking forward to your impressions and pictures. In the meantime do not conclude anything ("High is pretty harsh") before your have spent some more hours with them.
Mar 31, 2010 at 7:05 PM Post #6 of 25
Thats great! I hope you enjoy them

Pelase post some impressions and pictures when you get around to it. I would try not to form too many conclusions until you have spent some solid time listening to them.
Apr 1, 2010 at 12:54 AM Post #8 of 25
Yup! STAX and an argument w/ girlfriend today
affected my exam performance today. I lost a chance to get an A in that subject
Apr 1, 2010 at 1:35 AM Post #10 of 25
Lol congrats on the purchase
And sympathy to your exam :p Stats look interesting, might look into them someday.
Apr 1, 2010 at 1:41 AM Post #11 of 25
I'm curious, could you make a comparison on how the stax handles the low end frequencies compared to your denons? I Always wanted to try a setup but they seemed too foreign for me.
Apr 1, 2010 at 3:41 AM Post #12 of 25
SillyHoney, congrats! Looking forward to your review. If possible, please comment on why you chose this model over others. I've never heard a Stax setup so I'm curious.
Apr 1, 2010 at 4:21 AM Post #13 of 25
The reason is pretty plain and simple: It's an entry level and I'm a starving student

I'm using U.S outlet 110V straight off right now. Everything is fine except the amp is pretty warm
Is it ok or I should buy an adapter right away?

Quick impression: This phone is so revealing. It kicks my old D7000 (which for me was so revealing) out of the water details wise
I hear static and distortion in some favorite songs I never heard before
The Gamma-2 is coming too late
Apr 1, 2010 at 5:10 AM Post #14 of 25
I have the portable Stax and it just about blows any other headphone I have out of the water! There is something very special about the stax sound, I am not sure how to explain it other than one feels like your part of a really good secret that not many people get, like your ahead of the game and few get that you are!

I can't wait to get a full size set later this year (A new Rolex purchase has put headphone shopping on hold till October
) but until then I do not feel I am suffering too much

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