Muddy mids on 880 - HiFi+ Review...
Feb 12, 2006 at 7:49 PM Post #76 of 106

Originally Posted by Beagle
According to you. According to me, 90% of Head-Fiers are also wrong. But we are "right" for our own listening criteria. How's that? Let's just agree to disagree here shall we?

Gader didn't write the review.Thanks, but I doubt anybody here cares about discussing the opinions of qualified magazine reviewers, unless the reviews agree exactly with their own views (then they'd say the writer was God). Otherwise it is rather pointless.

Well, this thread has racked up a fair number of viewings and postings to date maybe some people here are interested in discussing the opinions of 'qualified' magazine reviewers (what qualification would that be exactly?

To turn your final observation on its head...what is the point of Head-Fi?
Feb 12, 2006 at 7:56 PM Post #77 of 106

Originally Posted by spike33
fewtch, HD650 is about as comfortable as K501, clamp force is nowhere near as high as HD580. I'm really impressed with the improvement.

Here's one who continues to be impressed.
Feb 12, 2006 at 9:04 PM Post #78 of 106
I think that sometimes, some of the stuff that is written in hifi magazines is just plain wrong. I have heard some products described by magazines in certain ways, and just thought: "did you really actually listen to this thing?"

At the end of the day, joe public will never truly know what some of their agendas are, but i think its possible that advertisers (i.e. the maker of products featured in the rags) will pay the magazines to write certain things. The more financial clout, the more likely it is. I bet Bose products get excellent reviews all over the internet, but we on here know different, right?
Feb 12, 2006 at 10:06 PM Post #79 of 106

The more expensive £310 Grado SR325i on the other hand was, due to its higher price, more involving with instrumental timbre and musical timing, providing a dynamic synergy with the Vivaldi piece.

Hehe, brilliant
Feb 12, 2006 at 10:17 PM Post #80 of 106

Originally Posted by JohanK
Hehe, brilliant

Actually I hadnt noticed that, but that is quite funny. Thing is though, Grados are artificially highly priced in the UK... in actual fact in the US, the 880 is probably regarded as a higher model than the 325!

More proof if it were needed that one should not take their reviews as gospel
Feb 13, 2006 at 12:29 PM Post #81 of 106

Originally Posted by pbirkett
Actually I hadnt noticed that, but that is quite funny. Thing is though, Grados are artificially highly priced in the UK... in actual fact in the US, the 880 is probably regarded as a higher model than the 325!

More proof if it were needed that one should not take their reviews as gospel

Seconded. The worst publication in the UK for this must surely be 'What Hi-Fi?'. They can't be taken seriously when they dish out so many 5 star reviews, especially if its anything to do with Ipod.

FWIW, I actually do enjoy Hi-Fi World magazine because they review some interesting equipment, especially on the vinyl and valve side of things. And they usually do their own measurements (though not with this review unfortunately).

Still, as we head-fi'ers aren't as 'qualified', we shouldn't question them eh?
Feb 14, 2006 at 12:59 AM Post #82 of 106
If you do get a pair of 650s, break them in properly and listen to them long enough to get used to the different balance, you will probably have a hard time ever going back to the 880. You will be hearing further into the recording than ever before. The tonal balance (amt of treble and bass relative to the mids) of any headphone is something a person must get used to whenever they are new to a headphone. Come from an 880 and a 650 will initially sound dull, go from the 650 to the 880 and at first you have a very bright sounding phone.

I might even say I like the tonal balance of the 880 better than the 650, as I usually like a bright balance. But the 650 has much better resolution. And it's also more involving. I wanted very much to like the 880, but it turned out to be a dissapointment. I expected something (from reading this forum) that would be as good or better than the 650 in terms of clarity, but that was not the case, really it is not even close. And I missed the musical quality of the 650. On the 650 instruments sound very much like what they are. The timbre of most instruments on the 880 is not nearly as good. The piano sounds very plastick-y to me on the 880. Nice in certain ways, but not natural.

From the Hi Fi review of the new 880 model it sounds like they have made some improvements in the bass. That is a good thing because the model I have (2004-2005?) just does not time or resolve well. That's why Naim and Linn people don't like this headpphone. The 650 in comparison is a speed demon in the bass. In the mids too. The added warmth in the midrange on the 880 also seems to effect the timing.

It would be great if someone made a better all round dynamic headphone than the 650 but I don't think it has happened yet. You might find a phone that does one or two things better than the 650 but then it does six other things worse. So what's the point? I may not listen to my 650s too much right now but I would never get rid of them as I know I will eventually go back, as most people do.

Also, the Senn 600 and 650 are often used to monitor classical recordings when they are being made. This has been the case for years. I've never heard of anyone monitoring serious recordings with an 880 or a Grado. Please think about this and what the reasons for using the Senns might be.

Feb 14, 2006 at 1:07 AM Post #83 of 106

Originally Posted by JayGee
And I missed the musical quality of the 650. On the 650 instruments sound very much like what they are. The timbre of most instruments on the 880 is not nearly as good. The piano sounds very plastick-y to me on the 880. Nice in certain ways, but not natural.

I'm afraid that given your DT880 impressions, I cannot take anything you say seriously.

I disagree with you completely that instrument tonality is off (and so does everyone else who has heard the DT880, so I'm not alone!). Piano in particular is one of the strong points of the DT880 IMO, there's no plasticky quality and it sounds more natural to me than the K501 (or any other headphone I've listened to, for that matter). My guess is that whatever source you're using has faulty tonality, and the highly revealing nature of the DT880 is simply showing it to you (where the HD650 is not).

You've really got to stop making these subjective declarations, and acting as if they're objective, factual truth. Believe me, you will be called on it every time you do it, people are not stupid like you seem to think they are.

Given your faulty impressions of the DT880, this convinces me more than ever not to bother trying the HD650, as I think it's masking flaws in your source/amp that the DT880 reveals. Get that wax out of your ears (and more importantly, your brain).


Originally Posted by JayGee
It would be great if someone made a better all round dynamic headphone than the 650 but I don't think it has happened yet.

Fanboy alert. Congratulations on joining the ranks of such "luminaries" as drarthurwells. You're well on the way to not being taken seriously by anybody -- here's hoping people wise up to you quickly, and put you into their ignore lists. It's a shame though, because some newcomers are inevitably going to be fooled and end up getting a headphone that may not be right for them.
Feb 14, 2006 at 2:05 PM Post #84 of 106

I was thinking that perhaps behind that stupid attitude there lurked a brain.

Boy was I wrong.

You can't get beyond trying to have this be some kind of a pissing contest. I really pity people like you, because boards like this one on the the internet are probably the one place in this world where you can convince yourself you are cool. But you are not convincing others, except perhaps for a couple of 12 year olds who might share your pea-brain mentality.

You obviously have one very limited set of ears, and judging you for the way you communicate, limited learning and reasoning capacity. That's why you cling to your myopic views. You would rather defend your pathetic little wad of poor sound than open yourself up to anything better. You try to insult those you disagree with and somehow see yourself as the spokesperson for some little crew of badboys. Wow, you are actually so insecure you can't even pose on the net as a real man, you need to hint at some kind of mob mentality that is backing you up.

Anyway, I've had my morning fun. I'm not going to read this post anymore so you are free to say what you wish. Just remember that the more you say the less people are going to think of you. Because I gave you away, and you don't have the IQ not to buttress everything I've said.

Have fun, show everyone how cool you are

Feb 14, 2006 at 2:19 PM Post #85 of 106
Did I hear a sound coming from under that rock over there?

Man, it's weird when someone picks a headphone to flame and then does it repeatedly over a large number of threads, including starting a thread like this to add fuel to the fire.

Fanboyism I can understand, but when somebody also consistently knocks a specific headphone (the normal response is to ignore something that isn't of interest) it's just bizarre. Head-Fi certainly gets all kinds.
Feb 14, 2006 at 2:21 PM Post #86 of 106

I've never auditioned the 650, and can't possibly compare it to the 880, except to say that the 880 is not lacking in clarity or resolution, IMO. You may very well be right in everything you say.

But, you must realize that you are an 880 fanboy.
Feb 14, 2006 at 2:22 PM Post #87 of 106
Jay Gee, you are coming across as a total muppet. Chill out ***.

I doubt that insulting other people on here who just happen to disagree with you about something rather trivial in the scheme of things is going to win you many friends in the long-term. Reading profiles might help, too.

That's it, nothing more to say on the matter.
Feb 14, 2006 at 2:27 PM Post #88 of 106

Originally Posted by Xplo
But, you must realize that you are an 880 fanboy.

Maybe so, but you'll never catch me making a comment like this...


Originally Posted by JayGee
It would be great if someone made a better all round dynamic headphone than the 650 but I don't think it has happened yet.

To me, the true fanboys believe their headphone (amp/source) of choice is *objectively* the best in existence. I would not claim that about the DT880. There's a big difference between liking a headphone (even to an extreme extent) and believing that everyone else should like it just as much.
Feb 14, 2006 at 2:36 PM Post #89 of 106

Originally Posted by Xplo

I've never auditioned the 650, and can't possibly compare it to the 880, except to say that the 880 is not lacking in clarity or resolution, IMO. You may very well be right in everything you say.

But, you must realize that you are an 880 fanboy.

Have to agree, in the nicest poss way.
Feb 14, 2006 at 5:34 PM Post #90 of 106
Interesting thread.

*continues to fan the flames*

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