MTV Anniversary; A Poll
Aug 2, 2001 at 5:05 PM Post #16 of 27

Is MTV holding guns to the heads of teenagers and forcing them to watch their channel and buy that crap? You have the theory of
supply and demand backwards. Supply shows up after demand

MTV is advertising for crap product and it creates demands for it. No it is not holding a gun to the heads of youngsters but it is telling them that this crap is cool which is just as bad. MTV makes money off this garbage so the more the merrier. Actually 95% of television is horrendous garbage. Best to tune out and listen to your favourite music.
Aug 2, 2001 at 5:18 PM Post #17 of 27
I was watching the 20th Anniversary Live and Almost Legal special on MTV last night with my gf (She didn't want to do anything fun, but we dont' have to get into that now). It was just plain bad. They had a lot of really big-name stars that I wanted to see perform, or so I thought. Red Hot Chili Peppers were horrible, did anyone see them? What were they wearing, and I think they could all use a haircut as well. Anyway, they had the original 5 VJs on. It was kinda sad actually because I don't think most of them ahve done anything since they were on MTV 20 years ago.

Neil, I know exactly what you're tlaking about. This band I think it's called Sub 141 played last night, I don't think they're any older than 16. They are a bunch of punk kids with guitars (they can play pretty well at least) but they weren't cool until Tommy Lee came out to play drums for them and they started doing covers by bands like the Beastie Boys, it was very weird. Some guy from Judas Priest came out to sing with them and said they would be the next heavy metal band, I'm sorry but he HAD to have been paid to make those statements. Bands like Judas Priest and Motley Crue wouldn't associate with let alone play with these kids unless $$$ was involved.
Aug 2, 2001 at 5:27 PM Post #18 of 27
what pisses me off about mtv is that every time i'm in times square there's always a huge crowd of prepubescent idiots occupying the sidewalk screaming about the pubescent idiots on TRL, forcing pedestrians, like myself, to walk into the middle of the traffic filled streets.
Aug 2, 2001 at 9:57 PM Post #19 of 27
"Some guy from Judas Priest came out to sing with them and said they would be the next heavy metal band, I'm sorry but he HAD to have been paid to make those statements. Bands like Judas Priest and Motley Crue wouldn't associate with let alone play with these kids unless $$$ was involved."

Sorry, this one makes me laugh. Have our standards sunk so much that we look back FONDLY on Motly friggin' Crue and Judas Priest? Is that now considered good music? Yes, money is involved in a sense. These old guys have no audience anymore and they need to try to get over with the younger generation in any way they can. They'll hitch their wagons to whomever seems even slightly descended from their sound.

Whether you want to accept this or not, 15 years from now, the youth of today will be looking back on Sum 41 (or whoever they are), and saying "God, they just don't make bands like that anymore!"

You can't really choose the bands whose songs get associated with your youth, it just sort of happens. Hell, in my youth it was all that dreadful New Wave (that I still like BTW, but wouldn't suggest that most of it is really "good music").

You end up getting misty over "She Blinded Me With Science". It will happen to you, too.

Aug 2, 2001 at 10:11 PM Post #20 of 27
I honestly couldn't even identify a single song by Judas Priest or Motley Cru, I just don't listen to them, I'd prefer Guns N' Roses, or Ozzy. But I know that they are much more respected as rock stars than whoever this band is will ever be.

I know what you mean about gettin getting teary eyed over music that isn't your favorite. Music can bring back such memories whether the music itself is good or bad. That's why music is so awesome, it's also why I like a lot of popular music because chances are it was being played at some event that I will then remember when I hear that song again. I also listen to tons of stuff that isn't so popular, whatever floats your boat.

Happy Listening
Aug 3, 2001 at 12:27 PM Post #21 of 27

Whether you want to accept this or not, 15 years from now, the youth of today will be looking back on Sum 41 (or whoever they are), and saying "God, they just don't make bands like that anymore!"

The way music and ideas have been declining over the last 30 years, I'd say that's a safe bet.
Aug 3, 2001 at 12:56 PM Post #22 of 27
I only get to watch MTV a few times a year when I'm in the U.S. but in Canada our equivalent is called "Much Music". It's owned by "City TV" which IMO has pioneered television programming in many areas. City TV was the first to embrace multi-cultural on-air talent. Their chief weather reporter is in a wheelchair. They've revolutionized things like news broadcasts by having the reporters casually walking around the studio with clipboards giving the news rather than simply sitting behind a desk.

Some of you in the U.S. and Europe may have seen their world syndicated program "Fashion Television" where you can check out some beautiful semi-naked bodies at fashion shows under the pretense of "aquiring information". They were also the first to introduce "Speaker's Corner" where anyone can walk in off the street into a "photo booth", put a buck into a slot, and videotape their own personal rant about anything they want which gets broadcast several times per day. I've since seen many of City/Much's revolutionary programming ideas copied by other TV stations throughout North America.

I tend to not watch their music videos much because of the reasons given in this thread, but some of their "Up Close and Interactive" band interviews have been excellent.

Recently when U2 played Toronto, immediately after the concert the band members were whisked via limo to the Much Music studios where still sweating from their concert performance, they gave an informal one hour live interview in front of a couple of thousand admiring fans.

The young VJ who interviewed them did an amazing job of not fawning all over the band and asked some direct and off the wall questions. At one point, while the four band members and he were seated in a circle talking, with Bono seated right beside him, he point blank asked the other 3 band members "Didn't you guys just want to slap Bono in the head when he made that "Greatest Band in the World" comment at the Grammy Awards?" That took guts. After a short, shocked pause, they all cracked up laughing. It was obvious that the band members appreciated his candour and they warmed up to him immediately. It was one of the best interviews I've ever seen.
Aug 3, 2001 at 4:04 PM Post #24 of 27
I voted somewhat agree, cause despite the fact they have ****ed up alot of things, they have embraced alot of different groups and musical cultures from time to time. I remember when AMP was still on, that was such a ****ing great show (it was better when they mixed the songs AND the videos together). They had Tricky and Prodigy on fashionably loud once, and of course there was its hey day which was somewhat respectable. I really don't watch it much either, but I'm there was plenty more to respect them for.

And, I STRONGLY disagree about the video taking away from the music thing. I look at the video as an artform that compliments the music, not competing with it. Obviously, I won't blame you if your basing this entirly on MTV, like pop TRL videos, but thinking as if MTV didn't exsist at all, I find the notion of a video coupled with the music VERY interesting.

Also, check this out if your a hip hop fan (it seems to have more to do with african americans, but I'd say this is great news for real hip hop fans of ANY race):

"According to a recent poll undertaken by the National Urban League, nearly 75% of the African Americans polled say rappers don't make good role models. Even more surprising is the fact that 65% of 18-24 feel that their music is negative.. Now on the surface this seems to suggest that African Americans are getting tired of rap.. On the contrary. it may suggest that there is a serious disconnect between what corporations are marketing and what is being enjoyed and sought out by African Americans.. Many folks are growing tired of the bling bling material.. yet the bling bling is what gets played and promoted.. This is a much deeper topic.. So we will discuss this in depth next week.."

Taken from

Its about time we had a resergance in real hip hop...
Aug 3, 2001 at 4:15 PM Post #25 of 27
I don't like watching MTV because of all their lame TV shows like the Real World, although some of them are funny, like Jackass, and while Undressed is one of the worst shows on television, it can be fun to watch with your significant other... Anyway. I also hate the fact that if you watch MTV for any extended length of time, say being stuck at your grandmother's house for 2 weeks, you will see the exact same episodes rebroadcast over and over and over, which I guess could be good if you really want to see a show and missed it the first 7 times, but it gets old very quickly. Here's an example, that 20th Anniversary: Live and Almost Legal special is 3.5 hours long and they rebroadcast it again as soon as it was over, and I know they broadcast it the next morning too, and probably at least once since then. That's over 10 hours of a special that wasn't very good to begin with.

Personally, I prefer just watching VH-1 because they're Behind the Music, Before They Were Stars, and other specials like Top 25 One Hit Wonders are awesome!!! I have really gotten into a couple of bands because I saw those shows and the history behind the bands is always so crazy. (Anyone ever watch the simpsons where they parady Behind the Music?)
Aug 3, 2001 at 10:26 PM Post #26 of 27
We actually watched the MTV anniversary special (most of it) -- it was interesting to see all the older stuff we grew up with.

However, the best part of the entire show was when they were interviewing Dee Snyder from the band Twisted Sister. They asked him how MTV had changed since Twisted Sister was popular, and he said "Well, I can't even find a $#@&$ video on it anymore" -- at which point the interviewers quickly tried to change the subject LOL

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