Most Comfortable Open Back $200 headphones?
Apr 22, 2022 at 5:55 PM Post #16 of 20
Sennheiser HD-598 I can wear all day. No sweat. HD599 should be similar.
Apr 26, 2022 at 3:48 PM Post #17 of 20
Your issues with closed back cans I agree with. Sennheiser HD 580, or HD650 I can wear all day in total comfort. That's why I stick with them. The Drop HD 5XX is also quite good.
May 6, 2022 at 12:18 AM Post #18 of 20
I decided to go with the Audio-Technica ATH AD900X.
And they do fit the bill of little pressure and no sweat - thank you pbui44!

To continue the quest ...
- Wait, what - the list price is $300 ??? I mean they are pretty nice for $150, but for $300 I would question the entire audiophile world.
- My laptop audio output sucks (Dell XPS). My desktop too, although not as bad (maybe because of additional space between d/a converter and CPU?). I could always hear these crazy beeps and whoops when connecting without audio playing, but while I couldn't hear them while music is playing, I didn't know that it leads to feeling annoyed when listening to music for a while. Even with the more comfy cans I didn't listen for even an hour. When I received my Dac Amp (iFi Hipdac v1) it made such a difference! I really hope that some random folks stumble over this post. If you are ok with the comfort of your headphones, but feel that the sound should be better: Go with a Dac/Amp or Dac + Amp next. The dirty signal from interference is, as I understand now, the worst offender in music enjoyment. Bluetooth is a different story of course. I can finally enjoy music again for hours :)
- The sound profile of the ATH AD900X out of the box is not my thing. The lows are a bit thin, but the upper mids to lower highs can get annoying if not offensive. Luckily there is Equalizer APO (for Windows). I found it a pain to install because there where some Soundcard related apps running which prevented the equalizer from functioning. Now my 3.5mm audio jack doesn't work any longer, but the iFi Dac sounds a lot better. Can't have everything I guess :wink:
- The feeling of the AD900X on my ears, while not uncomfortable, does not feel luxurious. Guess that contributes to my "What, $300"? It's a bit like having a 2 days old loaf of white bread on my ears. Would a pair of nice Dekoni earpads fix that issue?
- What will be the next step up? Not something which may sound better and cost double, but something which is worth upgrading for.
May 6, 2022 at 12:08 PM Post #19 of 20
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