Mid-level IEM recomendation wanted
Jan 26, 2006 at 9:12 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17


500+ Head-Fier
Jan 26, 2006
Hi. I'm just getting into the IEM space and have listened to a few already such as the Shure E4C's and Ultimate Ears Super.fi 5 EB's without much amazement. My normal headphones are full size Sony MDR-7506 cans with amazing sound resolution and exceptional bass response. Maybe I'm trying to hard to get this quality of sound out of an IEM because I continually go back to the Sony's after trying a new pair for comparison and I just don't want to take them off!

The Shure E4Cs have a harsh yet empty and hollow feeling sound to them with less than stellar bass while the Super.fi 5 EBs was the opposite extreme; gobs of booming bass down low, a non existent midrange and muddy highs, on the whole a very muffled sound I was very unhappy with. I did however like the fit of the Super.fi's much better than the hard-to-insert Shures which, regardless of the tip, just dont want to stay sealed for long.

I hear the Super.fi 5 Pros are much better than the EB's but I'd like a firsthand opinion on that if possible. I've looked at the Etymotic 4 and 6i's but finding bass to be relatively low in the Shures, i dont think I could live with the Etys. Sound isolation isn't critical for me either. How about UM-1/2's? My budget is $200. Thanks.
Jan 26, 2006 at 10:15 PM Post #2 of 17
Your going to have to pay a LOT to match the sonys with an IEM. Probably over 500 or 600 dollars. My advice would be to splurge on the ue-10s, and never have to buy headphones again. They are as---*perfect*---as non-electrostatic headphones get.
Jan 26, 2006 at 10:17 PM Post #3 of 17
Looking at your post, you've probably already spent almost a thousand dollars on midrange IEMs that you are dissatisfied with. And you will continue to do so. I would never buy ue10s, but they sound like a worthy investment for you.
Jan 26, 2006 at 10:19 PM Post #5 of 17
To my ears, the UM2s and ER4Ps both outperform the V6/7506s by such an incredible distance they aren't even in the same ballpark.
Jan 26, 2006 at 10:45 PM Post #6 of 17
Jan 26, 2006 at 11:25 PM Post #7 of 17
I would say to try the E5c's! they are the closest IEM's that I have heard, that can rival full sized cans.

You might want to wait for the new E500's to, I beleive they will be even better than the E5c's, as they will have three drivers!
Jan 26, 2006 at 11:36 PM Post #8 of 17
UM2 should be considered if you are going unamped but they can be difficult to get a good seal with. I recommend ordering the Shure fit kit along with them if you decide to go that route. I can also give you a good tip for a triflange mod if you want, which is the only tip I can get a proper seal with.

If you can be patient the E500 sounds like it will be the best bang for buck and you have till May to save up for the likely $400-$500 price tag.
Jan 27, 2006 at 12:31 AM Post #9 of 17

Originally Posted by creyc
Sound isolation isn't critical for me either.

Then forget about IEM's. The whole reason for existance of IEM's is their sound isolation. If you don't need that, you wasted your money.
Jan 27, 2006 at 12:55 AM Post #10 of 17
Not everyone wants to carry around full sized headphones "portably". Besides, I find it difficult to use full sized headphones while lying on the bed, which is the main time that I pay attention to the music and thus the main time that SQ actually matters (the other time being when I'm just sitting for an extended period of time while waiting for class).
Jan 27, 2006 at 12:55 AM Post #11 of 17
thanks, and i think you missed my point on that comment warpdriver. I meant its not a real factor in choosing which IEM. I wont take an Etymotic over a Shure ONLY because the Ety has better isolation. I care more about sound production than sound isolation is all. And I really dig the small size and supposedly good sound quality compared with other small headphones, like earbuds.

UM2's are going in the bag of things to look for, but that is defintely at the upper end of my budget. I got into the notion of spending roughly $100 and of course it happens every time, you end up paying 3 times what you initially planned on. hehe. thats the price to pay for good audio though.

It will be un-amped, yes, and and good fit is important. I have a heck of a time trying to make the E4C's fit well and still be comfortable while I have no troubles with the larger size of the Super.fi 5 EBs.
Jan 27, 2006 at 2:47 AM Post #12 of 17
Why don't you just get a Sennheiser PX100 for portability. The IEM's are not going to sound like the 7506/V6. Why spend hundreds of dollars for the best IEM when you can get better sound out of a small headphone amp and a cheaper pair of over the head type?
Jan 27, 2006 at 6:51 PM Post #13 of 17
Nice suggestion craftech, i've heard good things about the PX100's but unfortunately some of the places/activities I plan on using the IEM's would mean wearing them under a helmet, such as mountain biking and snowboarding. (away from other people and traffic, before anyone mentions)

So I'd really like something tiny. I don't think I want to splurge for the UM2's, as I'll only be using them for a fraction of the time I use full size headphones and to me thats just not worth it. I suppose I can live with the E4C's. I'm gonna order a pair of Super.fi 5 Pros' though and give them a shot as I've heard good things and they certainly can't be worse than the 5 EBs.
Jan 28, 2006 at 4:42 PM Post #14 of 17
I wear my ER-6 under helmets all the time, motorcycle and bicycle. Sound quality is 'acceptable' to me. It's such a low fidelity situation that you're never going to be getting really good sound on the move, wind noise in the wires, traffic, etc. For listening on my bed I like the HD280s, they clamp well enough that they don't move around. When I'm all alone I like the Grados. When I'm on the move I like the super-fi 3s. When I need more isolation and stealth I like the ER-6. Even though these phones all have vastly different signatures, I enjoy listening to them all. It's about the music after all.
Jan 28, 2006 at 10:46 PM Post #15 of 17
I started out on V6's as well.

I haven't heard the E4c, but the Etymotics ER-4S with an amp sound the closest to a speaker listening experience that I've ever heard. They sound like a well-tuned recording studio monitor setup.

Also, since you like the 7506 - if you are looking for an upgrade for your closed full-size phones, give the AKG K271 a listen. The sound is in the same vein with deep but not boomy bass and slightly recessed treble. The midrange speed and treble quality is a step or two above the 7506 and is a good improvement on fast material.

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