Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE
Aug 1, 2015 at 4:37 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


Headphoneus Supremus
Oct 7, 2007
The Netherlands
I never owned a portable device (apart from a Sony Walkman in the 80's) because I never felt the use of it.

Just out of curiosity, not expecting much, I plugged my Sony MDR-Z7 in my newly bought Lumia 640 and started listening to Youtube videos and Spotify. "Pretty good sound", I was thinking and I decided to import some music to my phone. I bought an 64GB Micro SD card and soon regretted I hadn't bought a 128GB card right away, because simply put the sound I get is superior to any CD-player/ amp combo I ever had or auditioned. 
The sound is neutral, open and very natural, not a hint of grain or distortion and because the MDR-Z7 is very sensitive I never have to up the volume to the extreme, the highest volume level I ever set was 17 (out of 30 max).
The Lumia 640 is able to play every format out there, including FLAC and OGG. The standard music app XBOX music does not, but there are excellent apps out there than can without compromise. There even is an app "Teh Jukebox" that plays gapless (something Windows 8.1 does not do natively) and does this flawless with FLAC, OGG and most MP3's, unfortunately not Apple's AAC (M4a), only a few tracks play gapless, most not. But realistically there are very few albums I have that desperately need gapless playback, so this is not an issue for me. But it is nice to know that it is confirmed that Windows Phone 10 OS gets gapless playback natively. It is about time!
Although the Xbox music app plays just fine there are better music apps out there, with better interface, better handling of metadeta/tags and more features. I'll end this short review with four great music players
Teh Jukebox ($2,99)
For the music enthusiast that demands gapless playback.
Although the user interface isn't as polished as some competitors it obviously plays FLAC and Ogg gapless, but also most of the MP3's and some AAC's. That's all you need, isn't it? The app is fast and stable. it doesn't build its own library but uses the music folder of the phone and SD card, which is fine because it will always play tracks of multi disc albums in the correct order.
You can make playlists and even rename and delete files.
Core Music Player ($1,99)
My favorite player. It does not support FLAC, It also supports FLAC but although 256 KB/ps AAC is good enough for me, I cannot hear differences between this and a lossless file.
The interface is slick, the app is fast and stable, You can make use of the music folder only or you can make use of a library if you want which is build pretty quickly. It then organizes the files in the usual groups album, artist, genre etc. And also adds mini albums in the lists, which is nice. A downside is that it sorts the complete library alphabetically, including the album tracks. I prefer the tracks of an album to be sorted in the order of the album. Especially with multi-disc classical albums (like operas). It however plays the tracks in the correct order if you not open the album fist to select a track, but directly click the album to play. It then also plays multi-disc albums in the right order. (Something XBOX music and many other app do not do, they will sort the files numeric, disregarding the disc tag/metadata, so it will play track 1 of the three discs first, followed by track 2 of disc 1, 2 and three. You do not want this to happen with an opera!)
You may as well disregard the library all together and just make use of the music folder (phone or SD), which has no issues with wrong sorting.
There are many customizations, like different color themes. You can make playlists. Make use of a timer. Things I don't use btw.
ModernMusic. ($1,99)
Another slick player. 
This would be my number one player if it would be quicker in building its library. A serious annoyance is re-syncing the library, while adding only a few new tracks it completely syncs from scratch again, rebuilding the damn library track for track. Core Music Player when re-syncing only searches for new tracks and is so much faster.
And ModernMusic only makes use of a library, you cannot directly browse the music folder on the SD card or phone.
But having said that, the player is gorgeous. Also fast and stable once the library is build. The player plays multi-disc albums in the correct order
Loco Music Player (Free)
Great player. Makes use of a library and Music folder of phone, SD card and you can even choose the One Drive music folder.
Again fast and stable and the player itself is nice looking. But the library is pretty awful. When selecting artist it not only shows the artists in alphabetical order, but it directly shows every track by that artist. If you have a large library prepare yourself for endless scrolling. Yes you can select a letter for a quicker access, but still you find yourself scrolling a lot longer than with every other app out there.
Luckily you can access the music folder as well and although visually not as nice as Core Player and ModernMusic, it just works. Multi disc albums are also played in the correct order.

Aug 2, 2015 at 5:25 AM Post #3 of 11
Apparantly not.
Dec 3, 2015 at 7:09 PM Post #4 of 11
I brought a Lumia 640XL a few weeks ago mainly because it was cheap and apparently capable.
By chance I played a few tunes through some HTC earphones I had with me and was surprised to find that this has quite astounding sound quality.
As soon as I got home I tried it with my Yamaha Hph200s and was taken aback. I have to agree with wholeheartedly about the merits of this phone, the clarity, soundstage and detail are really quite shocking. It leaves my Fiio X1 way behind and indeed is far and away the best I have heard.
I have a decent CD player a td1543 dac and of course the Fiio as well as a few amps, this is substantially better than all of these.
I looked around for views on its sq and found your comments, surprising that no one else has rated this.
Feb 21, 2016 at 7:00 AM Post #5 of 11
The Lumia 640 is now available from Best Buy for $29.99, and I must say at this price it is a no-brainer. I'm listening to Spotify now, as I write this post on the Lumia itself, connected to Sony MDR-ZX770BT with aptX, and even on these basic headphones it sounds good, slightly better than when connected to my iPhone 6s Plus.

It's hard for me to tell the difference when using my JVC S400 and Fischer FA-011, both of which I briefly compared on Lumia 640 and iPhone 6s Plus, the latter of which has a pretty good DAC... Will compare to my FiiO M3 & X1 later, but given that I spent almost twice as much on my M3 as this $30 Lumia, I suspect I will be happy... :)

Also, there is apparently a system-wide EQ in the settings of the phone itself...
May 10, 2016 at 7:26 AM Post #6 of 11
I just picked up a 640 as a secondary phone, and was mucking about with some files and had the same surprise at the audio quality, then stumbled across this thread looking to see if anyone else had noticed.
It pairs very well with my Fidelio L1's.
Also, After upgrading it to Windows 10, the built-in Groove Music player plays my 24/48 ALAC files without hesitation. Dumped them straight from iTunes to the SD card and it picked them all up no worries. Also, the system-wide 7-band graphical EQ works very nicely.
For the money, there's certainly no chance of buyers remorse.
May 15, 2016 at 2:51 AM Post #7 of 11
  I just picked up a 640 as a secondary phone, and was mucking about with some files and had the same surprise at the audio quality, then stumbled across this thread looking to see if anyone else had noticed.
It pairs very well with my Fidelio L1's.
Also, After upgrading it to Windows 10, the built-in Groove Music player plays my 24/48 ALAC files without hesitation. Dumped them straight from iTunes to the SD card and it picked them all up no worries. Also, the system-wide 7-band graphical EQ works very nicely.
For the money, there's certainly no chance of buyers remorse.

Agree, it's a fine little DAP for the price, and I love that it has a system-wide EQ.  That's one thing I wish my iPhone 6s Plus had.  
I'm jealous about your upgrade, though;  when I run the upgrade advisor app from Microsoft, it tells me that my phone is upgradable but that they are "working my the carrier" to upgrade my phone, i.e., AT&T (in my case) is in charge of when I get to upgrade. :frowning2:
I'm looking forward to Windows 10 since it will enable OTG USB Audio so I can plug in my FiiO E18. 

May 15, 2016 at 3:02 AM Post #9 of 11
There are few advantages to living in Australia when it comes to technology - but not being trapped by carriers and their bogus practices and policies is one.

Nice.  Yeah, I won't complain bitterly since I paid very little for my Lumia, but I do wish our carriers here didn't have those kinds of practices. 

Do carriers lock phones at all there?  How much did you pay for your Lumia 640?
May 15, 2016 at 3:30 AM Post #10 of 11
I paid $150 AUD - carrier locked. That's the cheapest you pay here. The "Australia Tax" is as strong as ever on phones.

While mine is locked to a specific carrier, the carrier doesn't have the right to interfere with software updates
May 15, 2016 at 10:26 AM Post #11 of 11
Wow, yeah, that is significantly more as I paid $30 USD (Google tells me that's about $41.27 AUD) for mine; carrier-locked but yes, also subject to updates being blocked by the carrier.

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