MEE Audio Pinnacle P1 - $199 Dynamic Driver Flagship *Reviews 2nd Post*
Jan 2, 2017 at 3:31 PM Post #2,371 of 3,265
Jumping into the middle here, but just wanted to add, if it hasn't already been, these scale up with powerful amps well. I have a Lyr 1 and more or less plugged in the P1 out of curiosity. Lovely results. I use the Comfy tips that I think better produce bass, and the P1 becomes a far more coherent and complete listening experience. The clarity, the imaging, and separation of sounds provide a great opportunity to do some deep listening. I acknowledge that the sound is not quite organic, but also their polite sound sig and the little bit of Schiit edginess work wonders together.
Jan 2, 2017 at 4:16 PM Post #2,372 of 3,265
Well I just did a quick listen between the P1 and Andro. Volume matched via iphone 6S (too lazy to get up and grab a mojo haha) P1 requires 85/100 when Andro only needs 47-48/100. I played the 3rd movement of Mozart Piano concert no.23 by Alfred Brendel.

P1: Immediately I notice that Violin and Cello section more pronounced usually associated with more v-shaped signature. Very good detail retrieval leading to good sound stage depth. Timbre slightly off on Piano solo with little bit of metallic tinge around upper mid range notes. Very natural note decay with good instrumental separation. Convincing woodwind section. Feels like I am sitting in a good acoustically treated concert hall.

Andro: orchestra sounds well integrated. Violin and Cello section now in line with Solo Piano suggesting more neutral response. Sound stage not as deep as P1. Overall timbre is very good for multi BA but I still prefer the DD. slightly more relaxed listen compare to energetic sounding P1. Good clarity and extracts more resolution out of the recording. Reference level. Feels like I am sitting in a recording studio.
Jan 2, 2017 at 6:06 PM Post #2,373 of 3,265
FSTOP, the p1 is a good earphone and a very good value. I've owned a couple of earphones from mee audio previously and they all are good value guys at their price range. At $200 I don't have issues paying msrp which is not something I can say for many earphones I've heard.
Jan 3, 2017 at 5:04 PM Post #2,374 of 3,265
Hello fellow Pinnacle users, 
I have a little question, 
before pinnacle i was using Shure SE215 with fiio m3 or ipod video
now i am mainly using fiio x3 and pinnacle p1...
but i have a little problem...
Even with HIGH gain option is selected i have to reach 100/120 volume at least for some situations, either way i get lots of hiss, sometimes it gets in front of music i listen to. It's a little bit annoying.
What do you suggest?
I thought fiio x3 would be powerful bet it let me down.
Jan 3, 2017 at 5:15 PM Post #2,375 of 3,265
Is your FiiO X3  the original version or the FiiO X3ii?
Jan 4, 2017 at 12:59 PM Post #2,379 of 3,265
had any one try p1 with other hi fi cable ? how is it vs p1 original cable.

my original cable is damaged after 2 month 
 and meeaudio is currently out of stock, going to look for other cable  
found these cable fro​m Rhapsodio, their Pandora series cable and dark knight look nice and price around 100 usd  
and Litz Cable from campfire audio for 150 usd 
Jan 4, 2017 at 7:26 PM Post #2,380 of 3,265
  had any one try p1 with other hi fi cable ? how is it vs p1 original cable.

my original cable is damaged after 2 month 
 and meeaudio is currently out of stock, going to look for other cable  
found these cable fro​m Rhapsodio, their Pandora series cable and dark knight look nice and price around 100 usd  
and Litz Cable from campfire audio for 150 usd
Jan 6, 2017 at 1:01 PM Post #2,382 of 3,265
Almost ordered the P1 tonight but didn't go for it. I'm still a bit skeptical. I guess so many good reviews from people getting free samples always makes me wonder...

They still seem interesting tho, and price is easier than the Shure 846 I've been considering. Would be nice to get something as close as possible with better overall value.

The IE800 would have been the choice in terms of sound as I'm a sucker for soundstage and that holographic feeling approaching full size cans, but they have too many practical annoyances. People seem to like that about the P1, so who knows (I have the Havi b3 Pro1 btw and they are the kings of budget soundstage.. I'll be very surprised if the P1 can surpass them in that area)
VE Zen 2 black edition
Jan 6, 2017 at 1:22 PM Post #2,383 of 3,265
Jan 7, 2017 at 11:19 AM Post #2,385 of 3,265
Got a pair of P1's recently and I've been testing them out for a few weeks. Long story short, i'm quite impressed by them.

I feel like after a week of testing I'm comfortable commenting on their overall sound signature. To my ears they are pretty balanced with a pinch of treble emphasis and smooth but slightly dark mids. At first they sounded very muddy with harsh treble which wasn't a great experience. I resigned myself to let them burn in for 20 hours before really spending much time with them again. Things were better after the burn in but I still wasn't satisfied.
I tried all the provided tips and couldn't get one to sound how I wanted. I had a pile of other ear tips from previous IEM's and found the perfect set! It's a wide bore tip with a very loose rubber flange. It seals well without pressuring my ear and the bore is a fair bit wider than the provided tips which seems to help the mid range not sound dampened as much and take the sound to a more level field. I'm wondering if this is similar to the spiral dots I see people use a lot?
This leads me to the star of the show. Simply put, the sound stage and detail/resolution on the P1's is like nothing I've ever heard out of an in ear set. I find myself getting totally lost in the music which is the main indicator of whether I've found a set of heaphones that will stick with me. I've tried a few different sets of IEM's in the past and always got rid of them because it never felt as good as my over ear headphones. In the past, every IEM seemed to shove the sound into my brain, where as the P1 seems to somehow push it out and around my head. 
Bottom Line
What I don't like is that they are a bit brighter than I normally go for. The supplied tips seemed pretty lack luster to me. I need to spend more time with them but every one seemed to fall short in some way be it comfort or sound quality.
What I do like is the stunning sound stage and detail. This frankly evaporates any issue I have with the balance of the sound signature. When I found better tips to use the sound opened up and was much clearer. I am interested in trying some other tip options that people recommend.

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